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Tarikh Hantar 10.3.2023
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Tanda tangan Pelajar: Tarikh: 10/3/2023



The morphology of species in kingdom Animalia (Arthropoda phylum), Oryctes rhinoceros.


Arthropoda phylum comprises a vast array of creatures possessing jointed

appendages and rigid exoskeletons (Barnes, 2022). This phylum includes several familiar
species such as insects, spiders, centipedes, millipedes, crabs, shrimp, and lobsters that
inhabit land and water. Arthropods, are known for being the most thriving animals on the
planet, surpassing all other groups of animals combined in terms of the number of species
and individuals. They can survive in diverse habitats and consume a wide range of food.
Arthropods are highly adaptable and have evolved a wide range of adaptation that allow
them to survive in diverse environment situation, even the extreme environment condition
(Rothenbücher & Schaefer, 2006). This process of evolution and speciation only not aim to
let the arthropod adapting the habitat environment condition, some characteristics also will
be the important tools for them to escape from danger and maintain the diversity of the
species. For example, some cave-dwelling arthropods have adapted to the darkness by
losing their eyesight and developing other senses, such as touch or smell, to navigate their
environment, while aquatic arthropods such as crabs, lobsters, and shrimp have adapted to
their watery habitat by developing specialized appendages for swimming and filter-feeding,
as well as gills for breathing underwater.

Diagram A: the more detail classification of the phylum of Arthropoda based on the cladistics

In this experiment, the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros’ structure will be
observed and analysis its characteristics on the how the adaptation occurred on the Asiatic

rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros’ structure. Moreover, the relationship between the
physical appearance of the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros and its living
process will be discussed in detail.


To investigate the morphology of species in kingdom Animalia, phylum of Arthropoda.


1. To describe and draw the structure and the observations under the magnifying glass
and microscope of the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros.
2. To label the main parts of the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros
3. To analysis the relationship between the characteristics of the Asiatic rhinoceros
beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros and its living process.
4. To study role played by the structure of Asiatic rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros
to adapt its habitat.

Materials And Apparatus:

Apparatus Materials
Paper cutter Asiatic rhinoceros beetle
Tile Plastic container
Glass slides A4 paper
Optical microscope Cotton wool
Camera High concentrated ethanol solution (70%)
Pencil and erasers
Magnifying glass


1. Collect the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle and store it into a plastic cup to keep the Asiatic
rhinoceros beetle sample.
2. Before observing the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle sample, rinsed away the soil
remaining or dirty substance on the beetle sample using distilled water for obtaining a
clearer observation image.
3. Soak the cotton ball in the concentrated ethanol solution and insert it into the plastic
cup containing the beetle. Cover the cup and leave it for 15 minutes to anesthetize
the beetle.

4. Observe the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle under naked-eyes first and record the
observation of the plant’s structure using camera.
5. Magnifying glass is used to observe the clearer physical appearance of Asiatic
rhinoceros beetle’s structure. 
6. Record the observation obtained.
7. Cut up a one of the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle’s legs on the white tile to prevent
damaging the table, then microscope is used to observe the structure of the Asiatic
rhinoceros beetle’s leg, femur, tibia and tarsus.
8. Observe the image of the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle’s leg structure, femur, tibia and
tarsus obtained under the microscope by adjusting the objective lens from low power
scale to high power scale until obtained the clear images.
9. Record the images obtained under the microscope.


1. Before observing the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle in depth, use distilled water to wash
away the impurities and soil on the sample, as these impurities might disturb the view
under the microscope and magnifying glass.
2. Magnification of microscope must be adjusted from small scale to high scale (4x, 10x
and 100x) to form a sharp image. 
3. Adjust the distance of the objective lens properly so that it will not damage glass
slides and also the objective lens.
4. When cutting down the beetle’s leg on the tile carefully, be careful to prevent
damaging the laboratory desk and injured yourself.
5. When carrying or handle the microscope, take the microscope with one hand
beneath it and the other hand hold the arm (carrying handle) to prevent the
microscope from falling down.
6. The rate of anesthetization depends on the size of the Arthropoda used, if the sample
cannot be anesthetized in 15 minutes, add more alcohol or leave the Arthropoda for
longer period in the completely closed contained. The aim of this process is to ensure
the beetle can stay at rest, and did not moving during observe under microscope and
easier to take the clearer photo for observation.


