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3 letters W H Y

To the guy who break my heart I have these 3 letters for you

W H Y, Pop! Someone message me good night.

That was the first word you tell me, where was that came from?

I was sitting alone feeling the night breeze

Listening to the humm of the birds above the trees

Then there you are, I can sight you from afar

I am wondering what you are thinking that night

The way you went to our house wearing those shirts pin on tight

I still remember how you looks like

How you look at me with those weak eyes

The stars on your face shone brighter than ever

It stole a smile from me

I cannot believe, it feels like in the clouds

We were talking continuously loud

My heart pounding when you are around

All I can tell is love it all round

I am a sailor, you're my first mate

We signed on together, we coupled our fate
Hauled up our anchor, determined not to fail
For the hearts treasure, together we set sail
Together we're in this relationship
We built it with care to last the whole trip
Our true destination's not marked on any charts
We're navigating to the shores of the heart
Yes, the way I tell people how happy we are
No no no how happy we were
Why? Why did you made me feel this?
That I am the most beautiful woman in whole world
That I am more than anything
That you can make time especially when it’s me
Why would you tell me if I am the one yet you leave me hanging
I am scared, it feels like you do not even care
That was the first time I tell you I need you but you gave me the words can’t
Do you really like me? Enlighten me my dear
Oh to like a nursing student is like understanding Pharmacology
I did not mean to compromise your time
It’s just I need you that night
So that I called you

I was out of my mind, craving for you to much

Am I wrong? Or it’s just you cannot give me the same energy?

Did I burn us down? I f I, I did not mean that

I spent my weeks crying

Am I crying because I lost you?

Or I am crying because I pity my self

Oh god how hard to think

You surprised me before you birthday

That was the biggest surprise I ever received

You surprised me, knowing that you talked to me after you breakup

Wow isn’t it cool? Did I fulfill your sadness?

Did I made you happy?

Did I put a piece of you?

But no worries love, I am happy for you

Knowing that I will not feel that happiness again still thanks

Loving you is a privileged, knowing you is a blessing, being with you is a dream

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