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· Rule~ ·

If the setllemont has Cannlballze, the event reveal· ldlO Event revealer
er gains 1 random basic resource.
If the settlement has Graves, the event revealer ex- 1 s The hunt takes ots toll. Powerlul hunger pangs set in.
amtnes the corpse and gatns +1 courage and + 1 under- Ali survivor!> gain · 1 speed token.
stanchng 9 •1 Vou manage 10 stave off the terrible hunger.
If the settfement has Momento Mort the event re-
vealer understands a httle about what happened to the ts • everyone os invigoraled by their snack. each survivor
corpse They gatn 1 random lighttng art. gains + 1 survtval.

3 1 Cancer Pigeons 5 1 Flesh Fields

The survtvors are surrounded by the echoing coo of in- Ahead, the stone faces on tho ground g1ve way to a field
fant babble Strango baby facod birds circle overhead. of man-sized, fleshy botls sproultng thick black hair. The
Gripped wtth insllnctual horror, the survivors break into sinuous terrain radiales moisi heat. As they travet, every
a run! survivor suHers heat exhausllon, Josing 1 survival.
Each survivor rolls 1d10. The lowest scoring survi- The event rovoaler rolls 1d10. If any survivor has
vor (or survivors, ln case of lies) becomes a straggler. If a sickle, they help clear a path by cutltng back the thick,
any survivor has noisy goar, 2 to their roll. Each strag- black hair. Add -t4 to your roll.
gler rolls 1d1 o.
ldlO Event revealer
If any survlvor has a whip, they crack lt, scattering
many of the birds. Each straggfer adds +4 to their roll. The event revealer con1r~cts a llcsh·eating dlsease
1 1 Broken Lanterns tdlO Straggler
brushing post the gia ni bollsl A random IImb is
affected and must be amput<.Hcd lmmediatelyl Roll
The survlvors leal somethlng crunching beneath their 1 3 Runnlng and llnlling wildly. you suddenly fi nd your- !diO. 1·5: arm~. 6 · 10: legs. Sulfer the dismembered
feet. Tho event revealer may choose to lower their lan- sclf panlckcd and alonc. The waltlng cancer pigeons severe lnjury at this location.
torn and lnvestlgate or Ignore the sensation and continue descend and mercllessly peck your back. their happy 2· l If any survivor is Insane. they Imagine the flesh fields
their journey. coolng Ill ling your head wlth horror. An hour later. are attackingl They become hysterlcal. flaillng and
If they choose to lnvesligate, the event revealer the other survivors fi nd you balled up and weeping
tangling themselves in the thlck halr. each insane
gains +1 courage and rolls 1d10 Otherwise. roll again on the grou nd. vou are oead lnslde: vou cannot gain survivor suffers monster levet event damage 10 a
on the hunt event table before movtng on the hunt event survival. Record this lmpalrment. random location.
board • •6 A cancer pigeon l;:uches onto your back! Shake it
4 • '1 lt's hot and gross. but the su"Vovors pass through the
tdtO Event reveater - tnvestiaate lree by spendtng 1survival. Otherwise. you are flesh foefds woth no complicatoons.
Oead lnslde. you cannot gain survival. Record this
1 ~ vou fumble and eut vour foot on a jagged shanf. ompatrment. s •9 The event revealer makes the besl of a bad situation
Su fier monstcr level event damage to your legs. and cuts a portion of the fl~h free. Gain 1hide basic
'1 -a Vou escape the terroble creatures. resource.
Vou sa lvage somethong usefui. Ga on 1 broken lantern
basic resourc('. 9• vou manage 10 stnke one of the foui creatures down. Each survivor harvests 1hlde basic resource from
Gaon 1 random basic rcsource. the flesh foelds.
9 • The survovors uncover a long-abandoned lantem
hoard. The forlom soght folls them wilh dread. each
survivor sets 1helr lnsaniiV 10 o. After composing
themsetves. each survovor scavenges 1 broken lan-
tcrn basic n.•source: add 1hem to setllement storage.
4 1Famine 6 1Faceless Statue
The path ahead is artd and dead You may have survivors The surv1vors come upon a faceless statue holding a
gain + 1 courage and press on Otherwise, roll again on shtning lantorn. Basking tn the wa•m hght, the survtvors
21 Corpse the hunt event table beforo movlng on the hunt board. are renewed Each survivor gains 1 survlval
If you press on, your stomachs grumble in the dark If the settlamont has Sculpture, tho survtvors deep
The survovors aro overcome by a suoden chili, their breath as you stumble forward. Tho survlvors pool their supplies. ly appreciate tho arlist's subtle craftsmanshtp. Each sur
seizing ln thelr lungs Tho survlvors' teeth chatter mer- The event revealor roUs 1d10 and adds +2 to lheir roll for vivor rolls 1d10. Gain thal many survival and +1 und1.1r
cilessly. Ali survlvors Jose monster leval survival. At the each consumablo gear or resource the group has. standing.
center of tho sudden frost is a porfectly preserved corpse. The survlvors may rost heralongor If they do, ooch