The Asiatic rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros), often known as the coconut
rhinoceros beetle or the coconut palm rhinoceros beetle, is a species of rhinoceros beetle in
the Scarabaeidae family (Huger, 2005). The Oryctes rhinoceros is native to Asia, namely
between India and Indonesia. Since then, it has spread to Yemen, Reunion, and Hawaii. The
coconut rhinoceros beetle is most closely related with its chosen host plant, Cocos nucifera,
the coconut palm, throughout its range (Hinckley 1973). This huge species averages 33 to
40 mm in length. Adults have a dark brown to black dorsum and a lustrous dorsum. A
conspicuous horn on the head. Males have longer horn than females. Males have a
spherical, lustrous terminal abdominal segment, whereas females have a hairier 'tail'. There
are two tubercles on the thoracic ridge. Same as most of the insects, Oryctes rhinoceros is
divided into three main parts, which is head, thorax and abdomen.
Firstly, under the observation of the outermost structure of the Oryctes rhinoceros, it
covers with a hard shell-liked structure (Chitin). These beetles have rounded, convex backs,
and their coloration varies from black to mottled greenish-grey, but most of their shell are
presented in black colour. Some are shiny, almost metallic, whereas others may be covered
with short, fine hairs, giving them a velveteen appearance. Thus, Oryctes rhinoceros is
classified as an exoskeleton animal because its entire physical structure, including the horn,
wings, and belly, is coated with a high-strength substance with extensive sclerotization
(Laminacije, 2019).

Diagram B: Oryctes rhinoceros’
body are completely covered with
shell-liked structure which is a
high-strength material.

This hard shell-liked structure act as the exoskeleton system which provides protection
against predation and desiccation or waterlogging (necessary for small organisms) and
innumerable points of muscle attachment (for Oryctes rhinoceros’s flexibility). However, the
exoskeleton also limits the size attainable by arthropods, it also can be the advantage for the
Oryctes rhinoceros to survive in its habitat environment which is full with predator. As the
exoskeleton system limited the body size of the Oryctes rhinoceros, so it can minimize the
bodyweight of the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle, as the body development will be limited at one
stage, relatively, will maintain the density, volume and the weight of the Asiatic rhinoceros
beetle. As the lightweight body can let the beetles to carried out support and locomotion
process easier, especially during the emergency condition, such as escaping from predator
and extreme weather condition.
At the same time, the surface of the Oryctes rhinoceros’ outermost shell, included the
Elytra (wing case), is rough and full with irregular chitin arrangement.

Diagram C: Diagram show the tough
Oryctes rhinoceros’ outermost shell
(chitin structure).

The roughness shell surface able to give Oryctes rhinoceros’ the protection from the
predators and environment hazards such as rough rocky surface, abrasion and scratches.
As the rough chitin layer provide a tough and durable of protection, making it more difficult
for predators to get a firm grip on the beetle’s body. According to Hepburn & Ball, (1973), the
Fibre layers of beetles’ chitin are connected by unique inter and intra-ply cross-links that
afford a novel solution to shear and crack-propagation resistance, thus it presents in rough
surface condition. Furthermore, Oryctes rhinoceros is native to Asia, specifically between
India and Indonesia. Since then, it has spread to Yemen, Reunion, and Hawaii, thus its
habitat is majorly in temperate regions, forcing the Oryctes rhinoceros to adapt to the hot
climate conditions in order to survive. As a result, the rough outer chitin layer regulates the
body temperature of the Oryctes rhinoceros. Because the uneven surface of chitin allows for
better heat flow between the Oryctes rhinoceros' body and the surrounding air, its
temperature can be moderately regulated and overheated. When compared to smooth
surfaces, rough flat surfaces have a peak for convective heat transfer augmentation (63% on
average), (Ventola et al., 2014), so the better heat transfer, provide the better body
temperature maintain system for the Oryctes rhinoceros to adapt the high temperature
At the Oryctes rhinoceros' head part, there are consists of some mainly structure,
which are the horn, compound eye, maxillary palp and the antenna. Its upper horn curves
forward from behind the head, whereas the lower emerges from the head itself. The horn is
not only the structure which used to differentiate the gender of the Oryctes rhinoceros,
where the male Oryctes rhinoceros consist longer horn compared to female Oryctes


