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NAMES: Juliana Cavadia Diaz

1. Did you like the movie? Yes/No Why?

Yes, because it is a very interesting movie, that at that time two people despite so
many prejudices and stereotypes get to make such good friends is something
great; I also liked how the way of thinking of the characters changes as the movie
progresses through example, Dr. Shirley is more expressive, tony begins to see
people of color as an equal, etc. I liked the music, setting, etc. I loved the ending
when the police help them, when Dr. Shirley helps tony to get to his house on
Christmas Eve, when they eat together at Tony’s house and they all treat him
equally, it is a very nice movie that makes you think As relationships were before, it
shows you how cruel a society can be with excluded and different people and at
the same time it shows that ray of light that motivates us to be part of the changes
in favor of those around us, this shows us that each person has a talent, that
others are privileged and that each action and decision we make can change

2. Do you consider Tony Lip’s wife as a racist woman? Yes/No Why?

No, because at the beginning of the film she treats the people of color who fixed
the kitchen in a good way, after that she knows that Dr. Shirley is a man of color
and accepts that he becomes the boss of her husband and at the end of the movie
she hugs Dr. Shirley and thanks him for helping her husband with the letters and
everything else.

3. Dr. Shirley only plays in...

A. A fifteen-foot boa piano

B. A bowl of brown M&Ms
C. A Steinway piano<>that’s the correct<>
D. A Coke and cognac piano

4. What does Tony do when he sees the empty glasses in the sink?
He looks at them again, then he picks them up with disgust and throws them in the

5. When Dr. Shirley and Tony Lip enter to Kentucky state, what fast food is Tony
excited to eat?

A. White Castle
B. New York fried chicken
C. Dairy Queen
D. Kentucky Fried Chicken<>that’s the correct<>

6. When the Italian friends offer a better work proposal for Tony Lip, what does Dr.
Shirley do in response?

A. He reminds Tony that he has a contract.

B. He offers Tony more money to stay. <>that’s the correct<>
C. He blackmails Tony into completing the tour.
D. Nothing. Dr. Shirley doesn't speak Italian.

7. When Tony and Dr. Shirley are arrested and taken to a local jail, Dr. Shirley
demands to call his lawyer. Who does he really call?
A. Robert Kardashian
B. Johnnie Cochran
C. Robert Kennedy. <>that’s the correct<>
D. Alan Dershowitz

8. Write 3 things you like and 3 things you dislike from the movie.
I like how the movie progresses Tony changes his way of seeing and thinking about
people of color.
I like when the car overheated and dr. Shirley realizes the reality of his people but
at the same time I think that seeing them was a ray of hope since it encouraged
them someday they would have opportunities or that someday a white would
serve a black, etc.
I also like the ending when Dr. Shirley goes out of his way to get Tony to his house
for Good Night and when dinner is at Tony's house and everyone accepts and cares
for him.
I didn't really like the beginning when there were multiple fights.
I also didn't like tony's attitude towards dr. Shirley when I force him to put Dr.
shirley's luggage.
I do not like when they do not allow Dr. Shirley to measure his clothes just because
he is black or when they do not want to give him dinner where he is going to play
but he demands that he appear, it could be said that I did not like the scenes of
racism, I gave impotence.
9. Name at least 3 scenes of racism that you remember in the movie.
At first when people of color are fixing something in the kitchen, Tony's wife gives
them water and when they leave Tony takes the glasses and throws them in the
Another is when they don't let dr. Shirley urinate in the bathroom but instead tell
him he has to pee outside on a stick.
Finally, when they don't let dr. Shirley at the place where he played despite the
fact that he is the Star of the show.

10. Write 3 qualities (attributes, virtues) of Dr. Shirley.

Prudent, talented and long-suffering.

11. Write 3 qualities (attributes, virtues) of Tony Lip.

Storyteller, big eater and lucky.

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