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Aditya Raj Email: adityaraj201268@gmail.

Linkedin : Mobile: +91-7061075647
Github : Leetcode:
SRM Institute of Science and technology Chennai, India

Bachelor of Technology - Electrical and Electronics Engineering; CGPA: 8.88 2019 - 2023
Radiant International School Bihar, India

HSC CBSE, Course- PCM; Percentage: 83% 2018
Skills Summary
• Languages: C, C++, JavaScript, HTML, Python
• Libraries: React.js, Redux, Pandas, numpy
• Development: Nodejs, Express.js, CSS, REST API’s
• Database: SQL, MongoDB
• CS fundamentals: OOP, OS, DBMS
• Problem Solving: Data Structure, Algorithms
Ingenium Education Remote

Web developer Intern Dec 2021 - Apr 2022
◦ Implemented functionalities for multiple Frontend features using Reactjs which serves 1000+ customers and
50000+ students.
◦ Improved searching by using debouncing technique which reduces unnecessary API calls.
◦ Implemented pagination which reduced server load time by more than 90%.
◦ Worked on REST API’s for api management and Redux for global state management.

• NSL-KDD Attack Prediction using Ensemble Learning (Python, Machine Learning): (12/2022)
◦ Developed an Ensemble learning model to predict network attacks.
◦ NSL-KDD is a new version data set of the KDD’99 data set, an effective benchmark data set to compare intrusion
detection methods.
◦ Gitub:(code)

• The Social Network - A social media application (React, Redux, Nodejs, Express.js, MongoDB): (08/2021)
◦ Its a MERN stack application with multiple integrated APIs.
◦ Provided Google Oauth authentication and Login with gmail( JWT ).
◦ Implemented password Hashing functionalities using bcryptjs.
◦ Gitub:(code), Live: link

• Covid 19 Tracker (Reactjs, Chartjs, MaterialUI): (04/2021)

◦ Developed Frontend UI using React Framework and MaterialUI.
◦ Added graphs using chartjs for better visualization.
◦ Gitub:(code)

• Leetcode (1000+ solved) Rank-6,187 , Rating-1781.
• Leetcode Biweekly 88 global rank - 1268 out of 20075.
• GeeksForGeeks (550+ points).
• HackerRank 6* problem solver with problem solving intermediate certification (Link).

• Advanced SQL: MySQL Data Analysis & Business Intelligence. Link
• MERN Stack Front to Back: Full Stack React, Redux & Nodejs. Link
• Data structures and Algorithms in C++. Link

Volunteer Experience
National Service Scheme Chennai, India

Participated in various activities like environment cleaning & Plantation of trees. 2019 - 2020

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