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1. Me: So, Bunda today Im going interview you about my Great
2. grandmother
3. Sri Soepadmi. So, Im gonna ask you a couple of questions. So the first
4. question is when and where is she born?
5. Mom: She was born on December 7th
6. Me: What year?
7. Mom: 1902, I think I dont know, um- should be in Blitar, East Java
8. Me: Okay, did she move or stayed in Blitar?
9. Mom: Yes
10. Me: She stayed?
11. Mom: Yes
12. Me: So she spent her childhood in Blitar?
13. Mom: Yes
14. Me: What was her childhood like?
15. Mom: I dont have any idea about that
16. Me: Oh okay, okay then moving on to the next question, who was she
17. married to?
18. Mom: Um Imam Soetopo
19. Me: Okay, was she in a healthy marriage?
20. Mom: Its supposed so because they have nine children
21. Me: So was her husband part of the royal kingdom, or is she part of
22. The royal kingdom?
23. Mom: Both of them
24. Me: Oh both of them?
25. Mom: Yep
26. Me: How so?
27. Mom: Um- My grandma- my eyang putri Sri Soepadmi, I was heard
28. That actually she was from Mangkunegaran
29. Me: Mangkunegaran?
30. Mom: Mangkunegaran is from not from East Java, from Central Java
31. Me: Oh yeah okay, so shes not actually from32. Mom: I mean her ancestors, not her. She was born in Blitar, East Java.
33. But her ancestors is actually from Central Java and they moved to East
34. Java
35. Me: And her ancestors are part of the royal kingdom?
36. Mom: Yes
37. Me: So, was she set up by her parents?
38. Mom: Yes, that s what I heard that actually shes very smart at school
39. And She got like a scholarship from school to go to Netherlands, to
40. Dutch. But You know at that time that its not possible for women to
41. Go to school.

42. Me: So, moving on to the next question did my great grandmother had
43. any siblings?
44. Mom: Yep
45. Me: How many?
46. Mom: Um from- you know his- Her father had like three wifes
47. Me: Oh okay
48. Mom: The first wife is like a- because hes like a king, something like
49. That dont know. Um the first wife is like a queen, so shes the first
50. Born From the three children. And then from the second wife, (what
51. should I call it) selir. He got one children and then another selir
52. another one.
53. Me: Oh, so in total she has?
54. Mom: 4 siblings, but the other 2 from another mom.
55. Me: So only 4 biological siblings?
56. Mom: No, 3. No, 2! 3 Including her right
57. Me: Oh yeah okay, do you know their names?
58. Mom: No
59. Me: Okay, so moving on to the next question, do you know her
60. Favorite food or- yeah do you know her favorite food?
61. Mom: Uh, I dont really know but she likes European food and
62. chili/sambel
63. Me: Oh thats very good. So how often- did you know how often did
64. she eat it, like very often?
65. Mom: No, just regular
66. Me: Where did she usually eat it? Does she usually cook it by herself?
67. Or Buy it in a restaurant?
68. Mom: Where, when- When shes visiting us in Jakarta, woah when
69. shes visiting us then my mom cook for her
70. Me: Oh, so she liked my grandmothers dish?
71. Mom: Yup, very much.
72. Me: Oh okay, so moving on to the next question, is she well travelled?
73. Mom: Um- no no
74. Me: Do you know why?
75. Mom: Yeah because uh her husband, which is my Grandpa, see he
76. Passed away at the age of 40 something. And after that she was a
77. single parent for nine children, so its very tough
78. Me: so its very hard
79. Mom: Yeah
80. Me: so okay then thank you Mom for your time
81. Mom: Youre welcome

1. Me: Okay- so, good morning oma. Today Im going to interview you
2. Sri Soepadmi my great grandmother. So Im going to ask- some questions
3. about her. So what was her- what was my grandmothers job?
4. Grandma: Her job? As a wife-, a prominent leader- , and mother of
5. nine children.
6. Me: Oh ooh okay
7. Me: So, she didnt have an actual job, just as a housewife?
8. Grandma: As a housewife. And what do you call her as her husbands
9. companion?
10. Me: Uuh I dont know
11. Grandma: Because she always accompanies her husband usually
12. during parties and also when her husbands meeting his boss which
13. the Dutch. She is fluent in Dutch
14. Me: Oh I see
15. Grandma: She is well educated
16. Me: Oh okay, so she was bilingual, she can speak in two languages?
17. Grandma: Yes
18. Me: So what languages did she speak?- Except dutch
19. Grandma: Dutch, French- She is the best pupil in her school
20. Me: Oh okay, so did she achieve anything significant?
21. Grandma: Yes
22. Me: Like what?
23. Grandma: Uhh, she- she has a grant to study
24. Me: Abroad?
25. Grandma: Overseas.
26. Me: Oh okay
27. Grandma: It means in the Netherlands
28. Me: Which did she pursue it or did she turned it down?
29. Grandma: Shes not allowed by her parents
30. Me: Oh, why?
31. Grandma: Because she is going away to far from the family
32. Me: Oh.
33. Grandma: and she is a girl. And at her days..
34. Me: Theyre not allowing her
35. Grandma: They are not allowed,
36. Me: Oh okay
37. Grandma: mostly girls are not allowed to go abroad alone
38. Me: Oh okay, so she was married, was she married? Yeah, I mean who
39. Was she married to?
40. Grandma: She is married to Imam Soetopo
41. Me: Okay, so they had nine kids?
42. Grandma: Nine kids yeah

