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Task Submission for Liquid Loans

METHODOLOGY – Chocolate Candy Bars

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Data Preparation: TRENDS (Please refer to info-graphics for output):
1. The data has Customer ID, Days entered, Incidence, Brand, Quantity, 1. In this section we have tried to figure out different factors like age
Promotion PRICE, and Demographics factors. (The data has 58,693 rows). and occupation effect the incidence. We have a got range of age of
2. There are 5 Brands which have their own price and promotion days in data, people.
Different visualization tools are used to get insights and sort data, like Excel 2. I analyzed the days into months and assumed the data is of 1900-
to know the data, Power BI to use Power query and Tableau to visualize it.
1901 and got the previously visited quantities vs after visit quantities
3. Demographics data like Sex, Education, marital status, Income and
occupation. The ID is sorted according to All demographic’s factors.
ID, Brand, Days of Trend (Please refer to info-graphics for output):
1. ID : Based on the trends and factors influencing there buying
1. Analysis is divided into 3 parts: ID (To know the customer and behavior), behaviour I got a comprehensive range of the Individuals for
Days (To know which days, sale is most), Incidence to Promotion to different brands.
know how it effecting. 2. Days of Trend: - The days of trend is seen to be from 200-400 which
2. Different datasets were created: is the summer season and brand 1 and 2 are promoting at good level
a. First dataset is for ID to Its factors. and getting good results of incidence.
b. Second dataset is for Days to quantity , incidence, promotion etc. 3. Brand: The brand 2 is seen to be succeeding as per data and
they have average ab=mount of price and good number of
incidences and quantities sold.
(No methodology is employed for TRENDS as it is data observation).
1. This section highlights the methodologies that I employed for data
prediction and recommendations.
Failed Methodologies
2. I created a copy of data to save the real data and started my analysis on the
copy, Main purpose was to know “What factors should brands consider in 1. This section highlights the methodologies that I employed for
order to sell more” (Knowing the need of target audience is key factor to data prediction and recommendations. But the results were not
increase purchases). satisfactory.
3. I prepared a dataset of ID without days to know the factors related to 2. Dataset was divided into smaller datasets based on Price but it was not
customers, there age, income, education, occupation and settlement size correctly analyzed as different individuals bought different quantity for
(Finally I have 500 rows, customers). different days and for different brands. .
4. Then I made dataset for days with its incidence, promotion and quantity to
know which brands are selling most, what is most popular days etc.
5. I used 3 different tools to analyze data, Power BI is used to create dataset
and group by according to need, Tableau
6. The color combination is shown to influence the infographics
representation and different graphs are used for different analysis.

Kartik Aggarwal
: (+91) 8196924900

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