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My best friend is someone who always supports me in the worst situations, always when I have a
problem, we have been friends for 10 years, recently we have not spent much time together, she is
a person who is always very busy with her studies but whenever I need your help, she is always
there to support me, when we were younger, she was very friendly and outgoing, she talked a lot
while I was very introverted and reserved, we used to play a lot of video games. I really like people
who are very friendly like her, because they make me feel very happy with their way of being.


I was watching the final of a soccer game in Australia when something unexpected happened, a
bull entered the stadium and started chasing the players who were trying to escape from the
soccer field, the security tried to contain the bull with some nets but couldn't It worked, after this
animal protection arrived to be able to contain the animal and take it without hurting it, after this
they ended the soccer game and rescheduled another one for the following week, some players
are still afraid that another bull will appear again in the stadium, so they chose not to go to the
next match in this place, the fifa directors still do not say anything about this.


Hello friend, in Bogota there are many things to do, for example you can climb the stairs that lead
to Moserrate, you can also use a cable car, we can do shopping in the city center and visit many
tourist sites such as Plaza de Bolivar, go to the Botero Museum or even the National Museum of
Colombia, which contains a lot of history of our country and if by chance you are not very into
these things, in Bogota there are many places to dance and drink, the people are very friendly, but
always have a lot of Be careful, Bogota can be a very beautiful and touristy place, but it is also very


Yesterday I ordered a laptop through free market, in the specifications it said that the components
used were new and none generic, at the moment of receiving it I received a used computer, the
box was open and did not contain its charger, I contacted the seller, we talked about what
happened and he was very kind and we solved the problem, he agreed to pick up the laptop and
bring a new one to verify the state of how it arrived, I highly recommend this store, they guarantee
the quality of the product and take responsibility for this .

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