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This memorandum consists of 15 pageis.

Geography/Pl 2 Mpumalanga/September 2016



1.1.1 hish( 1)
1 .1 .2 anticlockwise (1)
1.1.3 subsiding air (1)
1',1.4 diverge (1)
1.1.5 away (1)
1 .6 stable (1)

1 .1 .7 Clear (1)
(7x1) (7)

1.2.1 E / Drainage basin (1)

1.2.2, D / Drainage densitY (1)
1.2:3 BlDendritic(1)
1.2.4 H/Confluence(1)
1.2.5 G/Trellis(1)
1.2.6 I / lnfiltration (1)
1.2.7 C / Sheet flow (1)
1:2.8 F'l River mouth(1) (8 x 1) (8)

i.3.1 " An increase (rise) in temperature with increasing height (altitude) / Negative
lapse rate(1)'(CohcePt) (1 x 1) (1)

1 .9.2 High pressure cell is well'developed(1)

"' Descending air dominates (1)
There io rising currents to lift the descending air. (1)
"r" "onr".iional (1 x 1) (1)
. :.: [Any oryEl
.3.3 A - t$rmmer(t (2 x 1) (2\
1 )

1.9.4 Sulmlq€r: lnversion layer is above the escarpLent.(2)

\s{ The base of thE-nversion is higher above sea level.(2)
Moist air allowed onto the plateau. (2)
lnfluence of the Kalahari anticyclone is less (2)
V{lter: inversionlayer
Kalahari High Pressure cell (2) (2x2) (4)
,-,i: l SWC
1.3.5 Moist air wil! reach the interior'(2)
High humiditY in the interior. (2)
More condensation / cloudy conditions may occur' (2)
, Precipitation more likely to take place. (2)
Smaller temperatu re range (diurnal).(2)
Summer times/High temperatures (2)
[Any FOUR] ( Answers in sentences)
(a x2\ (8)
.phy/P1 J Mpumalan galSeptembe r 2O1 6

An urban area that records high temperatures than the surrounding rural
aleasr (1) [concept]. (1.x 1) (1)

1.4.2 Central Business District (1) (1 x 1) (1)

1.4.g Tall buildings traps heat as wind cannot disperse the heat. (2)
Multiple reflection of heat. (2)
More buildings therefore less vegetation to play the cooling role. (2)
Buildings create greater surface areas which absorb/reflects heat.(2)'
More air conditioners and hgaterq. (2)
[Any TWO]
' (2x2\ (4)

1.4.4 Trapped pollutants could results in respiratory problems.(2)

Use of air-conditioners because of high temperatures.(2)

Deterioration of buildings. (2)
Counter-u rbanization. (2)
More' renovaiton of buildings frequent painting.(2)
U ripredictable rairlfall. (2)
lncre.qse probJgms/example related to heat island'(2) Rny iWo
{Any TWOI (2 x2) (4)

1.4.5 lndustr,ial decentralisation. (2)

Law enforcement to ensure sustainable units/agenda 21.(2)
lntroduce epen space/green belts/parks to absorb carbon dioxide. (2)
Reduce building '9 density.
-.------r- (2)
Laws to restrict or control air pollution.
Erect green buildings. (2)
Use cleaner fuel. (2) .
lAny TWol (2x2) (4)

1.5.1 B-trellis(1) (1 x1) (1)

1.5.2 3'd order stream.(1) (1x1)

1.5.3 Tributaries join main stream at acute angle.(2)
looks like branches of a tree.(2) (1 x2) (2)

Can be used to generate hydroelectr:icity (2)
Aesthetic phenomenon/featu re (2)
Vertical ero'sion has taken place
Rejuvenation has occurred (1 x2)

1.5.5 Rock is inclined(2)

Alternate hard and soft rocks (2)
Hock strata has different resistance to erosion.(2)
[Any TWO] (2x2) (4)
Geography/P1 4 Mpumalanga/September 2016 \

1.5.6 Hard rock (underlying rock structure) (2)

Low infiltration (2)
r High rainfall (2)
Low rock porosity (2)
Low rock permeability (2)
No vegetation (2) '

[Any TWO]
(2 x2) (4)

' profile. (1) (Concept)
Ungraded river is a iiver that flows on an uneven surface and has many obstacles
. : ..: along the course of the river.(1)(Concept) . : (2x 1) (2)

