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P3 TOPICS-EXAMS 2018-2020

1. Books that have been adapted to become

2. Careers and ambitions/dreams
3. Cross-curricular topics-e.g science, history,
geography, ICT
4. Culture
5. Education and learning
6. Entertainment
7. Environment/recycling/green policies
8. Family time
9. Fashion
10. Festivals/national celebrations/gatherings
11. Food and nutrition/diet and exercise
12. Friends and family
13. Gadgets
14. Health and fitness/healthy lifestyle
15. Health issues
16. Hobbies
17. Idols/celebrities/role models/favourite person
18. Marriage/ideal partner
19. Media
20. Money
21. Movies/films
22. Music
23. Peer pressure
24. Pets
25. Phobias
26. Rules and regulations
27. Shopping
28. Social networking (not focused on IT
29. Special places
30. Sport and exercise
31. Superstitions
32. Transport and road safety
33. Travel and holidays/journeys
34. Television programmes and genres
35. Uniforms

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