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Can't ignore this John Dickkut of D82 or HR. Let's Talk

Some of you all know me as the girl who created the easy app sign up paper (see attached),
some may know me as having THE TOP UPVOTED POST OF ALL TIME on the Staples
Subreddit. Since corporate refuses to acknowledge what they did wrong and apologize,
and since John wants to claim that "I made my way into the former email chain" even
though he is the one who emailed me. I figured this way corporate and John can no longer
avoid the issues if I email the top 10 stores in every state that has a store. FYI roughly 360
stores, give or take are in this email. You will notice, I am not sending to my former store,
because they have been through enough! From the cashiers to the GM, they need to be
treated better, except Michael.

Let's Start,
Did you all know I created a loved easy way to help with app sign ups and it was sent all
over the company? That was me. 2 days later I was let go after Michael Cook at 1415
filmed my son. Yes you heard me. Filmed my son who is a minor. What happened to him?
oh a simple "don't do that again." I got fired because I called him out for filming someone,
a child, who is my son, which is an automatic fire able offense. Yet, he is still working at the
Boulder, Co store. Even after last year when myself and my GM let John know how Michael,
cut headsets of supervisors he didn't like, threw away their business cards (caught in 4k lol ),
hid employee purchases from employees who bought the items, that he didn't like, called
HR on someone crying in the office on their break, takes recycled electronics and resells
them on EBAY. fyi also a fire able offense, which John knew of all of these. Why may you
ask, wasn't he fired? John loves to sweep things under the rug, like when I told him Trent,
The GM at the Longmont store has made sexual advances on my employees when he was
GM at 1415, or how Trent, invited an employee (19 at the time) to come live with him and
his wife, even though she had a place of her own, or how Trent loves to text, late night and
sexual with Nahria (or Nadia, a SM at a Colorado Springs store) since they worked together.
Wonder if his wife knows that they have been texting this long and still do. lol What about
Willie, the former GM of the Thornton store, who is now acting GM of the Fort Collins store?
John, we told you how instead of the school donations going to a school, Willie instead
gave them to his church. A church which he has also intimidated some of the employees at
the Boulder store, when he worked there, to go to. Or how he would back female
employees into a corner and aggressively ask them out. John, why when I told you about all
of these, nothing was done, yet the minute I called out a 40 year old man for filming my
then 13 year old, I get let go? Oh, also something you didn't know John, so I will give you
credit on this, Nahria (Nadia) takes pictures of Confidential manager emails and sends them
to employees in other stores? Things that should be kept secret? That's how my former
employees confronted me on that lovely email that is now top on staples subreddit. lol and
you want to keep her as a manager? Wow so incompetent
Hey, shall we take a look at some other reddit posts that call out the toxicity of not just my
district, but the company? (all usernames will not be included to protect the victims.

"Low wages, verbal abuse in most copy centers by customers on the daily, many small
physical injuries if you work freight, getting yelled at about not selling protection plans in
tech, getting yelled at for not enough rewards sign ups or if you get enough you aren't
pushing something else hard enough if you work register.... it all adds up"

"I felt this I walked out and never came back after I couldn’t get a day off to go to the doctors
and it started this snowball effect. I quit and then everyone else slowly did because mainly I
wasn’t there. I was basically the biggest pillar at copy center and since I was gone everything
went up in flames. even our supervisor left after I gave her a taste of her own medicine. I had
her work Sunday on her own like they way she would call out and have me deal with it. she
couldn’t handle it at all I had picked up everything P&M lacked because our supervisor wasn’t
fit for the position."

"It's basically an established fact that this company's culture is highly toxic, but a
consequence of that is that each retail store is its own island. Your team entirely determines
your experience until you hit management level (supervisors get a taste). That's why you see
some places aren't too bad and others are total nightmares, it's all about your team. If you
like your store, good for you and congratulations, you'll still start to see what I mean over
time though, even if you have a good team and it doesn't affect you as much."