. 1.6.2 The river has sufficient energy to flow, with erosion rates in balance with
deposition rates. (1 x 2) (2)

1.6.3 Upper course - There is much friction as there is little volume, the channel is
small and the bed is uneven. A steep gradient gives the river energy to overcome
this friction and stillflow. (2)
Lower course - There is less friction as there is more vo-lume, the channel is
large and the bed is even, so the river does not need as much energy to flow. (2) (4)

i.6.4 A knickpoint is a break in the slope of a river profile caused by a rejuvenated

' river. A knickpoint is often a watedall.(2).
When rejuvenation of a river flowing on a wide valley occurs, a new valley is
, carved into the old valleY. (2)
The floor of the old valley forms a terrace on either side of the valley after
rejuvenation. (2)
incised meanders form when rejuvenation occurs in a stream which is already
-:"' meandering. (2)
lncised meanders can also form oxbow lakes and cut-off meander scars. (2)

lAny FOURI $ x2) (8)

2.1.1 D I rise with clockwise rotation (1)
2.1.2 Dl typhoons(1)
, 2.1.g B I continental high pressure and coastal low pressure (1)
2.1 .4/ C convection (1)
2.1.5 Bl aspect(1)
2.1.6 C/ polarfront(1)
2.1.7 A t an imbalance in energy between the polar and tropical regions (1)
Mpumalanga/SePtember 201 6

(8 x 1) (8)
.8 cl increasing temperature and rainfall (1)

1.2.1 B / SuperimPosed (1)

2.2.2 A / Antecedent (1)
2.2.3 B / SuperimPosed (1)

.?.2.4 , A / Antecedent(1)
2.2.5 A / Antecedent (1)
2.2.6 B / SuperimPosed (1)
2.2.7 B / SuperimPosed (1)
(7 x 1) (7)

2.3.1 Mid-latitude cyclone/wave cyclone/extra tropical cyclone, frontal

depression.(1 xl ) (1)

(1 x 1)

2.3.2 Family of depressionigyclone family/train (1) (1)

2:3'3 ctruarrls //.Sorrth

West to East / Eastwards
South East (1) (1 x 1) (1)

2,3.4 Possible flooding and people should evacuate (2)

Snovufall and very cold conditions and people must find
shelter (2)

Stock up on food/medical supplies (2)

Purchase lamps/candles in case power is cut (2)
Put sandbags down to prevent water coming in (2)
(Any TWo)
(2 x 2) (4)

is ideal
2.. LJ. \, 1b coto t'ront nrings winter rainfallto the South Western Cape and this
forvineyards and deciduous fruit cultivation' (2)
sometimes heavy downpours associated with the approaching cold fronts
serious floods thit damage property and crops' (2)
when the cold front approaches it may result in the formation of snow on
C"p""fqU Mountains. brops are damaged and livestock is killed' (2)
snov6afti over the mountains attract tourists thus boosting the economy.
Duririi iiontrirtorms strong winds and high seas occur posing a hazard
sfrippi'ng ahd to fisherman in tne South Western Cape'

(4xz) (8)
6 Mpumalanga/SePtember 201 6

2.4.1 Latent Heat (1) (1 x 1) (1)

Moisture evap;rated from warm ocean when condenses- (1)
oC and above(1)
2.4.2 A sea temperature ol27
An intense low pressure cell on the surface(1)
Presence of coiiolis force (1) (Any ONE) (1 x 1) (1)

2.4.3 Eye (1) :

2.4.4 Descending air createsstable conditions. (2) (1x2\ (2)

-1 ':-.
2.4.5 Winds are slowed down because of friction with the land surface(2)
D*r air enters the system, which reduces the amount of condensation and
therefore the amount of energY (2)
, (Any TWO)
(2 x 2) (4)

2.4.6 Death of peoPle and animals. (2)

People and animals left with no shelter/homeless' (2) ,

Evacuation of PeoPle. (2)

Looting and civil disturbance.
Lives disrupted/thousands have no access to homes or jobs. (2)
Lack of clean water and sanitation facilities(2)
Spread of diseases(2)
[Any TWO]

2.5.1 It is the volume of water that flows down a river. (1) (coNcEPT)

2.5.2 A - laminar flow(1)

B - turbulent flow(1)

