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There are various types of individuals or workers in the workplace, including

high performers, underperformers, and disengaged employees. High
performers are typically motivated, productive, and committed to their
work. Underperformers may struggle with job requirements or lack
motivation. Disengaged employees may feel disconnected from their work
and may lack enthusiasm or motivation.

Example: A manager recognizes that one of her employees is a high performer

who consistently produces high-quality work, takes on additional
responsibilities, and contributes to the success of the organization. The manager
provides the employee with opportunities for career growth and development,
and rewards the employee for their hard work and dedication.

6. How to Enjoy Work

7. To enjoy work, individuals can take steps to improve their work

environment, develop positive relationships with coworkers, set achievable
goals, and find meaning and purpose in their work. Creating a positive
work-life balance, engaging in activities outside of work, and maintaining
good physical and mental health can also contribute to overall job
satisfaction and well-being.

Example: An employee takes breaks throughout the day to socialize with

coworkers, listen to music, or take a walk outside. The employee also sets
achievable goals for themselves, celebrates small successes, and takes time to
reflect on their achievements. By finding meaning and purpose in their work, the
employee feels more engaged and satisfied with their job.



1. Objectives of Ethics

2. The objective of ethics in the Philippine setting is to promote ethical

behavior in the workplace, encourage employees to act with integrity and
accountability, and uphold the highest standards of professionalism. This is
important in promoting good work ethics and ensuring that employees
adhere to ethical standards when performing their duties. Example: A
company develops a code of ethics that outlines the values and principles
that employees should adhere to, such as honesty, integrity, and respect for

3. Why do we work?

4. In the Philippine setting, people work to earn a living, support their families,
and contribute to society. Work provides a sense of purpose, fulfillment,
and personal development. Example: An employee works hard to meet the

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