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in fact, different the ories of learning offer more or less useful explanations depending on what is to be

explained. we emphasize three general theories of learning, each with a different focus:

behavioral theories of learning stress observable changes in behaviors, skills, and habits

cognitive theories of learning underscore such internal mental activities as thinking, remembering,
creating, and problem solving

constructivist thories of learning are interested in how individuals make meaningof events and ativities;
hence, learning is seen as the construction of knowledge

1. Teori perilaku (Behavioral Theories), stres belajar dapat diamati dari perubahan

perilaku, keterampilan, dan kebiasaan;

2. Teori Kognitif (Cognitive Theories), pembelajaran menggarisbawahi aktivitas mental

internal seperti berpikir, mengingat, mencipta, dan memecahkan masalah;

3. teori konstruktivis (Constructivist Theories) pembelajaran tertarik pada bagaimana

individu memaknai peristiwa dan aktivitas; karenanya, belajar dipandang sebagai

konstruksi pengetahuan. (Wayne K. Hoy, 2008)

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