- Rules •

survivor heals ali injury levels and tost armor points on ny: end this event. The lowest scoring survivor (or survi- Ali suN ivors gain 1 random disorder and must spend
1 hit location. However. they lose track of lheir quarry. vors, in case of ties) becomes a straggler Each straggler 1 survival or be devoured whole. if any survivor has n oi sy
Move it 1 space away from the survivors on the hunt rolls 1d10. If any survlvor has noisy gear, the straggter gear, the Harvester is drawn to the sound ard they are
board. Il a survivor heals more than 5 losl armor points adds +2 to their rolL instantly devoured. Nothing can save them.
this way. they stara into the shining light for too long and If any survivor has n oisy gear and the settlement The creature is so horrifying thal the survlvors' brains
gain 1 random disorder, has Drums , they counter the wails with a tune from home. erase the experience from their memories. Do not gain
If ali survivors are insane. they cannot rest longer. Do not roll on the table and each survivor gains +2 insan- the benefits of your death principle.
ity and +2 survival.
7 1 Hungry Grou nd l dlO Straggler
The ground suddenly splits and a gaping stone mouth 1-3 The log around vou tums black and fills with shapes
attempts to devour the event revealer whole! The event of tormented laces. Vou are drlven to mad ness. Gain
revealer rolis 1d10. 1 random disorder.
lt another survivor has a whip, they throw a tine to
the event revealer. Add +4 to your roll. 4 •6 The log grows soupy and beglns to wall. Vou plug
your ears with your Ongers. butlt's hopetess. Sutfer
ldlO Event revealer monster levet brain event damage.
With a muffled scream. you disappear into the 7 •9 Vou stick your thumbs into your ears and break into
ground. vou manage to gr ab hold of a precarious a run. leaving the wailing smoke.
ledge above the gaping maw. Lose ali survival as
you desperately climb up to safety. tf you had none. 10 • Mimicking the disturblng smoke. you calmly stan to
wail wi th it. Gain +2 insanlty.
you fall. Bones crunch between stone teeth. vou are
devoured whole. Oead.
2 •s vou scramble, but your leg is caught in the terrible
maw. surfer 2 ev!'nt damage to the legs. 9 1 Golden Light
~> • 9 Vou manage to leap away in time! A golden light blinds the survivors, stopping them in their
10 • Burp! Gurglel The floor vomlts a shiny piece or scrap. tracks. The light shines from a single source. The event
Gain 1 broken lantern basic resource. revealer is compelled to investlgate. They gain + 1 cour-
age and roli1d10.
Il the event revealer is blind, they walk in the wrong
ditection and galn +3 lnsanity Roll agaln on the hunt
event table and do not investigate the hght.
ldlO Event revealer • lnvestlgate
1-J The lightls overpowering. vour fragile mind cannot
understand ils soundless words. Gain 1random
4 • s Vou wander ihrough the llght. bathed in a warm. 11 1 Monster Droppings
awful feeling. vou don't find anything other than
exposure. sutfer monster levet event damage to a The survivors find some monster droppings, like those of
random hit location. their quarry. The event revealer chooses to either Investi-
gate or consume the droppings (choose only one).
9~ Something about the light stirs you. and your resolve If the event revealer investlgates. gain + 1 under-
intensifies. Gain +1 survival. standing and roli1d10.
3 1 Wailing Smoke ldlO Event revèaler- Investigate
10 1 Harvester
A constant moan follows the survivors. Eventually, they 1 ·l Vou discover just how sitkening playing with feces is.
unter an area shrouded ln thick log and the waillng reach- This event cannat be rerolled or avolded in any way. Lose 1 survival and roll again on the hunt event table
ns a levered pilch. The ground quakes and cracks beneath the survivors. before moving on the hunt board.
Every n on-d eal survivor rolls 1d1 O. If ali survivors A colossal worrn bursts from below, its skln a mosaic or
uo deal, they continue along, heedless to the cacopho· screaming faces. The mere sight of Il îs maddening.

Kingdom Death: MOnSier Core Garne 91

• Rules·

tdlO Event revealer • tnvestlgate ldlO Event Aevealer points. Then, she pulls a randOm survlvor aslde and whis-
pers secrets of the upcomtng hunt They gain +1 accura-
The dropplngs tell a storv. Vou are on the right track. The depths of your misery are deeper than you could
Gain •1 survival. have ever Imagine<!. Gain dtsorders until vou have 3
of them. Lose ali survival.
., • vou know these droppïngs weil. vou may sl<ïp me
next hunt space. If this move begins the showdown. 6 • vou Sink to the bollom of your mtserv th en scrape 15 1 Man-trap
the survtvors am bush their quarry. its very foundations. hungry for more! Vou uncover a
l)l'imal rage surroundtns a core of serene calm. Gain The event revealer springs a ternble trapl Rol11d10
Il the event revealer consu mes, gain +1 courage +1 understandntng and the Aageholic disorder.
ldlO fV@nt revealer
and rolltdtO .
Il the setllement has Collective Toil, they slowly puB •z With a terrtble crash. the steel jawsof the man·trap
themselves to their feet. prom!Stng to never grve up hope. deanly sever your foot. SUif er the dlsmembered leg
ldlO Event revealer · ~me severe injury.
1 J 11 seems you weren't the only one with this idea! Vou 3•t Mangled leg. Destroy ali armor at the legs location.
anempt 10 cough out the refuse. but your mouth then suffer 1event damage to the legs.
ls full of wriggling parasites! They borrow upwards ldlO Event Aevealer
through your nasal cavity into your brain. FrOTI now Vou rise. sUent tears streamlng down your lace. With 1 •9 The trap is quite old and weak. Suffer 1event dam-
on, you always feel slightly dizzy. Suffer ·1 perma· the seulement at your back. vou are readv to face age to the legs.
nent evasion. the darkness. Gain +1 courage and +ld!O survival.
ln addition, If you have the Qulxotic disorder, the to • The event revealer's foot knocks lnto the tr~p. glving
parasites snvor the unique neural activity of your ~• Vou briofly touch the bottom of your misery and everyone a scarel Howevcr. il was already sprung,
brain, feeding relentlessly and excret ing waste which return to full awareness wlth new experiences to leaving an unforlullate prize in lts Jaws. Gain t ran·
further fuels yo~w madness. Gain +JO insanity and the sharo. tf any survlvors retum ro the seulement this dom basle rcsource.
tm mortal dlsordcr. vour Qulxotic disorder can never year. gain +2 cndeavors.
be removed for any reason.
4 •6 lt's repulsive. vour tille becomes "Scat Man." Every· 16 1 Night Terrors
one ln the seulement must cali you by that name
fromnowon. Your miserable sleep is plagued wlth mlnd·bending night·
7• There was somethlng qutte special about the feces. mares. Each survivor rolls 1d10. If the resull is greater
Gain • 1speed and + 1strength token. than the ir insanlty, they lea rn somcthlng from the waking
horror and gatn + 1 understanding OtheiWtse, they gain 1
random disorder.
Il any sutvtvor is a sav10r or has the Extra Sense
12 1 Destiny-Bound fighting art, they disappear tnlo the dream. emerg•ng from
the darkness hours later They gam +4 Hunt XP and a
The survavors coltectJvely leel a heighlened level of an· random baste resource.
tJcapalton . Thetr goal ts close at hand. The event revealer
gaans + 1 courage ' The survrvors may skip the rext hunt
space . Il thas movement starts the showdown. the SUM- 14 Chance Encounter 17 Face-to- Face
vors ambus h thear quarry.
The survtvors encounter a bewitchmg, barefoot wail with Amidst the sea of stone laces, one catc'les the event re
soot-covered leet Il you already rolled this event on this vealer's eye. They feel compelled to lnvestlgate. Gatn + 1
13 Overload hunt, or al au survavors are Insane, she tums her back courage and rolltd10.
and disappears tnto the darkness. Roll again on the hunt
tdlO Event revealer • tnvestlgate
The event revealer falls to thetr knees, sobbing uncontrol- event table belon! moving on the hunt board.
lably They've simply had loo much. They lose diO survival Otherwise, exclaiming wlldly at the survivors, the The tace ls identicalto your own. Spend IdS survwal
and gain 1 random dlsorder. woman's presence lills everyone wtth the allen feeling of or reduce your understandlng to O.
If the settlement has Accept Darkness, the event re· hope. Ali survivors gain + 1 courage, + 1 understanding.
vealer embraces their despair. Roll! dt O. If the seUlement has H ov el , she snaps her lingers 2 •1 The face reminds vou ol someonc dear. vour heart
and ages before their ayes! A chili passes over the sur- aches wlth loncllness. If your survivalls grcater
than your insnnily. surfer monster le•1el brain c>vc:>nt
v ivors. Their bodies and armor spontaneously knit them-
selves back together. Heal alllnjury levels and lost armor

