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Competition is a part of life that can’t be avoided.

Even we didn’t realize that we are

doing it. Healthy competition is a term commonly used in our life. Sometimes in business,
sports, academic and more. But competition can be healthy or vice versa. Competition can
effect well-being and mental health, emotion, social and psychological someone. I agree that
competition is healthy.
First of all, competition force you to be the best as you can be. This is because, with
healthy competition you have to pushes yourself to be more creative, innovative and truly
master in your talent. If we didn’t do like this we cannot make a healthy competition for our
self and to others. For example, others will leave us behind and then they will be more
successful. So that with this competition, we have to sharpen our skills to help you to achived
a long term success in life.
Beside that, it will help us manage to be more successful. We know that when we
tried to be success there will be a suffer setbacks along. But we have to find a way to prove
ourself and others with a healthy competition so that we can see the results at the end of our
success. For example, trying to avoid a negative thinking from other peoples that want to
make us down. It will cause our self motivation down.
Other than that, it can assess your strength and weakness. This is because, you can
notice that is what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong. With healthy
competition, you will have a way to measure how well or poor you are doing in life. This is
important so that you can know you are doing good or not. Because success is all about
accentuating your strengths and your weakness.
Conclusion, with a healthy competition we can improve a lot’s of weakness in ourself.
And its really good to see how far can we did the healthy competition in life.

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