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1) May is a month full of holidays, the most magnificent and beautiful time

of spring. And one of the May holidays in Ukraine is called simply, but applies to
each of us. Every person who lives and walks on earth. This holiday is Mother's
Day, which is celebrated in our country on the second Sunday of May.

Mother is the closest person. Her voice, be it melodious or not, is still the
sweetest. Mother's warm hands are the first thing a baby feels. Gentle touches,
lullabies, kind words are all manifestations of maternal love and warmth.

Mothers are different. Sometimes these are kind and caring women.
Sometimes - confused girls who did not expect such unexpected happiness. There
are women who are both mothers and fathers to their children.
Sometimes mothers worry too much about their children and do not let them
go, sometimes they neglect their parental duties, and some even abuse their
children. Some of the children do not know their mothers at all, they are raised by
the named parents, educators in shelters. There are mothers who are alcoholics or
drug addicts. Somewhere deep down, no matter how they behave, they remain
mothers, because they gave life to their children. Mothers are just people, and they
are as diverse as people.
Mother is the one who gave life, gave the opportunity to appear in this
world, to see the sun and the sky, to run on green grass, to show oneself in this
world. Even when my mother forbade me to do many things, the life she gave me
gives me the opportunity to express myself, to create in our world, to bring my
work and the warmth of my soul to it.
2) Profession "programmer"
It's no secret that the profession of a programmer is quite promising and
highly paid in the world, but, of course, in order to become one, you need to put in
a lot of effort. A good specialist must constantly study and improve his skills,
engage in self-education. Because the IT field is developing very quickly, it is
necessary to quickly respond to changes, adapt to new technologies, otherwise the
acquired skills will quickly lose their relevance. You should be ready for routine
work that does not require physical activity. Also, a modern programmer must be
fluent in English.
But if you are ready for the difficulties that await you, then of course it will
pay off:

the salary of a programmer is many times higher compared to other

professions. A beginner programmer can easily claim $600-$1000 a month, and as
he acquires new skills and experience, he can earn $1500-$1800. Professional
developers working in large companies earn up to $3,000, in management
positions - $5,000;
you will always be in demand on the labor market, moreover, on the global
labor market;
you will have the opportunity to work remotely, you do not need to sit in the
office all the time, or you can even assemble a team and create your own projects.

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