The horn is the greatest weapon for the Oryctes rhinoceros; these beetle weapons are well-
known examples of sexually selected features that have been extensively researched since
Darwin's time, where the theory of evolution through natural selection is introducted (Gocza
et al., 2019). According to research, when males of the investigated species grow in size,
their horns become more elongated, curled, and slender, presumably supporting their
usefulness as a weapon employed in a specific form of rhinoceros beetle battle and
attracting females for mating.
As the navigating habitat of Oryctes rhinoceros, is at the tropical region which are
enrich with biological diversity, the Oryctes rhinoceros not only have rich of food resource,
they are also survive with other living organisms, which might be their predators, such as
birds, cats and rats. Thus, there are not only experience both inter specific competition and
intraspecific competition. The compound eyes of the Oryctes rhinoceros are made up of
thousands of microscopic lenses called ommatidia that work together to generate a complete
image, give a reasonably large vision field, and have a great sensitivity to motion (Horridge,
1977). With this mechanism of vison organ, the Oryctes rhinoceros’ vision able them to
cover the wider range of objects, and also minimise the blink spot range. Thus, there are
many important physiological behaviours of Oryctes rhinoceros rely largely on their
compound eyes, such as navigating their environment, collecting food, avoiding or escaping
from predators, and locating mates. Insect compound eyes are particularly useful for sensing
movement in the surroundings, which can help insects respond swiftly to possible dangers or
opportunities due to their great sensitivity to motion. The arrangement of ommatidia in an
insect's compound eye improves depth perception and visual acuity, both of which are vital
for recognising and distinguishing things in the environment (Autrum et al., 1979). Generally,

the compound eye is a highly specialized and effective visual system that allows insects to
navigate and interact with their environment in a variety of ways.

Diagram E: the structure of the compound eyes and the vision provided by the compound

Under the observation of the Oryctes rhinoceros’ head, there are two segments,
where one of them located at the mouthparts called maxillary palps that consist of
segmented appendages that are covered with fine hairs or setae; while another located at
the front-head part, called antennae.

Diagram F: the structure of the Oryctes rhinoceros’ maxillary palps and antennae

The maxillary palps and antennae a major role in host detection and other sensory-mediated
behaviours, simply known as the ‘sensory house’. Compared to the antennae, the maxillary
palps are a relatively simple organ and thus an attractive model for exploration of the
neuromolecular networks underlying chemo- and mechanosensation (Syed & Leal, 2007).
They are located on either side of the insect's head, just behind the mandibles, and are used
for sensory perception, especially for detecting taste and smell. Therefore, the maxillary

palps play the main role in detecting food and feeding. At the same time, a living male the
maxillary palp’s structure is highly mobile and is extended laterally and ventrally. It evidently
serves to detect specific odors produced by the female (Slifer et al., 1975). As the odors of
food and synthesis by female Oryctes rhinoceros can diffuse randomly in the atmosphere,
thus it is faster to be detected by sensory organ compared using the compound eye to found
the food or mating with the female Oryctes rhinoceros with the limited vision, directly the
process of mating and feeding will be more efficiency until the Oryctes rhinoceros can
survive, even the maintain the sustainability of the species.

Diagram G: the structure of

the Oryctes rhinoceros’
antennae in detail

According to Renou et al. (1998), the antennae of the rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes

rhinoceros, comprise 4 parts : the scape, the pedicel, a funicle, and a club of 3 lamellate
segments. The inner surfaces of the lamellate club segments carry one type of
trichoid sensilla, 2 types of sensilla coeloconica, and 3 types of multiporous pore plate
sensilla, the total number of pore plate sensilla was estimated to be between 45,000 and
50,000. With these abundant of sensory nerve, it mainly functions may variously include
sensing touch, air motion, heat, vibration (sound), humidity and especially smell or taste.
Therefore, the Oryctes rhinoceros able to detect any environment changes quickly, instead
of taking the suitable respond when facing any stimulus, such as present of predator, the
changing in air humidity (raining or windy weather) or detecting foods.

