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My friend Sofia is funny at all times and he never has liked that the other friends gossip

about her for that reason I (we) have been friends for 8 years approximately since 2016
when we were in middle school and we agree on the same course and I liked her
personality. finally, I think that this relationship with my friend is different because there
are emotions of confidentiality with her and is specially the activities that we do it .

I'll never forget that day

once upon a timeone day in which, I was traveling in Medellin with my family at that time
I had met downtown whit other friends that I won't(present perfect) seen in a long time,
and we decided to eat in the best restaurant in Medellin at that moment I never had
thought the prices in the restaurant and I wore (not appropiate word)little money for this
occasion I didn´t worried(worry) about it but when the check arrived I was in shock, and
was worry and tell to my mother that I do not(past tense) have money but she said that
the belt she forgot and my dad at that moment he had not (simple past/ didn't
have)money after y said to my friends and they said that they can't(past tense/couldn't)
borrow me money. finally, we need to speak with the ,servers and they reacted so badly
and inmedately they decided to call the police and de police ask for the money but I
haven't(simple past tense/ I didn't have) money, that night I never forget because I was
in jail for 4 hours and was horrible for my I hate that day

when you visit Bogota you should have a lot of things that to take into account is the
principal is you do not have a lot of money it's a reality that Bogota is not as expensive
as foreign countries and the other has you needs(you is not a third person/ you have)
recommendations if you go a shop is the custom to greet and say goodbye is polite for
the people. if you go to a meeting with someone it's supposed to arrive early and if is
known you should bring anything for example cookies or bread. finally, it's typical if you
go to the cinema it's not acceptable to use the cellphone or talk loud because is
uncomfortable for others persons.

You should never buy this

Hi, I'm valerie the last week I bought sneakers in mercado libre the post said that the
sneakers were created by Nike and the product was original when I received the shoes I
saw that they were stained and had a hole in there, immediately I decided to claim with
mercadolibre and there say (they said)they won't reply because that product doesn't
has( when you use auxiliar the verb doesn't change/ doesn't have) warranty .with this
teaching I decided (to) put a complaint with this comment and prevent people from
continuing to buy these products.

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