· Rules·

!diO rv••" revealer • lnvestigate an interesting-looking vein in the craoked ground. Gain 1 l dl O A.ny survivor
Iron strange resource.
Il,.. f•Jto 1~ your own but ofder and wiser. Galn +J " s The water is bracing. Gain +1 understanding or
'"'vi val and • J understanding. remove a disorder of your choice.
21 1 Drawings The W3ler is shockingly coldl 1t rushes ovèr you like
a tidai wave and leaves you awestruck. Set your
18 1 Dead Weed Cowering in a cave, the survivors lind strange drawings insanity to 0 and remove ali disorders.
decorating the walls. They appear to contain a message.
Vou ltnd a strange piani growing from lhe eyes of a stone Any survivor with 3+ understanding may try to decipher
t.ttt The event revealer tries to harvest il. Roll 1d10. If the drawings by rolling 1d1 O. If the settlement has Plelo·
.111y l!urvivor has a sickle, add +4 to their roll. graphs, every survivor may roll (regardfess of ther under-
standing) and add +4 to their rolls.
l diO Event reveater
ldlO A.ny survivor with 3+ understandlng
Try as you mlght. you cannot pull out the deeply
rooted weed. 1· 3 vour nose begins to bleed. surfer monster level brain
event damage.
Il • vou pull the weed freel tt has enormous regenerative
power. Each survivor rubs iton their skin and removes d•7 The lrue meaning escapes you. Gain+ llnsanity.
1 permanent severe injury. Then it crumbles into dust
in your hands. 8 • The drawings teach you a new way to fight monsters!
Gain +2 survival and a random fighting art.

19 1 Exhalation of Darkness 22 1 Acid Rain

The survivors are enveloped in a steamy darkness thal
The darkness above ls suddenly afight with a storm of acid
dims their lantern lights. They become separated from
each other and hopelessly lost. If a survivor has the Lead·
rain. lt smells terrible, burns flesh, and forms hissing pools 24 1 Food from the Mouths of Others
in the uptumed mouths of the stone faces. Ail survivors sul-
er fighting art, they boldly stride into the cfammy dark-
fer monster levet event damage to avery hit location as they The survivors pass a stone face thal appears to be hold-
ness and.gather everyone. Otherwlse, each survivor rolls
scrambte to find shelter. ing something in its mouth. The event revealer in vesti·
1d10. The lowest scoring survivor (or survivors, in case
If the settlement has Sculpture, the survivors silen1ly gates. Gain +1 courage and roll1dt0.
ofties} becomes a straggler. Each straggler rolls 1d10.
watch the storm erode the stone faces, erasing their fea·
ldlO Event revealer - lnvestigate
l dlO Straggler tures. They wonder exactty who or what repairs the broken
faces, if there is such a thing. The survivors share a dark 1- z vou yeti out in pain and pull your hand back. reveal·
J l Vou trip and fall into the bones of an andent mon· inga btoody gash. Oid the stone face just bite?
laugh, each gaining monster levet survival.
ster. smashing a piece of gear on the wav down.
Archive 1gear of your choice from your gear grid. Roil1 d1 o. On a 6+, the storm moves homeward. Add SuHer monster level brain event damage and mon·
the Acid Storm settlement event to the limeline next year. ster levet event arm damagè.
l · s something unseen attacks vou. suffer 1brain event J•5 There's nothing. 1t was just a triel< of the lantem fight.
damage and 1event damage to a random location.
"·8 Vou bang lnto a giant stone face·s nose! surfer 1 head 23 1 Clean Water 6 • s More rocks. what did you expect7 Gain 1 Founding
stone starting gear.
event damage.
The survivors pass a fortorn fountain in the shape of a 9 • vou puU out a masticated mass. Gain 1 random basic
9• vou're not sure how. but you leave the darkness with fion's face. A stream of crystal-clear water flows from ils resource and 2 lnsanil'(.
your hands full. Gain 1 random basle resource. mouth. Each survivor consumes the water, gaining +1
survival and + 1 courage. Any number of survivors may
douse their head in the water and roll1d10. 25 1 Titans in the Dark
20 1 Dry Lands ldlO Any survivor
An earsplitting bellow marks the passing of a truly titanic
As the survivors press forward, the air tums dry and the 1• 2 The instant it becomes wet. your hair turns stark beast Ali n o n·deaf survivors suffer monster level brain
ground cracks. The survivors sufter heat exhaustion. Each white. Gain 1 random disorder. event damage. The survivors cower on the ground, lying
survivor !oses 1 survlval. Il they are wearing fur or heavy as flat as possible and hoping they are simply too small
gear, they instead lose d5 survlval. 3• s Your hair is wet. Congratulations. to be worth eating.
If any survivor has a piokaxe, the survivors break open o.
Each survivor rolls 1d1 The towest seoring survi -

