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WhatsApp Sales Script/Dialogue

by Uche Okoro
Before we go on to how the structure of your sales script should look like, you must understand
how to qualify prospects when they contact you.

Say, for example, you're putting up the kind of content we've talked about already from the
Content Template on your WhatsApp status and someone asks you, "Please, what is this thing

What do you say?

Hold on, don't rush.

Qualify them first.

What do I mean?

Before you start running ads to drive strangers into your contact list, most people who'll contact
you are already on your contact list.

This means you know them already.

You know their behaviour. You know the kind of people they are.

Are they serious people?

Have you ever collaborated on any business or project with them?

How did they behave?

This would eventually gauge your rules of engagement with them.

Say, for example, I have a friend who likes Ponzi schemes and is a chronic gambler.

Then they see a post on my WhatsApp status about Expertnaire and just go: "Guy, what's up?
What's this?"

The easiest thing to say is, "Oh, this is Expertnaire, it's for affiliate marketing bla bla bla"


I'll just say, "Don't worry, this is not for you."

Hold on.

In your mind, I just missed an opportunity to sell, but no.

Instead, I did two things:

1. Amp up curiosity

When you tell someone something isn't for them, they want to ask why.

They want to know why you'd think so.

Then they go ahead and ask you questions like:

"What do you mean?"

"Why would you say that?"

And then I say, "You're not a serious person."

This leads to the next point.

2. Force commitment & consistency

Now, how does this work?

Unlike what people claim, most of us care about what people say or what they think about us.
If people think you're not a reliable person, there's a part of you that unconsciously wants to
prove them wrong.

This is what you've just done.

You've put them in a position where they want to prove they are reliable.

They want to prove they are serious.

They want to prove you can work with them.

This is now your cue to draw commitments out of them.

"If I sent a 1-hour video to you, will you watch it and gimme feedback in the next 1 hour?"

But that's for an unserious person.

What about a serious person?

In your bid to qualify people, also understand that it's wrong to make assumptions.

Some unserious people you know might have turned a new leaf. They might be serious now.

So, you also have to be careful about this.

But make sure you work on drawing out a commitment from your prospects.

What about someone who has heard about Expertnaire before, or who has seen your

You just continue the conversation.

They'll likely tell you what they know already.

This is how they qualify themselves.

So, after qualifying, what do you do next?

Ask personal questions about them, but not in an interview kind of way.

This can simply be:

"Okay, great. But I need to ask you a few questions first so I don't waste your time."
These personal questions will help you as a frame of reference later in your future

It also helps with bonding. Something essential when you're trying to sell.

Personal questions could be something like:

"What do you do?"

"Or where do you live?"

Remember it doesn't have to be in an interview kind of way. You're just trying to know them.

You could even volunteer and tell them something about yourself.

"My name is Sadiq Aliyu and I work at Zenith Bank. But I do affiliate marketing part-time."

This creates a bonding point for both of you.

Imagine if this person used to work in a bank or currently works in a bank or has tried to apply
for banking jobs (something I'm sure over 50% of Nigerian graduates have done).

Look at this scenario closely.

You're not just trying to get this person to buy from you, you're making them KNOW, LIKE &

Because people run from people who try too hard to sell to them, but you just made it look
simple & easy.

Talking about future reference, if I told you I lived in Lagos, we could end up talking about the
traffic situation someday in future.

This is why it's important to get to know your prospects.

So, after this, what next?

Sales Script/Dialogue

This is a formula for writing emails and sales copies. And here's how it is:

i. Here's Something Great I Discovered That Can Change Your Life.

- There's a platform called Expertnaire.

It's an affiliate marketing platform.

You could talk about what Expertnaire is like and how it works.

How do you recommend stuff there to people and earn a commission off it?

You could take a screenshot of the product marketplace and give a brief comparison of them.

As you can see from the picture, this Going To Canada Program is priced at 90k with a 50%
commission. I make 45k from every sale.

This Facebook Ads Made Easy is for 100k with 40% comm. For every sale I make, I get 40k.

And over 50 products are covering different things.

