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i: good morning tefa

s: hello ixtabay, I have a question

i: sure tell me teffa
s: can you tell me what your mom does
i: of course my mother is a nurse, she works in
essalud and yours
s: my mother works in the fields, she has a farm in
i: I find it interesting and what time does your mom
get up?
s: my mom gets up at 6:00 am and yours?
i: my mom gets up at 5:40 am and at 6:20 she goes
to work
s: and who sends you your lunch?
i: my dad always cooks at 10:30 am but sometimes
my mom at the same time and you?
s: my sister or my mother usually cook at 10 or 11
in the morning
i: and what time does your mom have dinner?
s: my mom has dinner at 6:50 pm and yours?
i: my mom has dinner at 7:00 pm
i: how interesting, well teffa you have to have lunch
s: if we have to have lunch, I'm hungry

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