2.5-.3 ' Slope steep causing the water to move in a bubbling and turbulent

2.5.4 High discharge over a short space of time (2)

,Water,flow tend to be turbutent (2) ',i, '' ii : '

river load promotes down vertical erosion'(1)

'''t .' .:, ,Large

2.5.5 Water flows over a level and even river bed (2)
There is no friction to retard flow (2).
" Water flow in laYers. (2)
(Any TWO)

2.5.6 When the velocity is higher, larger size particles will be carried downstream(2)
When the velocity is low there will be a reduction in the transport of sediments
and more deposition. (2)
Large load size and big boulders (2) (2 x2) (4)
t phy/P1 7 Mpumalanga/Septembe r 201 6

2.6.1 An area drained by a central river and all its tributaries. (1) (CONCEPT) (1 x 1) (1 )

2.6.2 Water will be contaminated and fishes will die. (2)
lndustries pollute water causes water bone diseases. (2)
I -' : The river will no longer attract tourist. (2) (1 x 2) (Z)
[Any ONE]
2.6.3 Fliver water is polluted by industrial effluent, agricultural run-off and untreated
i- sewerage(2)"

' ,:.'
The nature of run-otf can be changed by building dams(2)
Removal of vegetation can lead to flooding(2)
Cities and other structures built on the floodplain of the river decreases infiltration

and can lead to flooding(2)

The draining of swamps which occurs during flooding(2

The gcology of rivers and their catchment is disturbed by the removal of water for
irrigation, industry, mines and domestic use(2)
Construction of dams (2)
High amounts of pesticides can harm aquatic tife and increase algae in the
Human made levees keep water in the channel (2)
lnter-basin transfer of water affects aquatic life and distribution of drainage
[Any'TWO[ " (2x2) (4)

2.6.4 lt supplies fresh water for domestic and industriar use. (2)
Rivers are also a tourist attractions (2)
Farmlng !a[es place on floodplains because of fertile silt.
Water is used for irrigation (2)
Leisure activities such as fishing and water rafting takes place in the river (2)
To ensure that ecosystem remains healthy and in balance (2)
Protect waiting of water and sustainable of water usage (2)

[Any FOUR] (4x2) (8)

Geography/Pl Mpumalanga/September 201 6



3.1.1 C (1)
",3-1.2 D (1)
3.1.3 B,(1)
3.1.4 B (1)
3.1 .5 A (1)
3'.1.6 B (1) 'I :.r_ .-' ,!_-,_j_:

3.1 .7 C (1)
,: ;

3.1 :9, (8x1) (8)


3.2.1 Gauteng /PWV (1)

3.2.2 A (1)
3.2.3 Harbour (1)
3.2.4 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan (1) / port Elizabeth-Uitenhage (1)
s.2.5'A (r)
3.2.,6 South-Westem Cape (1) / Westem Cape (1)
3.2.7 Centralisation (1) (7x1) (1)

Js and services to the surrbunding rural area. (1) ' js^:+-

,{:1 , (tx1)(1):"
3..3.2":'a' Sphere of inftuence is the surrounding area served by a central place. (1)

:- ' (1x1)(t)i,
[. Graaff-Reinet provides higher order goods that will attract people from greater disianpes

33 3 'A large variety of goods and services will attract many people from surrounding areas (Z)

(2) ''
3.3.4 Graatf-Reinet
, '. '
is very accessible -.,

Graatf Reinet draws customers from a number of different directions. (2)

Graaf Reinet was there before the Ng and the NI (2)
Graaf Reinet provides in the need/services from a number of diffeient directions (2) :
iphy/P1 I Mpumalanga/September 2O1 6

[Any TWO] Qxz) @)

3.3.5 Governrnent grants to youth population'to start businesses. (2)

Municipal advocate marketing of the town to attract businesses and industries. (2)
Oreating recreational or tourism opportunities. (2)
lmprove the delivery and maintenance of seruices. (2)
, Promote job creation especially for the young people. (2)

Building of educational institutions with hostels (2)

Development of industries in the areas. (2)
(3 x 2) (6)

3.4.1 A sustainable city that while meeting the needs of the population also takes into
account the environment. [Concept] (1) (1 x 1) (1)

