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Lesson Number: _6__

Institution: Escuela Normal Superior María Auxiliadora

Pre-service teacher’s name: Dahana Valentina Neira Henao

Grade/ Level: 10th

Date of implementation: _________________ Duration: 2h

Learning outcomes:

● Pragmatic:

The student will be able to use and identify the past simple and present perfect in speaking, writing
and listening, making correct use of its grammatical structure.

● Use of Language:

The student will be able to use the past simple and present perfect tense when speaking and adopt
the role of an older adult based on experiences in his environment.

Warm up

Procedure Time

The teacher will write the following titles on the board: 25m

• Dreaming Of A Trip At 100

• A Grandma Sets A Record

• 98-Year-Old Teacher Inspires Community

• A Skydiving Present For His 100th Birthday

Afterwards, students will be asked what these titles have in common. Next, tell your students to
think of three pieces of information they expect to read in each article with this titles

It’s reading time

The teacher will present the following texts (giving each student the material in physical form),
where the student should read and check their ideas and relate the titles to the texts. There is

A. Johanna Quaas was born in 1925 in Germany and started doing

gymnastics at an early age. She took part in her first competition in
1934. In 2012, Johanna got into the Guinness Book of Records as the
oldest gymnast in the world. Johanna, who is now a grandmother and
mother of three, has been married to Gerhard Quaas, a gymnast coach,
for more than 50 years.

one title that is not necessary to use.

B. Weifeng Yuan, from Richmond, Canada has helped thousands of

people in his community to become healthier. He came to Canada from
China in 1981 and in 1992 he founded the Richmond Wellness Centre,
where he teaches tai chi to 100–200 people every day. Weifeng learned
tai chi when he worked in Hong Kong. He likes tai chi so much that he
has recently written a song about it!

C. Gloria Tramontine Struck is 90 but she still rides her Harley Davidson
motorcycle and wants to go on a cross-country trip when she is 100.
When she was born, her father had a motorcycle shop. ‘I’ve been with
motorcycles every day of my life,’ she says. She learned to ride when
she was 16 and since then she has owned 14 motorcycles. Over the
years, she has taken part in many races and motorcycling events in the
USA and Europe.

Students should reread the texts and mark whether the following statements are true or false.

a) Johanna took part in her first competition when she was at college.
b) Johanna got married when she was 50 years old.
c) Weifeng has lived in Canada since 1981.
d) Weifeng taught tai chi in Hong Kong.
e) Gloria has 14 motorcycles.
f) Gloria started riding a motorcycle when she was a teenager.

Stage 1

Procedure Time

In this way, the teacher introduces the topic: Present perfect 30m
Taking into account the above information, the student should complete the following table in
the workshop given by the teacher.

 Study the rules about Present Perfect and Past Simple and match the sentences to the

We use Past Simple to talk about experiences if
we mention a specific time in the past.
A. Weifeng learned tai chi when he worked
in Hong Kong.
We use Present Perfect to talk about experiences
when we don’t mention a specific time. B. He likes tai chi so much that he has
recently written a song about it!

We use Past Simple to talk about something that C. ‘I’ve been with motorcycles every day of
finished in the past. my life,’ she says.

D. She took part in her first competition in

We use Present Perfect to talk about a period of 1934.
time that continues until now.

Stage 2

Procedure Time
Now, students should discuss the following questions. Initially, they should interact with a 30m
partner and then the teacher chooses the students to do it in a general way.

 Which story impressed you the most? Why?

 Do you know other stories like these?
 How old is the oldest member of your family? Are they active?
 Do you know anyone who is active at an older age? What do they do?

Stage 3

Procedure Time

The students, accompanied by their teacher, should watch the following video 35m
[] about a man named Tilmann Waldthaler, 78 years old.
Afterwards, they should put a mark (✓) next to the topics covered in it.

Next, the student should watch the video again and detail very well the first 50 seconds and
take note of what the following numbers explain.
Then, they should continue watching the video to complete the following exercise.

Finally, each student should imagine themselves at 80 years old. They should think about their
life and what they could do and would like to do at that age. To do this, they should consider
the following aspects and take notes if necessary.

• sport

• family

• work

• travel

• home

• relationships

• hobbies
Assessment and evaluation (How the student will be evaluated through the activities proposed)

A panel discussion will be held where the previous activity will be socialized, the teacher will take into
account the student's participation and of course the participation instructions. Therefore, the student must
socialize their notes in relation to the previous point using the past simple and present perfect.


Participation will be voluntary, but at the end of the activity it is expected that everyone will have
participated, as it will be evaluated and points will be obtained.

During the development of the activity, any student or the teacher may ask a question to a
classmate/student about another person.

NAME: ____________________________________ DATE: _________________________________

Makes use of the required times (past
simple/present perfect)
Makes full contributions
Correctly answers the question
Ask questions
Total: _______

Resources / APA References (Write the resources references according to APA rules)

ESL BRAINS (201) Present perfect and past simple continuous



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