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Changing personality through writing media

Every human being basically has their own peculiarities, both in terms of physical and personality.

In this paper I want to discuss human personality, and the influence of writing media in the formation
of human personality.

Personality is the character or the overall way an individual reacts and interacts with other individuals
most often described in terms of measurable traits shown by someone.

The personality that is formed is influenced by environmental experience, the process experienced by
both formal and non-formal, both primary and secondary, greatly influences the formation of one's

Mass media is recognized as one of the factors that influence personality, and the content of mass
media can be in the form of writing, pictures or videos, because mass media is divided into electronic
and printed media.

We often use the mass media in digging up information, because of the curious nature of human
beings, then one thing is normal if the need for information includes important needs, even though
sometimes we are not aware of it.

Well this is where the process of character formation occurs, the work published in the form of writing
in print and electronic media is basically a form of communication, there is a process of delivering
messages and receiving messages. The sender of the message is the author or author, while the
recipient of the message is the reader.

Each article has a purpose, a goal the author really wants to convey to his readers. If the goal is good
and has a positive impact on the reader, it is certainly not something that needs to be disputed. But if
the goal is not good or has a negative impact and is conveyed by the reader or the recipient of the
message, it will obviously have a bad impact.

It is very difficult to prevent a person or group of people from writing something, especially if it is
believed to be true, but the bad impact of receiving information without being tested for truth will
certainly be difficult to correct.

Then it is necessary for us both writers and readers to be wiser in forwarding information or receiving
information, in order to minimize the bad influences on personality development.

Apakah Bijak merubah semua Orang sesuai dengan Kemauan kita?

saya selalu bertanya dalam batin saya, benarkah yang sudah dilakukan masyarakat dalam
proses menata kehidupan yang lebih baik, yakni dengan mengarahkan perilaku setiap
individu agar selaras dengan norma-norma yang ada di dalam masyarakat.

Sedangkan disisi lain kita pahami, sejak dilahirkan dan pengaruh lingkungan primer serta
faktor pembawaan, manusia itu berbeda satu dengan yang lain. Bahkan akibat dari proses
yang berjalan dalam kehidupannya terpetalah konsep kebenaran dalam dirinya, yang
kemudian mencari penyaluran dengan terbentuknya kelompok-kelompok dan komunitas-
komunitas tertentu.

hal tersebut sekedar pertanyaan bagi saya penulis, karena dalam prakteknya, teori perilaku
masih tetap diterapkan dalam setiap lingkungan perkembangan manusia.
Is it Wise to Change Everyone According to our Will?
I always ask myself, is it really what the community has done in the process of organizing a better life,
namely by directing the behavior of each individual to be in line with the norms that exist in society.

Whereas on the other hand we understand, from birth and the influence of the primary environment and
the carrying factors, humans are different from one another. Even the result of the process that runs in
his life is the concept of truth in him, which then seeks channeling with the formation of certain groups
and communities.

This is just a question for me, because in practice, behavioral theory is still applied in every
environment of human development.

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