3.4.2. High quality of life in a sustainable environment. (1)

(1 x 1) (1)
, Complete destination (Live, work, play and travel in one area). (1)
3.4.3 There are'a variety of land uses / an integrated environment (2)
I Close to the airpoft (2)
Close to the market / residential areas (2)
lAny ONEI (1 x 2) (2)

3.4.4 Better planning would prevent usage of valuable agricultural land (2')
Compact urban development (the development will be more compact). (2)

g.4.5 Do an environmental impact study. (2)

' Reduce the'carbon footprint by improving public transpofi, (2)
Reduce the negative impact on water, soil and air by preventing pollution. (2)
Applies recycling methods. (2)
' Planned green areas e.g parks and open areas. (2)
Use of "gr6en" material e.g vegetation roofs for buildings. (2)
Harvesting of rain water in tanks. (2)
Reuse of household grey water. (2)
Ecofriendly technology e.g hybrid vehicles (2)
Green forms of transportation e.g demarcated areas for bicycles and pedestrians(2)
Water features, e.g fountains, lakes. (2)
lnhabitants will have clean air and water available.
' Peaceful, less stressful environment (2)
Less time consuming travel time on roads with all seruices close to suburbs (2)
Less traffic congestion and accidents with public transport (2)

lAny FOURI (4 x 2) (8)

GeographyiPl 10 Mpumalanga/September 201 6

3.5.1 GDP - the total value of all goods and seruices produced in a country in one year (1)
3.5,2 .20% fi) . :
(1 x 1) (1)
3.5.3 South Africa has an abundance of mineral resources. (2) i
Great demand for South Africa's mineral for export (2) (1 x 2) (2) ',
[Any ONE]

3.5.4 The geological structure of South Africa has a large reserue of minerals. (2) f

Availability of large labour force. (2)

Advanced infrastructure available. (2)
Foreign investors in South Africa piovide capital. (2)
Variety of minerals to be exploited in South Africa. (2)
Advanced technology available for mines. (2) ,,' ' :

Government assist smaller, private mines. (2)

Localforeign market available for minerals. (2) :

Energy / electricity available that is close to mining areas. (2)

[Any TWO] (2x2) (4)

3.5.5 Neoative effects:

Large quantities of water is required that cause less water available for other sectors. (2)
Deslroying of various ecosystems. (2)
Air pollution due to dust / gases e.g coal dust deposited on surrounding areas. (2)
Removal of natural vegetation with open cast mines. (2)
Destroying of habitat of animals. (2) i

, : Pollution of underground water supplies resulting acid mine drainage. (2)

Recycling of water (2)
Transplanting or culturing any endangered plants found on site(2)'

-. Using waste as raw material (2)

RedrJcing the amount of wastb produced through .

Have waste management plan in place (2)

Have plan to reduce acid rock drainage (2)
Cleaning up the sites of shut down mines (2) i

[Any FOUR] :
(a x 2) (8)

3.6.1 IDZ's are zones of*ndustrial development, ctose to harbours and airports for the purpose
of exporting goods, job creation, and community development.r(1)
3.6.2 Port Elizabeth (1)
3.6.3 Good infrastructure (1)
Tax incentives (1)
Rebates (1)
Duty-free zone (1)
[Any TWO]
iphy/P1 11 Mpumalanga/September 201 6

3.6.4 Entry and exit points for goods (2) l

Location of Port of
$gura harbor caters for targe container vessels (2)
Goods closeby witl have a shoft diJtance to transpo,t to inL harbor to
', expofied (2)
Large labour force to assist (2)
lnfrastructure built to cope with large cargo (2)
[Any THREE] (3 x 2). (6)

3.6.5 Creates job opportunities to the tocal people. (2)

lncreases in seruice delivery. (2)
Coega is the hub of South Africa,s trade. (2)
Use of local resources to generate economic growth. (2)
Provide communities with opportunities to participate in economic activities. (2)
lnfrastructure development. (2)
Attracts foreign investors. (2)
lncrease expofts. (2)
[Any Three]