43. Me: Okay, was her husband part of the royal kingdom?
44. Grandma: No- of the government.
45. Me: How bout her?
46. Grandma: no, shes just a housewife
47. Me: Okay, was she set up by her parents?
48. Grandma: Yes of course
49. Me: Ooh
50. Grandma: Because she was too young to be married, when her
51. Parents prohibited her to not to go abroad
52. Me: So just set up her?
53. Grandma: So just matchmaking, to marry her
54. Me: Was she in a healthy marriage?
55. Grandma: Yes of course, healthy and happily married
56. Me: Oh okay, so did you know what was she like?
57. Grandma: She is very smart
58. Me: Okay
59. Grandma: Her appearance is good, yeah she is nice she is beautiful.
60. Can talk- She can talk about all things because she is smart. And shes
61. very bright.
62. Me: Oh I see okay
63. Grandma: Shes very happy, because she is happily married
64. Me: Yeah with Imam Soetopo? Okay
65. Me: So was she someone respected at that time?
66. Grandma: Oh yes of course
67. Me: Okay
68. Grandma: She has many friends and she teaches them how to be a
69. Good housewife
70. Me: ooh okay
71. Grandma: Yeah
72. Me: Was she a strict parent?
73. Grandma: Of course, because she has nine childrens74. Me: Yeah its hard to75. Grandma: with 2 daughters and 7 sons.
76. Me: Woah okay, thats a lot
77. Grandma: So she has to be a strictly mother. So that her children obey
78. her
79. Me: Okay, so was she known for her edu- for her achievement?
80. Grandma: Yes of course
81. Me: Oh okay. Was she introverted or extroverted? Like82. Grandma: Shes extroverted
83. Me: Like very-?
84. Grandma: Meets people easily, she can talk with all levels
85. Me: so shes86. Grandma: Beneath her level and she can be at ease with everyone
87. Me: Oh okay so thats good
88. Me: When did she die?
89. Grandma: She died at the age of, Im not mistaken 62 ya
90. Me: Oh okay, 62 years old. How did she die?
91. Grandma: She died when she was in Jakarta, she lived in Blitar. But-

92. Me: But she moved here?

93. Grandma: No, but sometimes she came to see her children,
94. grandchildren
95. Me: Like opa?
96. Grandma: Yes. One day she is at her 3rd sons house. The night before
97. She went to the dentist
98. Me: Oh okay, for what?
99. Grandma: To100.Me: Take her teeth off?
101.Grandma: Yes
102.Me: Oh okay
103.Grandma: And the last that- the last person that she spoke to is
104.a grandchild
105.Me: Oh okay
106.Grandma: Yes, at eleven at night. She said, Why are you late?
107.Me: So the grandchild came late?
108.Grandma: Yes
109.Me: Came back late?
110.Grandma: Eyang, why dont you sleep? I cannot sleep
111.because I still feel the pain.
112.Me: Oh yeah after she113.Grandma: After yeah. And then early in the morning, she used
114.To get up early 5o clock. But until 7o clock
115.Me: Shes still asleep?
116.Grandma: Yeah, her room is still dark. So her son came into the to wake her up
118.Me: Okay, but she didnt wake up.
119.Grandma: And then he realized that shes cold, it means she has
120.passed away 2 hours before
121.Me: Oh she has passed away like- in her sleep
122.Grandma: Yes in her sleep
123.Me: Oh thats really nice way to pass away
124.Grandma: But we guessed that when she told her grand son
125.That she couldnt sleep. She has made up her bed, she has put
126.all things to the right place, she is neatly combed.
127.Me: She doesnt rarely do that?
128.Grandma: Yeah, change her clothes and she lies still with her
130.Me: So maybe she knows that shes dying?
131.Grandma: She knows yeah
132.Me: Okay lets133.Grandma: So of course we were startled, we were very
135.But when we realized that she doesnt suffer
136.Me: Yeah thats a good way to die137.Grandma: Yeah
138.Me: when shes asleep
139.Grandma: Then we realize, Oh, its her time. To go to heaven
140.Me: Yeah, so where was she buried?

141.Grandma: Shes buried in Jakarta

142.Me: Oh in Jakarta.
143.Grandma: In Tanah Kusir
144.Me: Oh, in Tanah Kusir. So she died in her- grandsons house
146.Grandma: In her grandsons house.
147.Me: Oh okay
148.Grandma: But because she came to Jakarta she used to sleep at
149.different places
150.Me: Oh, so its her turn to go to151.Grandma: Yes thats the turn of the 3rd son, sometimes she
152.Sleep at our house and then she- because she likes to read so
153.we give her magazines, women magazines for her to read
154.Me: Oh okay okay. Did you know that she had- I mean did she
155.have any role models? Do you know her role models? Or
156.maybe157.Grandma: Her role model is of course her parents
158.Me: Yeah
159.Grandma: And her husband, because her husband is very
160.faithful to her and to the family. Hes very patient because he is
161.much and much older than her
162.Me: Hes mature.
163.Grandma: Yeah, mature yes.
164.Me: So, what qualities did she followed from her role models,
165.That you can see?
166.Grandma: uuh.. she looks at things in a broad light
167.Me: Oh okay
168.Grandma: She is not like women at her age, so she can go with
169.The flow. If her children, grandchildren talk about the situations,
170.and so she can laugh happily with them, she understand their
171.problems. Shes easygoing.
172.Me: Okay, so like her husband?
173.Grandma: Like her husband
174.Me: Yeah okay, okay thank you oma for your time, thank you
175.Grandma: Youre welcome


A picture of Sri Soepadmi with my grandma and grandpa along with their kids

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