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1. SEO suggestions for upgrad.

In this section of the project, you will analyse the SEO audit report for from, and suggest how you can perform SEO on it.

From the SEO audit report given above, suggest ways to perform Content SEO.

Your Answer:

Optimisation suggestion 1:
Content SEO can be improved by adding H1 tags. The h1 tag is the most important tag as it
helps in indexing the web page when the spiders crawl the page. This helps them know about
the information on the page and direct more relevant traffic
1. SEO suggestions for
In this section of the project, you will analyse the SEO audit report for from, and suggest how you can perform SEO on it.

From the SEO audit report given above, suggest ways to perform Content SEO.

Your Answer:

Optimisation suggestion 2:
Adding Image Alt tags : The media on the web page also need to be SEO optimized, but the search
engines cannot recognize images. Image Alt tags explain what’s on the image to help search
engines understand the images better. They also help in the images to appear in Google
image search results, therefore of getting more traffic to the website
2. Speed Optimisation

From the SEO audit report, suggest ways to perform Technical SEO.
Your Answer

Optimisation suggestion 1
Optimise Images and minimize JavaScript for a better loading speed
2. Speed Optimisation

From the SEO audit report, suggest ways to perform Technical SEO.
Your Answer

Optimisation suggestion 2
CSS : minimizing the CSS by minifying CSS, javascript, and HTML
Site loading speed to be improved through Page Objects Test

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