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Global warming is advancing rapidly, making it very difficult for both nature and

human societies to adapt to the new conditions. Global warming results from the
increase in the greenhouse effect, a process in which thermal radiation emitted by the
Earth is trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases. Its presence is natural and
necessary to maintain the temperature of the planet in habitable values, in addition
global warming is constituted by the absorption of solar energy by the earth. As the
earth heats up, it gives off heat to the atmosphere in the form of infrared rays.

While it is true that every year the temperature varies, it is a consequence of our
actions, such as pollution that is generated when we throw garbage, we do not recycle
and we are too consumerist, which is why the pollution of the planet increases every
year and thus the ozone layer is weakening, It is time to reflect and leave aside our bad
habits of life, to help improve the planet where we live, each year the percentage of
pollution increases either by throwing garbage, burning garbage, or the excessive
amount of old cars that circulate through the streets, to save our planet is necessary to
start the change now.

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