Kingdom Oeath: MonsterCore Game 93

· !Mes·

vor (or survivors, in case of lies) becomes a straggler. Il small insect approaches undetected. Choose 1 random they have the Hono rable disorder, add +3 to their roll.
any survivor has n oisy gear, ·2 to their roll. male survivor and roll on the table. If there are no male
ldlO Any survivor with ) .+ couraae
Each straggler rolls 1d10. survivors, nothing happens.
If the chosen survivor has the Unconscious Figh ter 1-2 The creature raises the object to its mouth and eats it.
ldlO Stragsler
hghllng art, they crush the bug wh1ie stllt snonng; do not roll lt'S gone. Archive the gear ca rd.
Vou·re ptucked from the ground and eaten whole. on the table. They wake, confused, w1th a random vermin
Dead. If the settlement has Survival of t he Fittest. resource in their hands. 3 ·6 The creature refuses the gear and stares at you with a
you twist out of its mou th and land with a thuel. 5uf· single. large eve. Suffer ldiO brain event damage.
fer the broken arm and broken teg severe injuries ldlO Random male survivor
7 - s The creature unhinges lts jaw and eats the piece of
bu t do not die. 1- s when vou wake. your genitals have been stolen. rn gear. ln return, it hands you a shining shield. Gain the
2• 4 5omething snatches you in its great maw and chews their place is nothlng but smooth skin. sutfer the Steel Shield rare gear.
you for 1 event damage to ld5 random hit locations. destroyed genltals severe injury.
9 • The creature unhinges ilS jaw and eats the piece ot
s · f> The clamping jaws ba rely nip you! suHer monster 6 • vou wake witt't a start. terrified to find menacing gear. ln return. it hands vou a shining sword. Gain the
levet event damage to a random hit location. pincers approaching. vour defenses are quick. Without Steel sword rare gear.
thin king, vou wallop the insect crawling on your pants,
7 • <1 vou make yourself extra flat against the ground and sutfering t event damage to the waist.
avold anyrhlng terrible.
10. Vou will never stop running from what you saw. Gain
+1 permanent movemenr.
28 1 Trollbird
A rumpled, unsightly bird stands in the survivors' path. lts
261 Pit beady, wet eyes bllnk expectantly and lt calls out with an
eerie human chuckle. The survivors may archive 1 con -
The ground beneath the event revealer's feet gives way sumable item or gear, offering lt to the trollbird. If any sur-
and they plummet into a pit below. The event revealer rolls vivor is in sane, they must feed the trollbird, If able. If they
id10. feed the trollbird, it hops off with a terrible cackle.
If another survivor has a whip, they throw you a line in If they don't feed the trollbird, Il foflows the survivors 30 1 Rotten Faces
Ume; do not roll on the table. on their hunt, constantly mocking them with ils chuckle.
If the event revealer has the Tum ble lighting art, they o.
Roll1 d1 If any survivor has the Cop rolalia disorder, they The stone faces start !ogive underthe survivors' feet . They
nimbly catch a ledge and haul themselves up; gain + 1 curse at the bird and make vigorous and vulgar gestures. are bloated and smell terrible. Each survivor rotis 1d1 O.
speed token and do not roll on the table. The bird is impressed. Add +3 to your roll
ldlO Each survivor
tdl O Event revealer JdlO Event reveater
vour foot gets stuck and you quickly begin to sink into
Vou land with a slckening crunch. mangling vour legs. •• s The trollbird makes a terrible racket. aJertlng the the ground. Alter a struggle you manage to break free.
Suffer the broken leg severe injury twice. monster. Ali survivors gain •1 understanding. At the If you had leg armor, it islost in the muck. Spend 3
start of the showdown. the monster am bushes the survival or archive the gear.
2·) vour leg breaks your fali. su fier the broken leg severe survivors.
injurv. l · s Mi red. you struggle 10 break !reel Roll aga in on this
The trollbird mocks and distracts the monster as the table or spend 1 survivalto escape.
4 · f> Vou land at the bottom wlth a loud thud. Suffer 2 survivors sneak up. Ali survivors gain •1 insanity. At
event damage 10 a random hit location and archive ali the start of the showdown, the survivors am bush the 6 •9 vou escape without incident.
fragile gear in your gear grid. monster. 10 • vou find something gross drudging througl'l the rou
7•o Vou land at the bottom with a soft thud. Suffer 1 event Gain 1 random basic resource.
damage to a random hir location.
tO • Vou manage to grab the edge of the pit and escape 29 1 Dark Blacksmith
unharmed. 31 1 Strange Path
The survivors cross paths with a !ali, unnaturally thin man
in a hooded robe. Where his reet strike the ground, sparks The survivors stop at the head ot a path. Small lanrortt'l
27 1 Man-Stealers illuminate his path. twinkle, marklng its edges.
Each survivor with 3+ courage may give him one The event revealer decides whether or nOl the &llt\11
Exhausted, the survivors rest. During their fitful sleep, a piece of gear from their gear grid and roll on the table. If vors follow the path. If the event revealer ls lnsono, thny