4.1.1 Rural (1)

4.1.2 B (1)
4.1.3 Dispersed (1)
' 4;.1.4., Topography I reliel,l. flat terrain/ arable land (1)
4.1F B (1)
4.1 .6 Primary (1)
4.1.7 North (1) (7 x 1) (7)
q.Z..l Secondary (1)
4.2.2 Heavy industries (1)
4.2.3 Footloose lndustries (1)
4.2.4 Raw materialorientated (1)
4.2.5 Bridge industries (1)
4.2.6 Ubiquitous industries (1)
4.2.7 Light industries (1)
4.2.8 Market'orientated (1) (8 x 1) (8)
4.3.1 Multifunctionat (1)
Provision of seruices. (1)
[Any ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
4.3.2 a. T- Shaped (1)
(1 x 1) (1)
b. Reason: located along a T-junction road (1) (1-x 1) (1)
12 Mpumalanga/SePtember 2016

4.3.3 Availability of fertile / arable land (2)

the dam (2)
Availability of sutficient water from ihe river and
.Availability of services and roads (2) (1 x 2) (2)

4.g..4 Advantaqes:
plenty ot *"i"i tor irrigation from the perennial river
Flat lind contour lines appear to be far apart. (2 x 2) (6)

4.g.5 Lack of recreational facilities (2) . ..* , ,A\

Lack of schools (2)

Lack of hosPitals, doctors' (2)
Lack of busineSs'es (2)
Distances to markets (2) (2 x2\ (4)

\vr parts
q (or rs*v of) r- improved
Y'r' is '.' r and rehabilitated' (1)
4.4.1 Process where the urban area (1 x 1) (1)
4.4.2 A - gentrification (1)
(2 x 1) (2)
B - facadism (1)
the cBD' (2)
People and aictivities are encouraged back into
4.4.4 in the CBD' (2)
lnvestors *iff L" attracted to new [evelopments (2)
need tor housing'
Upgraded iesiOlntial developments meet the \
Upgraded areas appear more attractive'
outside the city will be restricted' (2)
Use of ,gri.rliur"l'lind for new developmehts
prevention-ot ,ir5"n 0"""y by rehabilitating of buildings' (2)
Jobcreationwithnewconstructionprojects..(2\ zoned for residential functions' (2)
New business opportunities in areas that was freviously (4 x 2) (8)
access to a sufficient quantity of affordable'
4.s.1 Food security - the state of having reliable (1 x 1) (1)
nutritious i".io. iii tcor'rcrpil"
4.5.2 403 mm (1) (1 x 1) (1)
608 mm average (1) I 2OS mm less than average'

of food / stable food for

4.5.3 Maize, with a high calorie intake is the key source b
South Africa (2)
4.5.4 The GDP Negative affected' (2)
Loss of mark6t due to low production of maize.
costs' (2)
Need to imfort 5 million tons of maize' at high (2x2\ (4)
lncrease of food Prices' (2)
.phy/P1 13 Mpumalanga/Septembe r 201 6

[Any TWO]

.5.5 Sustainable wavs to reduce food insecurity:

Practice sustainable agriculture, use of resources without damaging
the natural resources. (2)
Government to suppoft small-scale farmers with finance. (2)
' ,
Government to train farmers for scientifically methods. (2)
lmprove infrastructure to farm on large scalb.
' 1Z;
Use correct scientific farming methods e.g. coirect irrigation methods .(Z)

Consolidation of farms to increase productivity. (2) ;

Storing food to be used during the dry season.
Plant drought resistant seeds. (2)
Build water-storage facilities, or reseruoirs to haruest water in dry periods. i(zy
Practice rotation cropping, grazing to improve soilfertility. (2) '
lAny FoURI

@ x2) (8)
4.6.1 Heavy industry is industry that involves one or more characteristics such as
large and heavy products; large.and heavy equipment and facilities
as heavy equipment, large maLhine tools, ind'huge buildingsj; or complex
i i , or Rumerous processes (Concept) (1), ,: , 1f i f) (1 )

4.6.2 Steel (1)

Plastic (1)
Leather for car seats (1)
Assembly of cars vehicles
Automotive compbnents (1 )
(Any TWO)
(2x 1) (2)
4.6.3 Sea/Ocean (2) (1 x 2) (2)
4.6.4 Use of wind Eneryjy (2) .

Use of Biofuel (2) (2 x 2) (4)

4.6.5 Three major: ports (2)

Raw material for motor car available. (2)
Automotive components are found nearlcy (2)
large labour force both skilled and unski[ed available(2)
Enough energy (2)
Availability of water (2) (3 x 2) (6)


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