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TERM 1 2023



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Geography Gr 12 2 LimpopoDoE March 2023
Marking Guideline

1.1. Multiple choice questions

1.1.1. B
1.1.2. A
1.1.3. A
1.1.4. C
1.1.5. B
1.1.6. D
1.1.7. B (7x1) (7)

1.2. Match columns

1.2.1. X
1.2.2. Y
1.2.3. Y
1.2.4. Y
1.2.5. X
1.2.6. Y
1.2.7. Y
1.2.8. X (8x1) (8)

1.3. Tropical cyclone Freddy

1.3.1. 5 tropical cyclones (1x1) (1)
1.3.2. East to west/westwards (1x1) (1)
1.3.3. Driven by the tropical easterlies/trade winds in a westerly direction (1x1) (1)
Curve in an easterly direction due to cooler conditions over the ocean.
1.3.4. Causes the deflection and rotation of air around the disturbance
Keeps pressure low/sustains the low-pressure (2x2) (4)
1.3.5. High rainfall will damage bridges, road, and rail infrastructure (4x2) (8)
Power stations in Mpumalanga will be affected and can cause power outages
and load shedding
Avalanches/mudslides might bury buildings along the escarpment in KZN
Habours/ports in KZN might be damaged due to flooding and negatively impact
service delivery.
Jamming of sluices of major dams due to silting (ANY FOUR) [15 Marks]

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Geography Gr 12 3 LimpopoDoE March 2023
Marking Guideline

1.4. Urban heat island

1.4.1. Urban heat island-refers to a region of higher temperatures in an urban area
surrounded by lower temperatures in the rural areas [concept] (1x2) (2)
1.4.2. Heat is trapped by the buildings due to closely spaced building
Reflective heat is transferred between the buildings
Limited air flow to disperse of heat
Heat is absorbed by building (ANY TWO) (2x2) (4)

Marks must be allocated for:

Subsidence : One mark ()
Labels : One mark ()
Dome shape : One mark () (3x1) (3)
1.4.4. It traps more heat increasing the heat island effect (1x2) (2)
1.4.5. Planting more trees in urban areas to absorb carbon dioxide
Establish of the rooftop gardens
The use of white reflective paints or surfaces to prevent heat from being
Limit industrial activities to daytime only
Legislation to limit pollution
Increase the number of water features
Promote public transport to reduce the number of vehicles in the Cities
Increase eco-friendly buildings
Encourage park and ride facilities (ANY TWO) (2x2) (4)
[15 Marks]

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Geography Gr 12 4 LimpopoDoE March 2023
Marking Guideline

1.5. Types of rivers

1.5.1. The highest level of ground water (1x2) (2)

1.5.2. Permanent/perennial river (1x1) (1)

1.5.3. Both wet and dry season water table is above riverbed. (1x1) (1)
1.5.4. Transverse (1x1) (1)
1.5.5. River profile shows a view of river from bank to bank/shows the depth and width
of river. (1x2) (2)

1.5.6. Lowers the water table

Raises river beds (2x2) (4)
1.5.7. High rainfall
High surface rainfall
Low groundwater
High soil evaporation (ANY TWO) (2x2) (4) [15 Marks]

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