· Rules

musl. If the survivors lollow the path, the event revealer other surv111ors suffer 1 brain event damage before pulling l dlO Nominated Survivor
ga1ns + 1 understand1ng then rolls 1d10 and adds their the crazed surv1vor from the ground and moving on.
understanding. If the evenr revealer is not Insane, they gain + 1 un- c. vou are repelled by the ruined lantern hoard, but
Otherwise, roll again on the hunt event table before derstanding. feeling on the cusp of learnlng something linger just long enough to grab a pair of lnsects scur-
rymg wothm tt. Thars as close as you·re comtortable
moving on the hunt board If any surv1vor has the Marrow Hunger impairment. going. Gain 2 ver min resources of your choke.
the face secretty whispers the~r hle's purpose. They gain
ldiO Ewnt rewaler
+1 permanent strength. Add the Murder setttement event 36 1On the Trail
A colossal ftnger dMc:Pnd<i from above. crushong a to the timehne next year.
random survovor. They suifer 2 event damage to 1!VefY
The survivors rush forward , feeling the1r quarry close at
hot location.
hand. Skip the next hunt space. If this movement begtns
l · A random survovor tears off hysteri<ally along a 34 1Crippling Misery the showdown, the surv1vors ambush theiT quarry. If any
branch in the path. They return hours later. ghostly survivor has noisy gear, the survivors do not ambush.
pale and with no recollection of what happened. They Each surv1vor rolls 1d10. The towest scorlng survivor (or Start the showdown normally.
tose ldlO survlval. survivors, in case of lies) becomes a straggler. If any sur·
vivor (or surv1vors) has the Anxlety d1sorder, they are the
5 The path twists and tums diuyingty into the dari<. Ali sur- straggler. Do not roll 37 1 Lest
vivors suHer 1brain event damage and the event revealer The straggler is lost in a moment of profound self
rolls again on thos table. addong +2to their roll. doubt They slip, not having the will to catch themselves, The survivors are hopelessly lost in the unbf'oken darkness.
Il • The path leads the survlvors to a large stone lacewith and tumble off a steep hill of stone faces They land awk· Move the survivors 2 spaces bad< on the hunt board
lanterns lor eyes. lnside lts open mouth ls a bounty. wardly w1th a crunch, suffenng the broken leg severe ln-
Each survivor gains t random basic resource. jury. Sobbing to themselves, they come to grips with just
how terrible their lite is and gain +1 understanding. 38 1Gregalope
10 • The path leads to the !>cast vou are hunting! The If lhe straggler has Binge Eatlng Olsorder, lhey
survlvors ambush the monster. wipe away their tears and reach out to a nearby critter, in· A massive Gregalope stands astride the horizon, Ils an·
tf any survlvor has the Honorable dlsorder. they stinctually crammlng it into the~r mouth lor comfort. Draw cient body bloated wllh tumors and scar tissue. lts mllky
reallze the tolly of thelr ways and may remove the
1 random vermln resource and consume it. eyes catch sight of the surv1vors and il bounds away.
dlsorder. If any survivors re main Honorable. they
announce lheir presence lo the monster: the monster Driven by a sudden desire, the survivors give chase. The
ambushes the survivors instead. event revealer rolls 1d10 and adds their movement to
35 1 Broken Lantern Oven their roll.
If any survivor has the Strategist fightmg art. they
32 1Sudden Madness The survivors come across the shattered rums of a small may corner the Gregatope at a giant stone face instead of
settlement. Ashen corpses dot the ruins, disintegrating at giving chase. If they do, end the hunt lmmediately. Start
The event revealer is devastated by a piercing cacophony the slightest touch. An extinguished lantem oven stands a showdown with a level 2 Screaming Anteiope, using ils
m their head. Roll1d10 If the result is less than or equal intact at the center of the seUlement setup rules. ln addition, place a Giant Stone Face ad-
to the1r current insanity, lhey go mad, lashing out at the1r The event revealer rolls 1d10 and adds their under- jacent to the monster and give the monster the Butch·
compatnots 1Each other surv111or suffers 1 event damage standlng If the result is 5+. gam the Lantern Oven inno- er's Berserker traot card If the survivors prevarl. gam the
to a random htllocatiOn before the event revealer regains vation If lhe settlement already has th1s Innovation, the normal showdown rewards and 3 add1toonal Scream1ng
control ot thernselves event revealer harvests a broken lantem basiC resource Antelope resources
If the event revealer has the Crazed lighting from the rema1ns.
ldlO Event revealer
art, they gain insight from the ir ordeal. Gain + t 0 insanity If the settlement has Song of the Brave, the group
and +2 understanding. may nommate a brave surv1vor to lnvestlgate the ruins of 1 6 The survivors qu1ckly fa li behind the majestic beast.
the settlement's lantern hoard. They ga1n +1 courage and Move 1space away from the quarry on the hunt
roll1d10. board.
331 1t Whispers Your Name ldlO Nominated Survivor 7 · 1· The Gregalope ls far too fast. ll's gone before you
tho event revealer tnps over a protrud1ng nose in the 1 s Vou try to enter the ruined lantern hoard. but vou
oround The lips or a stone face begin to moval are overcome with fear. keeling over and vomiting IS ·If• The survivors tose sight of the Gregalope but doscov-
If the event revealer has no name, the hps stop mov- everywhere. When vou rise, you rind yourself phys- er a hidden path. vou may re-roll the next result on
lrtn and nothing else happens. Otherwise, the lips seduc- ically incapable of pushlng forward anvmore. Gain the hunt event table.
tlvely wh1sper the survivor's name. the Apathetic disorder.
If the event revealer ls Insane, they are drawn in,
.wngoly kissing the face. Repulsed and outraged, the