Then you can give a brief intro to the products.

ii. This Is Why You Should Believe Me (I did a lot of research) + Here's How It Has Worked
For Others (And Me)

Here what you just need to do is show proof - screenshots, testimonials, alerts etc.,

Show it works for you and other people too.

You can get proof from our different social media handles - Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

You can also add context to the proof you're showing:

"This guy, Joseph Yakubu is a medical doctor and he's made over 1M."

"This guy, John Macaulay is a 200L student of OOU and he's made over 400k."

"This girl, Amina Nwankwo is a lawyer and she's made 500k."

"This girl, Tola Joshua is a banker and she's made 750k"

What these examples do is they help you lower the barrier of resistance in the mind of your

It makes them believe that it doesn't seem like something they can't do.

iii. Here's How It Works

There's a lot of information on affiliate marketing out there. But most of them are confusing.

This is why it's best you follow something tested and trusted

You can watch the video on this page

Your affiliate link goes here

But don't stop here.

Always ensure to leave an open loop when convincing your prospects.

Always ask them to send you a message when they're done watching the video or viewing the

Remember, it's the click you're trying to sell.

This means your job is mostly to get them to watch a video or view a sales page.

Most of their buying decisions will come after.

Also, don't forget to add you get paid every Friday. People love things like this

Note: If you've never made a sale on Expertnaire, what you could do is buy a simple and
inexpensive product on the platform and use the sale notification and payment alert as your


Sample Conversation.
Different scenarios.

Scenario 1 (Someone who knows you already sees an update on your WhatsApp status).

Johnson: Wow! What’s happening in this (picture/video)?

Me: Lol, people are making serious money.

Johnson: Please, tell me. I want to know. Don't leave me in the dark, please.

Me: It's not like I don't want to tell you.

It's just that I'm not sure it's something you can do.
Johnson: Wow, is it that hard? What do I need to do? What are the requirements? Please tell

Me: No, it's not hard. It just requires you to be consistent. And I dunno if that's something you
can do.

Johnson: Okay, when you talk about consistency, how much time does it need?

Me: How much free time do you have to dedicate to it?

Johnson: Okay, I don’t know how it works. So, I don’t know if I should give it my free time in the
morning or in the evening.
But I know I can do 3 hours every day.

Me : So, you're saying you're free in the morning and evening abi?

Johnson: Yes

Me: Alright

[Now, you see how I've been able to draw out commitment from this person, yeah?]

So, I can go ahead and introduce Expertnaire (72IG) to him like I described earlier and then go
on to use all the techniques I've described including sending a link to a video or sales page so
they go through.

Then I'll use the open-loop and tell them to get back to me, and if they have any questions I'll
explain further.

Note: I'll also insist on them watching the video or going through the video or sales page as any
conversation we'll have would be based on it.

I can also put a time limit on drawing out a response from them like:

Me: I wanna go offline now, but I'll be back in 2 hours and I'll ask you about the video I sent to
you. So, any questions you might have, keep them for me.


Scenario 2: Following up a busy 9-5 worker who didn't watch the video.

Me: So, today's Saturday and you're home, which means you're free, and at least you got a bit
of time to watch the video I sent to you days ago, Yeah?
So, go and watch the video now so you can ask any questions you might have.

I'll be offline for a bit, got something to do. I'll message you in about an hour.

You can watch the video on this page:

Your affiliate link goes here


Scenario 3: Someone who you've spoken to already, but they show some reservations and
then they see some payment updates on your WhatsApp and message you.

Yetunde: I don't know why I'm still delaying to do this. Lol, what's funny is I'll still be crying that
I'm broke.

Me: Lol, what's going on? What's the problem?

Yetunde: Lol, I don't even know. I'm just wondering why I haven't done this Expertnaire thing.

[When someone says this, they are so close to buying. So close. Don't mess it up. Don't rush.
You need to show some level of detachment. Don't be desperate. Wait, they'll likely say
something like:]

Yetunde: I mean, I see the updates and see how people are getting paid, but I don't even know
why. I don't know what's holding me back.

I don't know why I'm still hesitating to believe it.

Me: Lol, you're waiting for it to crash 🤣🤣🤣

Yetunde: Lol, I can't deny shaa. That's true.

