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Ethics in Communication: Following Your Moral Compass

Reflection Paper

Johannesen's article, Ethics in Communication, emphasized individuals influencing and

influenced when interacting with others. Interaction, communication, and ethics come hand in
hand for us humans to affect one another. Ethics is a vital aspect for us to consider and possess,
to have a positive impact on other human beings as well as on ourselves. The article made me
realize how one should practice critical thinking in deciding the correct terms when
communicating. I also learned that we should stay truthful, respectful, and be mindful of the
consequences of our words and actions.

It amazed me how big of a role ethics plays in communication, yet, it also terrified me since not
all people apply it and may influence others inappropriately. I feel grateful that I read it as it
affected me to the point that it made me promise to practice being aware of my choice of words
and decisions to avoid any unpleasant outcome. Now, I will be more effective when
communicating since I will think of the possible results of my actions first before doing anything
that I might regret later on. It is a part of my being to connect with others and therefore interact
with them. By doing so, I will make sure to be ethical in any situation and have healthy
relationships with the people around me.

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