Kongdom oeath: Mon~ter core Game 95

· Rules •

ldlO Event reveater ldlO Survivor carrying a plckaxe - lnvestigate

11 Just before it leaps out of vlew. the Gregalope
4 2 1 Surgeon The white stones are teeth and the survivors are in
bows its mighty horns. The experience changes the a giant mouth! EVeryone must spend 1 survival ro
A creaky carriage approaches the survivors. Richly ap-
exhausted event revealer. They gain •1 permanent scamper out of the mouth. Anyone remaining inside
movement. pointed in red and gold, the carriage is carved on every is chewed to a pulp. Oead. Do not gain the beneflts of
side with lurid laces. A massive, twitching eye adoms Cannibalize.
the front, white the door of the carriage is a waiting , open
mou th. 2-5 The white stone is extremely hard. When the survivors
39 1 Heavy Mist Out of a small w indow, a gnarled hand beckons. finally break throvgh. a horde of bugs sc;uttles forth from
One survivor with 3 + courage may choose to enter the the holes. Gain 1 Hisslng Cockroach vermin resource. The
A heavy mist envelops the survivors, obscuring their lan- wagon. They remove one impairment or severe injury and excavation was lime consuming; roll aga in on the hunt
lem llght. Roll 1d10. Il the result is even, the survivors gain 1 random disorder. event rable befOfe moving on lhe hunl board.
stumble in the right direction. If the result is odd. they get b • The survivors find a crack and expand lt. Within is
tumed around; roll again on the hunt event table before a hidden cache! Gain l iron strange resource and 1
moving on the hunt event board. 43 1 Fresh Kill Hissing cockroach vermln resource. The excavation
If the showdown begins in the next space on the was time consuming; roll again on the hunt event table
hunt board, the monster ambushes the survivors. A carpet of skittering bugs points the survivors to a freshly before moving on the hunt board. ·
killed monster. The scavenging insects try to defend their
dinner, but the survivors light them off to claim the prlze.
40 1 Dream Each survivor rotis 2d10 and adds their Hunt XP. The 461 River
highest-scoring survivor (roll off in case of l ies) stays the
The event revealer dreams of the upcomlng hunt. They most vermin and wins the putrid prize for themseives. The survivors come to the edge of a river of blood.
stand before the great beast. weapons ready. butit strîkes They gain 1 random basic resource and 1 random vermin Non-insane survivors suffer 1 brain event damage at the
them down. resource. sight of it. The survivors must Investi gate in order to pick
If the event revealer has 3+ courage, or if any survi- up their quarry's trait. Each survivor rotis 1d10.
vor is a savior, the event revealer is emboldened by the If no survivor successfully llnds the monster's trait,
dream and gains + 1 evasion token. Otherwise the dream 44 1 Opportunists roll again on the hunt event table belore moving on the
is merely rattling. Suffer 1 brain event damage. hunt board.
If any survivor has the Twllight Sword, they dream White investigating their quarry's tracks, the survivors re-
of indiscrimlnate slaughter. Add the Murder seulement ldlO Each survlvor - lnvestigate
alize they are hunting not one, but Iwo monsters. The two
event to the timeline ldS years from now. sets of tracks soon separate.leaving the event revealerto 1•2 vou tose your balance and fall into lhe river of bloodl
pick which tracks to follow. lnstantly. a massive parasite trams ils way down
41 1 Nightmare If they lollow the larger tracks, continue hunting as your throal. savaging your insides on the way ln.
normal. If they follow the smaller tracks, start the show- Suffer the broken rib severe body lnjury. Vou hope
The event revealer dreams of the upcoming hunt. The dawn immediately. At the start of the showdown, the that that's ali the parasite does to you.
great beast vanishes during their battle and secretly fol- monster suffers 5 wounds. If the survivors are victorious, 3- s vour quarry has defecated in the blood. sutter 1
lows them back to the seUlement. They helplessly watch they gain half the basic resources and hall the monster event damage to a random hit location from sifting
as il devours ali they know and love. The event revealer resources (rounded up) from rewards in the aftermath. through the fecal blood water too long.
gains +1d10 insanity and -1 evasion token.
If the setllement has a savior, they appear in the b- a vou realize thal the blood river is li lied with the
dream and defend lheir home. The event revealer gains 45 1Jagged Valley bloated corpses of unrecognilable monsters. Vou
feel compelled to fish some out! Gain 1 random basic
+ 1dS survival.
resource. If you are wearlng heavy gear. you fallln
If no survivor in the settlement or hunting party has A valley of sharp, white stones opens before the survi-
and swallow blood and $Oft. bloated monster bits.
a Twillght Sword , the event revealer envisions a mani- vors, looking just llke a toolhy maw. As the survlvors push ncduce your survival to 1.
acal version of themselves wleldlng the blade and glee- and climb through the jagged spires, they lind that even
fully slaughtering the beast. They awake to find a Twilight the shallowest nick bleeds profusely. Each survivor sul- 9 + vou successfully fi nd the monsler·s trall.
Sword at their slde, hummlng gently against their body. fers 1 event damage to the body. Untess a survlvor has
lnstinctively the survivor recognizes the weight of the bandages to patch up the ir wounds , ali survivors also gain
weapon's ourse and the promise of its power. The event 2 bleeding tokens! 47 1 Banquet Trees
revealer gains the Twllight Sword rare gear. They may If any survivor has a pickaxe, they may try to convince
also select Twllight Sword as thelr weapon proficiency the other survivors to tet them lnvestlgate a bit more. If A small copse of trees rises over an otherwise llleless
type and gain +1 weapon proficiency with this weapon. they are convinced, roll 1d1 O. plain. Enticing red fruit hangs from the branches. Each