Me: So, why do you think it should crash?

Yetunde: How many times will they pay someone 500k? 900k? I've seen some crazy figures that
are making me scared.

Me: Lmao. You're aware how long Expertnaire has been in existence?

What am I even saying? Why do you even think they'll crash? You're aware this isn't a Ponzi
scheme like MMM abi?
Lemme explain something to you (this is when you go down into explaining how affiliate
marketing works especially with local examples like the guys at Computer Village)

Me: Moreover, this guy who's been paid 500k has been paid 1 million before.

Me: Maybe you lost money to MMM and other Ponzi schemes.

But if you use the money you lost to judge every opportunity you come across, it's going to hold
you back.

People lose millions daily and still find a way to go pick themselves up.

It's pointless counting what we've lost.

I've lost money too, but I can't let something that has the potential to make me millions slip
through my fingers because of past losses. God forbid!

Everyone loses money.

So, I don't know if you watched the video on the link I sent you, but you can go back and watch
this video to make you understand some things better.

Your affiliate link goes here

I'm about to sleep. Let's talk tomorrow.


Scenario 4: Followup

Me: You never got back to me on the Expertnaire thing I told you. What's up?

Sola: Yeah, I'm sorry, I forgot.

Me: Did you watch the video?

Sola: Yes I did

Me: To the end?

Sola: Yes

Me: So, do you have any questions?

Sola: Yes

[But incase they do, you have to answer them]

Me: Was the video helpful?

Sola: Yeah

Me: So, what did you get from it?

Sola: I learned a lot of things,but the truth is I'm not ready per se. I don't have money for the
registration. But I have a question though.

Me: Okay, shoot.

Sola: From the video I watched, it said I need a PC. But I don't have one now, that's a problem

Me: Well, lots of affiliates I know don't even use PCs or didn't start with one.

But you can start selling and once you raise money, you buy a PC. That's what most of them
did. I can show you how to do this.

Sola: Okay, great. Thanks for sharing. But the issue is I don't have the 45/50k for it.

Me: If I get you, you have money, you just don't think you should spend it on Affiliate Marketing
at the moment.

Sola: Lol, well, if you put it like that.

Me: Lol, so how much do you have at the moment?

Sola: I'm not saying I don't have money o, but spending it on this thing kinda scares me.

Me: Call?

Sola: What?

Me: Can we talk over the phone?

Sola: Okay, no problem.

[Phone Call]
Me: So, this 45/50k you have, what do you want to spend it on?

(Here, they either start laughing or stammering or just straight up list a couple of things they'll
spend the money on.)

Me: So, how many of these things have the potential to give you 200k/400k/1M monthly?

(This is where you can make a crazy offer, lol. Something like: "If you start this thing and do
everything between the next 3-6 months and it doesn't work for you, I'll give you back your
money from my pocket.")

But chances are they'll not take this opportunity immediately, lol.

This is when you try to end the call with the following parting words:

Me: Well, in case you decide to go for it, just send me a message if you need help.

I can support you with 5k/10k.

But the only condition is you'll join, and then send me a proof of payment before I send it to you.
I have to be sure you're a serious person. I don't want to waste my money.


Scenario 5: Those you've told before who are trying to emotionally blackmail you.

Sophia: You people are just making money anyhow.

Me: Glory be to God.

Sophia: Cut soap for me naa.

Me: Lol, I already did this weeks ago.

Me: Like I said, go here and watch this video.

Your affiliate link goes here

Sophia: Do I need money to start?

Me: I sent you a video to watch, Sophia. Watch the video first, please.

And then you can continue the conversation after they've seen the video.

Scenario 6:

Chioma: I see the way you post about this Affiliate Marketing thing all the time. All the plenty
money too... Won't you teach me how to make money like you?

Me: Hahaha, okay. But I'm not sure if you can do this though.

Chioma: Me? Why?

And then you continue with what you've learned from scenario 1 above.

PS: This script doesn't mean you use it verbatim or word for word. It's just a guide to help you.

You can always improvise in your own way to have conversations with prospects.


