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Silvia C. Barreiro Bilbao


Received Pronunciation (RP)

1st EXERCISE (1.6/2 points): Perform the following reading and

writing tasks:

Read the following text and divide it into intonation units based on the
syntactic structure. Asterisks show stressed syllables according to the
intonation patterns.
I *speak to you to*day with *feelings of pro*found *sorrow.
Through*out her *life, Her *Majesty The *Queen — *my be*loved
*Mother — was an inspi*ration and e*xample to *me and to *all my
*family, *and we *owe her the most *heartfelt *debt any *family can
*owe to their *mother; for her *love, a*ffection, *guidance,
*unders*tanding, and e*xample.

Queen E*lizabeth was a *life well *lived; a *promise with *destiny

*kept and she is *mourned most *deeply in her *passing. *That
*promise of *lifelong *service I re*new to *all to*day.

Along*side the *personal *grief that *all my *family are *feeling, we

*also *share with *so many of you in the U*nited *Kingdom, in *all
the *countries where The *Queen was *Head of *State, in the
*Commonwealth and a*cross the *world, a *deep sense of
*gratitude for the *more than *70 years in which my *Mother, as
*Queen, *served the *people of *so many *nations.

In *194*7, on her *21st *birthday, she *pledged in a *broadcast

from *Cape Town to the *Commonwealth to de*vote her *life,
whether it be *short or *long, to the *service of her *peoples.

Once divided it into intonation units, provide the phonological

transcription of the text as if it were uttered by a Received
Pronunciation (RP) native speaker. Do not forget to show the likely
processes that can occur in connected speech, i.e., elisions, syllabic
consonants, assimilations, coalescence, r-liaisons, weak forms... Use a
pronunciation dictionary, if needed.

Silvia C. Barreiro Bilbao

2nd EXERCISE (0.4/2 points): Now perform the following listening &
writing tasks:

Listen to the full speech given by King Charles III after The Queen
Elizabeth’s death (09/09/2022) by clicking here (notice that the text of
the previous exercise is the transcript of a part of his speech (from 20’’
to 1’56’’).

Pay attention to his speech and…

 Provide:
o Two connected speech processes that he did
o Two connected speech processes that he did not,
but he could have done in that context

 Indicate the moment it happened in brackets (_’_’’)

 Do not forget to justify your answer
 You can use other parts of his speech apart from what you
have transcribed in the previous exercise

 For instance:

- “King Charles III elides the consonant /___/ in the word __

because that consonant is followed by…”. (_’_’’)
- “His pronunciation of the word __ (did not) include a
possible case of assimilation of ___. The consonant __
could have become __ as it is in the following phonetic
context _______”. (_’_’’)

Check your PEC before submitting.

Silvia C. Barreiro Bilbao


The evaluation of the PEC (20% of the final grade, if submitted) will be
added to the evaluation of the written exam (the remaining 80%).

This PEC is a voluntary task. If you decide not to submit the PEC, you
can still pass the course with the mark got on the written exam
(representing then 100% of the final grade).

The maximum mark of the PEC will be 2 points.

a. 1st EXERCISE (phonetic transcription):
 By ‘mistake’ is meant either a wrong answer or a lack
of answer.
 A mistake can be made…
o …in the symbols used to represent phonemes
o …in the likely processes of connected speech
(assimilations, elisions, etc.)
o …in the division of the text into intonation units.
 If the same mistake occurs more than once, it only
penalises once.
 Each mistake penalises -0.025 points

b. 2nd EXERCISE (pronunciation features):

 This exercise only adds points, does not subtract.
 Each correct feature plus reasoning is worth 0.1 points.
If there is no reasoning provided, the pronunciation
feature is worth 0.05.
 Wrong answers do not penalise.
 Lack of an answer does not penalise.

Silvia C. Barreiro Bilbao


Include your personal information (full name/DNI/Centro Asociado

UNED/mobile number) in the top right-hand corner of the first page.

Convert your PEC document into pdf format.

Send it to your tutor (using the task icon in the virtual course website) by
the third week of April.

No PECs will be marked after the deadline (21st of April).

Use the full transcript uploaded to the virtual course (File Storage: PEC),
if needed.


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