They are also some hair-like structures (cilia) on the abdomen and the exoskeleton,
especially the near the spiracle of the Oryctes rhinoceros, this hair-like structure transmit
stimulus, such as tactile and odors information to the nervous system. This is due to the hair
like structure are connect to the nervous tissues. So, in the process if crawling on the
ground, the cilia will detect the tactile and odors information, thus the Oryctes rhinoceros
able to detect the odors leaved by the mate or the food.

At the thorax part of the Oryctes rhinoceros, there is a prominent plate-like structure
that covers all or part of the thorax, which is the pronotum. The pronotum act as the
protection shield for the connection part between the abdomen and head to the thorax. It
also is the connection part with the elytra. Its pronotum is black in colour, same as its elytra
and head. This physical appearance of pronotum can be the camouflage for the Oryctes
rhinoceros which commonly hide in the hole of the coconut trees or oil palm trees, thus with
this camouflage the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle will not be easily capture or detected by the

However, the abdomen part of the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle is covered with a layer of
modified, hardened hard chitin, which is elytra or the forewing of beetles. The beetle elytra
can be involved in a very broad spectrum of functions: mechanical protection of hind wings
and body, anti-predator strategies, thermoregulation and water saving, water harvesting,
flight, hind wing folding, diving and swimming, self-cleaning and burrow cleaning, phoresy of
symbiotic organisms, mating and courtship, and acoustic communication (Goczał & Beutel,
2023). As explained, the surface of the elytra is rough, which can be the good mechanism to
regulate the heat loss of the Oryctes rhinoceros to adapt its habitat which is high-
temperature. Besides, it acts as the wing case for the hind wings, it not only roles as the
protective armour for the beetle, but the elytra able to totally isolate the hind wings with
water, as the hind wing can be folded and keep inside the elytra. If the hind wing id not
covered with the elytra, the wings will be wet during raining and the Oryctes rhinoceros will
unable to fly, so it will be very dangerous if there are any predator occur suddenly. So, the
elytra function to ensure the hind wing and the abdomen are clean and free with water, until
reach the purpose of minimise the body weight and could fly away rapid when detecting any
threat nearby. Besides, the spiracles, the site of respiration carried out, is located under the
elytra. This mechanism able to block most of the impurities, such as dust enter the spiracle
and block the respiratory system.

Furthermore, the elytra have the additional role of harvesting water in a dry
environment. Because the Oryctes rhinoceros' native habitat may undergo a dry season, the
beetles may suffer from a lack of water. To survive in this tough environment, the beetle has
developed a unique water collection technique (water harvesting system). The beetle's elytra
are covered with a sequence of hydrophilic bumps and troughs that attract and gather
moisture from the surrounding air (Zhang et al., 2022). The bumps are coated with a waxy
material that repels water, causing it to roll down into valleys and towards the beetle's
mouth. Fog harvesting is a mechanism that allows the beetle to collect enough water to
thrive in an arid area.

Diagram H: The concept
applied in the
mechanism of the water
harvesting system on
the elytra of the beetles.

Diagram H: The structure of the Oryctes rhinoceros’ hind wing with its
Folding Mechanism.

Compared to crawling on the ground, the speed of flying is faster and more efficient
to escape from the predator and the coming threat. So, the hind wings of the Oryctes
rhinoceros provide the ability of flying to the Oryctes rhinoceros (Brower, 1974). These thin
wings usually underneath at the lower part of the elytra and only fold out from the elytra
when the beetle is ready to take off. The thin wings are not water permeable, so the water
vapour will remain on the hind wings if the wing present to the atmosphere without any
covers, indirectly, it will increase the weight of the wing until the Oryctes rhinoceros cannot
fly off easier, this might cause the Oryctes rhinoceros capture by the predators. Therefore, it
undergoes revolution and forming the Folding Mechanism. Thus, the hind wings are foldable

and can be keep in the elytra easier and ensure the hind wing free from other impurities and
water vapour for the best flight effectivity.

