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Topic: Why fourwheelers are better than dirt bikes.

The best outdoor toy to play with is my big


In my opinion: Fouwheelers are better than dirt bikes because four wheelers can go through
tons of mud while fourwheelers can go through mud. Also four wheelers are better because if
you needed to scare off a predator because it's been killing your chickens for example.

Another Reason: is That riding four wheelers are fun because my big brother has 3rd gear and i
only have 2 gear and we have a huge field next to our property and our friend allows us to ride
on it and we go so fast but my dirt bike only goes like 20 miles an hour and we go like 30 on the

Last Reason: Four wheelers are also better because whenever you're going hunting you can
load your guns on the back of the four wheeler and you can't do that on a dirt bike. You can also
make your four wheeler camouflage so nobody tries to steal it while hunting. You can’t do that
on a dirt bike and if you can it’s very hard to do.

Conclusion: The best thing about riding four wheelers is spending time with friends while you're
riding and that is why four wheelers are better than dirtbikes.

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