There are a couple of objections you'll encounter when trying to sell. Some of them include:

- It's Too Expensive

You don't need to try to argue this point heavily because when someone says something is too
expensive, it's either they don't have the money to buy or they aren't convinced that what you're
offering is worth the money you're asking.

There's nothing you can do for someone who doesn't have the money or can't risk it.

So, the only thing you can do is show them how valuable what you're offering is.

But their buying still depends on how much you can show them this and their willingness to try

But all of this depends on you showing how BENEFICIAL it would be to them.

For a course like 72IG, you can either show them the possibility of making money.

Everyone is doing this and making money, you can too.

Plus, most Expertnaire top affiliates are 72IG students.

You are going to learn:
- Facebook Advertising
- Email Marketing
- Copywriting
- Basic Sales and Marketing
- Setting up sales funnels
Including other valuable skills etc.

And how what they'll learn is going to help them.

All these are great reasons, but above all for a money making course, the biggest promise is
making money though.

- I Don't Have Time (Wife, Mom, Nurse, Doctor, 9-5 Worker, Biz Owner etc)

You can hint at this early during the conversation, you don't even need to state it expressly
especially when you've used the success and testimonials of other affiliates.

But in certain situations, you can answer this directly just in case you didn't hint at it earlier or
your prospect didn't get it.

You can just go on any of our social media handles (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) and get

There are more than enough to tackle this objection.

- How Soon Can I Start Making Money?

Don't make any promises. Rather allude to this by using examples of other people who've made
money within different timeframes.

Some people made their first money on Expertnaire after 1 year.

Some made 1.1M in a week.

Some made 1M in a month.

Some made 3M in roughly 3 months.

Some made 10 million in a year.

What matters is execution and the level of effort you put in.
Always highlight this because people lowkey ask for a guarantee so they can find someone to
blame if it doesn't work out, even if it's their fault.

It's the same thing as What's Your Guarantee This Will Work For Me?

"Well, it's working for me, so if it's working for me, then it should work for you if you put in the

You can even use your own failure story (how you started and you weren't making sales until
you started doing some things differently) and then you can offer mentorship so they don't go
through the same thing you went through.

People love this. Leverage on it.

It worked for me, it's working for others, it should work for you.

Find origin stories and use them.

- Do People Buy Digital Products?

That's like asking if people buy books or pay to attend seminars or conferences. Yes, they do.

You just need to go on our social media handles to extract testimonials and show them.

Instead of arguing if people buy digital products, why not just show the people who are cashing
out from selling digital products?

- I'm Afraid, I Don't Want To Lose Money, I've Lost Money Before, I Know People Who've
Lost Money.

First of all, Expertnaire isn't a Ponzi scheme.

The business model is simple, sell stuff for someone and get paid a large commission for doing

Nobody is taking money from Peter to give to Paul.

You should always stress this part.

It helps you avoid certain future conversations.

- Let Me Think About It/I'll Get Back To You

Lol, on average, a huge percentage of people who say this never stop thinking about it and
never get back to you.

You can either give them the benefit of the doubt and then use your status to 'pepper' them

Or you can even go ahead and tell them, "Lol, most people who say this don't"

And then go ahead to ask them what the issue is.

You can go ahead to use urgency (price going up) or even make them an offer (discount,
mentorship etc.)

But you also have to try not to rush this. Because it's important to let people talk instead of
jumping to conclusions or assuming.

And make sure you don't look like you're pressuring them (even if you lowkey are 😁) because
nobody likes to deal with desperate people.

- How Much?

I'd advise you to sidestep this.

The idea is to sell the click (get them to the video or sales page).

If they don't, you might have problems with them in future because they didn't go through the
requirements or terms involved.

- So, What Do I Do Next?

Click on the link.

Watch the video.

Go through the sales page.

Click on the link to join/register.

- I Want To Do More Research

Of course, you want to.

You can go ahead on Google, or check @expertnaire on Twitter, but make sure you give me a
heads up before you do anything.

Remember what we talked about about open loops earlier? Always ensure you keep the lines
open for a follow-up.

You can even ask them if you should send a reminder. Just don't seem desperate.

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