survlvor must spend 1 survival to resist the temptation to tdtO Ea<.h survivor settlement has Symposium and language, the survlvors
consume the fruit. Insane survivors and survivors with manage to crudely commumcate. The survivors may olier
Singe Eating disorder must consume. The Gambier reaches out and scoops up your dice. a resource or gear to help the distressed refugees.
As they vanish within a fold of his cloak. you feel ali
Il any survivor has a sickle, they carve a line across traces of air k!ave vour lungs and are unable 10 draw
Il they do, archive the offerlng. The relugees lrantical·
the tree, drawing bloodl The fruit instantly sours. End this ly share U1ttir mournful tiile. Whiie rnuch is !ost in trans·
another breath. Dead.
event. lation, they relate the savage invasion of a monster thal
Ali surv1vors who consume the fruit roll1d10. 2•9 Vou do not tose. nor do you win. Play again if you destroyed theu home. The tale prepares the survivors tor
wtsh.lf vou do. roll again on lhtstable. what lies ahead. At the start of the showclown, revealthe
ldJO Any survivor · Consume
10< vou win. Ga1n +1 permanentluck. top 5 Al cards ol the Al deck and put them back ln any
1 • The addictive fruit savages your insid5. Lose 1 order. If any survivor has the Leader flghting art, one of
survival and roll aga in on this table. If you had no the settlers is drawn to thelr charisma. Gain +1 population.
survlval. suif er 2 event damage to a random hit
location. 49 1 Pus Fields
6• vou be !ch loudly ln satisfaction and waJk away. 52 1 Madflies
The landscape is dotted w1th large, swelling mounds ooz-
ing pus. The smallest jostle threatens to explode them. nny, persistent insects swarm the survlvors, flylng lnto
The survivors may carelully tread through the mounds or their ears and nostrils. The bugs buzz maddenlngly in thelr
rush through. heads, gro~ing touder as they nest.
Carelully tread : You make ft through wlthout inci· Each survivor rolls 1dt O.
dent, but your progress ls slowed. Roll again on !he hunt
ldlO Event revealer
event table before movlng on the hunt board.
Rush through: Each survivor rolls 1d 10 and adds 1· l vou dive into a nearby marsh to flush out the dis·
their evasion to the result. On a 7 or less, they detonate gusting insects. Il works, but now you'reconstantl•t
one of the pus mounds! They suffer 2 event damage to a distracted by the liny bug corpses vou occasionallv
random hit location and become stlnky for the rest of this hack up. Gain ·1 èvasion token.
lantern year. J •1 The b~1zzing immediately stops and the IIies depart.
Their rejection makes you feel strangely despondent.
Gain +l insanity.
50 1 Gibbet
8• Their eggs gestate incredibly qUickly and madfties
A crude iron cage swings from the branches of a massive explode forth from your moulh! The experience is
tree. As the survivors approach, a man calls out to them gruesome. but makes you feel so alive! Suffer the
frenzy brain trauma.
from the cage, pleadlng to be freed The survlvors may
tf vou have the Ragehollc disorder or Berserker flght·
pass hlm by and suffer 1 brain event damage as the pris· ing art. giving birth to dtsgusting new lite kindles your
oner weeps and pleads. If the survwors choose to free hlm, rage. Suffer lhe frenzv brain uauma again.
the event revealer rolls 1dt O.
48 1 Death Wager tdlO Event reveaJer
53 1 Mask Salesman
The survivors are awoken by a traveler hidden m a deep The survivors open the cage but aU they find inside is
cloak. The traveler pulls back its hood and reveals a de- a skeleton. Allsurvivors su fier 2 brain event damage. The survivors meet a traveling Mask Salesman on the
tormed lace with two chins curvlng away from each other, raad. He insists thal he has speclal wares to offer.
ttach w1th ils own grinnirtQ mouth. ~ •1 The prisoner is thanklul and tollows the survivors Shulfle one copy ot each mask gear from the Mask
ln a dreamlike state, the survivors ali understand this untllthey rest. When they wake. eath survivor loses 1 Maker seltlement location and draw one at random. The
enhty 1Sknown as The Gambier and If they speak they will ,·andom resource (il they had any). salesman 1S offenng this mask. The event revealer rails
d1e. Until th•s even! is completed, only the event revealer a• The prisoner is gratelul and follows the survivors 1d10 to determine the priee, then gains the mask.
may speak. Il any other player speaks, their survivor turns home afier the showdow11. The seltlement gains +1
population. ldlO Event revealer
cold Oead.
The survlvors must play The Gambler's game or be 1 3 The salesman silenUy points at vou. Vou instinctively
h<lpped wlth hlm torever. Each survivor rolls 1d10. ha nd hlm his asking priee in exchange lor the mask.
51 1 Refugees Archive 1gear of your choice from your gear grid and
lose ali survival.
The survivors encounter a group or fleeing settlers. If the