"As a manager at Staples you will be expected to toe the company line at all times, with no
input as to how you run your store. Policies are created by corporate drones who have never
worked retail, and possibly never even seen the inside of a Staples store. These policies flow
strictly top-down, with feedback not requested or desired.
As a lower manager you will be constantly micro-managed by your GM, and probably do little
to no actual management. Your days will be spent doing increasing amounts of paperwork,
training and chaperoning a disinterested and disenfranchised pool of minimum-wage
workers who really don't want to be there, and filling in for whatever department had a callout
that day. If this sounds like your next career move, I'm genuinely sorry."

"I've been an IS, Ops Supe, Tech Supe, best sales person in the store. You would think all
this means I would be a great choice for Sales Manager. I was told that my numbers need to
improve and then they would consider putting me in there training. The current sales
manager is a toxic megalomaniac who makes my day living hell. And no I hear about this
mock schedule in ACE cutting hours so significantly that there might not be a cashier? Fuck
this, tomorrow is my last day."

"Staples need for surveys is driving me insane. I’ve been threatened to be fired or written up
for not getting surveys with my name in it. The point system for it is so skewed that an eight
doesn’t count as a good survey and is still something I get scolded for. My GM has threaten
to fire our entire department(cnp) if we do not do well with surveys. He has told us that we
will be written up for not getting surveys with our names in them or just not getting surveys
at all. He has threaten to take away our bonus if we do not get enough surveys, even thought
the bonus directly comes from getting good surveys. A survey dropped tonight where the
customer gave a one with no comment on why and when looking up the order, it turned out
the customer had nothing bad to even say at pick up, but that will not stop our GM from
coming in on Monday, seeing the bad survey and proceeding to tell the entire department
that they are replaceable. Three out of the four associates there did not even work the time of
production and pick up. That will not stop our GM from threatening to write us up or to fire
us. I have been threatened to be fired four times in three weeks, threatened to be written up
five. All of the times a conversation was not had until after the threats, to which after o was
told to forget the conversation. My supervisor has been threatened to be fired three times,
and the other two associates have been threatened twice. I know he can’t actually do
anything but I’m so tired of a grown man treating multiple peoples jobs as a power move like
he’s god."

"I can’t afford lunch, my bank account is negative. I’m just sitting in my car ready to cry,
spending my lunch break putting in applications. I can’t keep up with school because I work
so much, and yet I can’t afford to eat. My next paycheck probably will barely get me out of
negatives. This isn’t worth it. I am worth more than $10 an hour. Update: paycheck did not get
me out of negatives"

"I had no idea that my mental health would suffer from working at Staples"

"GM told me she doesn't care about my mental health and she'll schedule me whenever she
wants. 😓😓"

"For context, I was told a pretty much weekly basis, that I was useless and fake and just a
number, and that I wouldn't be missed. Among many other unacceptable verbal cues."

This is just a few from the last few months! Staples, reach out to me, apologize for what you put me through!!
for 2 and a half months I have been dealing with severe depression, anxiety and now have formed PTSD!!! Yet
when asked, you guys said it wasn't my mental health (even though a therapist you guys paid for said it was to
you." Acknowledge there is something severely wrong with this company and how you treat the employees to
hold you up!! You told me I was let go due to policy, yet you have managers and supervisors going
against policy daily, and refuse to acknowledge even if it was brought to your attention. You know who I
am. You can block me, like you did on all your other social media, but I am here to stay until myself and
everyone else you have failed gets an apology for how you are failing us or have failed us! Fire John, for how
he sweeps sexual misconduct and harassment under the fug for the men! Fire Michael for every
single policy he has broken.


Some of you will disregard this as crazy, but remember Staples told me and the lawyer I wasn't crazy and
knew full well what I was doing, just like they will claim now. Don't ignore this, you may be one of the few
stores that are a family, but others in your district are suffering from poor management and corporate and that
is failing the employees. They are being taken advantage of, problems ignored because Staples doesn't want
to acknowledge that they are encouraging the problem to grow bigger. My story is just one of many. Staples
stop ignoring this and me. I just wanted a damn apology and fairness. I never said I didn't deserve what
happened to me, but you let a man who filmed my child get bopped on the nose for all the shit he has done!!!
Be fair, be just, be kind, be caring.
And for those who read this and understand, you are not alone. You are worth more than the abuse and mental
health abuse this company and your management puts you through.


Assassin Kitty

I am also attaching my story journey through reddit from last year.

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