The Oryctes rhinoceros consists of 3 pairs of tibias (legs) which are, front tibias,
middle tibias and hind tibias as shown:

Diagram I: the legs of Oryctes

rhinoceros, front tibias (the
upper), middle tibias (the middle)
and hind tibias (the lower)

The tibias are connected to the tarsi (tarsomeres). On the tabias and tarsi, there are a lot of
hair-liked leg spine, and both of this part show the physical properties of spur. Furthermore,
the tarsal claws are at the end of the leg and responsible for clasping onto rougher surfaces
(Snyder, 2011). Observe the overall structure of the Oryctes rhinoceros, the leg of the is too
thin based on the ratio of its body to its legs, which mean the leg of the Oryctes rhinoceros
must consists of strong ground gripping properties to ensure the heavy body can be drag
forward. Therefore, the leg of the Oryctes rhinoceros evolute into the mechanism of tarsal
claw, leg spine and also the spur-like structure to hold the ground strongly during crawling,
or climbing. The Oryctes rhinoceros mainly habitat at the coconut tree or oil palm tree, these
legs’ structure able to provide the stable and stronger-grip for the Oryctes rhinoceros
locomotion in the tree and minimise the risk of falling down.

In order to continue the sustainability of the species, Oryctes rhinoceros have its
mechanism where the female Oryctes rhinoceros will produce unique odors to attract male
Oryctes rhinoceros for mating. A chemical (hormone), pheromones is synthesis for
communicate with other battles of the same species (Mori, 1998). However, the female
Oryctes rhinoceros secrete a unique odour of pheromones in order to attract males for

mating. Female pheromones which are produced from specific glands on the female's
abdomen, are a mixture of chemicals that include ethyl acetate and 2-methylbutan-1-ol may
detect the aroma odors as far as 50 metres away. Male beetles use their sensitive antennae
to detect these substances (Alfiler, 1999). With the modified mechanism, the mating
effectivity can be increase, as the male Oryctes rhinoceros can detect the location of the
female Oryctes rhinoceros easier as the diffusion of gasses substance is very fast compared
to let the male Oryctes rhinoceros to find the female Oryctes rhinoceros with its own vision
which have limited range. Relatively, the rate of mating will be increased, with the higher
frequency of mating, the higher the percentage to reproduce offspring, until the sustainability
of the Oryctes rhinoceros’ species can be maintained. Other than that, female Oryctes
rhinoceros have hairy reproductive sites, which are the structures used for laying eggs, as
the hairiness of these structures able to provide secure grip for the female Oryctes
rhinoceros during egg-laying (Bouchard, 2014). Before laying her eggs, the female Oryctes
rhinoceros must place herself on a suitable substrate, such as dirt, decaying wood, or any
other suitable organic material. As a result, the hairy reproductive site is important in
securely holding onto the substrate, as the hair on the reproductive site also serves to keep
the eggs in place and prevent them from rolling away when she is laying eggs within the
substrate (Hall et al., 2022).


To adapt the habitat environment and maintain the sustainability of the species, the Oryctes
rhinoceros have undergo the evolution and present in the modified physical characteristics,
to optimise the efficiency of the Oryctes rhinoceros physiological process, such as
reproduction, locomotion, nervous sensory system for detecting threats and food. Due to the
high-temperature habitat, the rough and water-resistance chitin structure (elytra)not only
provide the protection to the abdomen, it also show the properties of thermoregulation and
water-harvesting for the Oryctes rhinoceros to survive; the compound eyes provide the wider
range of view and able to detect the small changes in the environment, until able to make
the most suitable respond on facing the predator; the presence of the hairy structure on the
exoskeleton, maxillary palps and antennae playing an important role as sensory organ in the
detecting the food and mates location; the foldable hind wing provide the emergency flying
tool for escaping from the predator; the legs structure consists of claws, leg spin and spur-
like structure is to maximise the ground-gridding power for drug Oryctes rhinoceros body
forward during crawling and climbing; lastly the secretion of the unique odors able attract the
mate until increase the frequency of mating while hairy female reproduction site provide
secure grip during the egg-laying. With all these specific characteristics, the Oryctes

rhinoceros able to adapt habitat environment and threats and maintain diversity of the
beetles’ speciation.
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