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Indicator 5 4 3 2 1

1. Connectedness and commitment of members as a caring, /

mutually supportive relationship unit
2. Respect for individual differences, autonomy, and separate /
needs, fostering the development and well-being of members of
each generation, from youngest to eldest

3. For couples, a relationship characterized by mutual respect, /

support, and equitable sharing of power and responsibilities
4. For nurturance, protection, and socialization of children and /
caretaking of other vulnerable family members, effective
parental or executive leadership and authority
5. Organizational stability, characterized by clarity, consistency, /
and predictability in patterns of interaction
6. Adaptability: flexibility to meet internal or external demands /
for change, to cope effectively with stress and problems that
arise, and to master normative and nonnormative challenges
and transitions across the life cycle
7. Open communication characterized by clarity of rules and /
expectations, pleasurable interaction, and a range of emotional
expression and empathic responsiveness
8. Effective problem-solving and conflict-resolution processes /
9. A shared belief system that enables mutual trust, problem /
mastery, connectedness with past and future generations,
ethical values, and concern for the larger human community
10. Adequate resources for basic economic security and /
psychosocial support in extended kin and friendship networks
and from community and larger social systems

Total Average 20 16 2
Overal All Average 38
Checklist for Functional Family/Dysfunctional Family
Name: JENSE C. GATDULA Age: 37 Sex: Female Married__/__ Not Married ______
5 -Always Exhibited
4. Exhibited
3- Moderately Exhibited
2- Seldom Exhibited
1-Least Exhibited

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