Kingdom Oeath: Monster con: Game 97

· Rutes ·

ldlO Eventrevealer If any survivor has 3+ understanding, the survivors ldlO Event revealer- tnvestigate
cover themselves in the dead monster's spilled blood. The
4 7 The salesman stowty gestures for an offerlng. Archive stench will help them sneak up on their quarry. Wh en the 3•1 The remains are humao1. The dlstraught and enragéd
1 gear of your choice from your gear grld. survivors each suffer 1 brain event damage. tf the
showdown starts, the survivors ambush the monster. If
seu lement has Graves. they bury the dead and each
a• As he imparts the mask to vou. the salesman's lips any survivor has the Squeamish disorder, they refuse to survivor gains +1 survival. tf the settlement has canni-
form the sounds of your name. 11 is gone. Give your soilthemselves. Do not am bu sh the monster. balize. gain 1 random basic resource.
survivor a new name (it must be different) and +1 If no survivor has 3+ understanding, the starving sur-
survival for naming your survivor. vivors !east on the rotting corpse, immediately losing con- s• The quarry has left the re mains of another monster in
trol of their twisting guts. Each survivor loses 1 survival and its wake. Gain 1 random basic resource.
cannet consume lor the rest of this lantem year.
54 1 Sone Storm
60 1 Wildfire
Mighty winds tear across the landscape, collecting chips of 57 1 Gorm's Laughter
stones and skeletal remains. The survivors huddle togeth- A massive wall of flame obstruots the survivors, inciner-
er on the outskirts of the storm. They may either brave the The rhythmic wail of a Gorm's laughter reaches the survi- ating the ground. Il has destroyed whatever awaited the
storm or wait it out. vors, filling them with laar. The cackling lollows the survl- survivors and lelt chaos in its wake. Archive ali hunt event
Brave the storm: ali survivors gain +1 courage and vors. tormenting them until they reach their quarry. Place cards in the next 2 hunt spaces. Place two basic hunt
suffer 1 event damage to 3 random hit locations. Archive a token on every hunt board space between the survivors event cards in those spaces.
ali fragile gear. and their quarry. When the survivors move into a space
Wait it out: roll twice on the hunt event table before with a token, remove it and ali non-deaf survivors sutler 1
moving on the hunt board. brain event damage. 61 1 Frozen Lightning
A storm sweeps over the survivors. Deep purple lightning
55 1 Mudslide 58 1 Scent on the Wind flashes overhead. The bolts freeze ln mid-strike and rain
down on the survivors as jagged, glowing spikes. Each
A flash mudslide sweeps the survivors away. A strong wind blows, brlnging with il the scents ol distant survivor rolts 1d1 O. The lowest scoring survivor (or survî-
Each survivor rolls 1d10. If any survivor has a whip, places and lhings. The ev ent revealer rolls 1d10. vors, in case of lies) becomes a straggler.
they catch it around a pillar-shaped bone and swing to A boit crashes beside the straggler, catching them in
ldlO Event revea.l er
safety; they do not roll. an explosion of razor-sharp crystals. They suffer 1dS event
1 ~ The monster catches your scent. tt moves one space damage to 2 random hit locations. Archive ali f ragile gear
ldlO Each survlvor
closer. If this movement starts the showdown, the in their gear grid.
1 2 Vou're violently swept along, drowning ln mud. Suffer nionster ambushes the survivors.
2 event damage to a random hit location and archive
1> • The survivors smêll thelr quarry's foui odor and surge
ali fragile and soluble gear in your gear grid. Roll
forward. The survivors may skip the next hunt space. 62 1 Space Between the Rocks
again on the table.
tf this movement starts the showdown. the survivors
3 -7 Vou manage to scramble free. but not be lore taklng a am bush the monster. The survivors are distracted by a dark crack in the endless
serious beating. Suffer 2 event damage to your body sea of stone faces .
and archive ali fragile and soluble gear ln your gear If any survivor has a pickaxe, they strike.the ground,
grid. 59 1 Signs of Battle causing the crack to expand into a gaping hole. Bravoly
reaching lnside the survivor produces a blackened, tw1stod
a· 9 Vou reach hlgher grou nd. Vou're caked ln mud but The survivors come upon the remains of a terrible battle hunk. Gain 1 Iron strange resource.
otherwise unscathed. between their quarry and some unknown foe. The event Otharwise, each survivor rolls 1d10. The lowest scor
to • You remember belng pulled under. the sensation of revealer may choose to investigate. If they do, gain +1 ing survîvor (or survivors. in case of ties) becomes a strao
mud forcing itself down your throat. then nothing courage and roll 1d10. Otherwise, roll again on the hunt gier.
else. Atter the mudslide passes. the other survivors event table before moving on the hunt board. The straggler stoops to gaze into the depths ornt
fi nd you unharmed. Gain + 1 insanlty. refuses to stop staring. When the other survivors ~rou
ldlO Event revealer • lnvestlgate
them away, they babble incoherently. Whatever tho y '>IIW
The monster springs out of the dark. taking advantage changed them forever; they gain 1 random disorder
56 1 Dead Monster of the distracted survivors. The monster ambushes If ali the survivors end up as stragglers, no ono nvot
the survivors. ouring showdown setup. place the pulls them away and they are ali tost. Dead.
The survivors find a decomposed monster corpse. lt's too event revealer directly ln front of the monster.
rotten to yield any resources.

· Rules ·

Idl O Any survivor • Consume instant, the survivors understand.

Ali non-deaf survivors gain +1 understanding and
Q • The water is dean and pure. like none the survivor has suffer 1 brain event damage. If they are insane they also
ever tasted. Gain + 1 survival. gain 1 random disorder.

67 1 Saliva Pools
The ground ahead is pockmarked with pools filled with a
gooey liquid. They bubble merrily and stink of digesting
meaL As the survivors move between them. they are over-
63 1Feet come by waves of nausea.
1ho stone taces ahead are replaced by an expanse of If any survivor has a slck te, they slice a few leaves
61o11e reet sprouting from the ground. The survivors walk from a nearby plant and everyone uses them to plug their
uolo to-sole with the feet . noses and mask the smeiL Ali survivors gain +1 under-
If any survivor is Insane, they are convinced they standing.
hove reached the underside of the world. They clutch the Otherwise, each survivor rolls 1d10. If the result is
oround for dear Ille, terrified of falllng off. Their raucous less than their survivat, they continue on. Otherwise, they
torror slows the survlvors and attracts unwanted attenlion. 65 1 Statue vomit into a nearby pool, suffering 1 event damage to the
Roll once on the hunt event table for each insane survivor body. Before their eyes. the pool greedity dissolves their
bofore moving on the hunt board. Il any of these rolls re· Cresting a hill, the survivors find a statue of a man sitting vomit, they gain +1 understandlng.
suit ln Feet, ignore il and re-roll. on a throne. If any survivor has 5+ understanding, the sur- If any survlvor has 3+ understanding, they devise a
If ali survivors are Insane, they fall off the underslde vivors may ignore the statue and end this event. way to use the pools. Each survivor may place one piece
of the world. The survivors are dead unless the settlement Otherwise. each survivor rolls 1d10. The lowest scor- of gear in a pool. Archive the gear and gain the resources
chose Survi val of the Flttest. If they did, the survivors bile ing survivor (roll off in case of ties) becomes a straggler. used to craft il (if any).
down hard on the reet. Their teeth grind against stone as The straggler is drawn to the statue. touching it gen-
they refuse to let go. At once, lhe leet shatter, revealing tly. ln an Instant, they are gone, replaced by the man from
ordlnary stone faces beneath. Set ali survivors' insanity to the throne, now flesh and blood. The straggler sits in his 68] A Familiar Face
O. Each survivor suffers the s hattered jaw severe head place on the throne, stone mouth open in a si lent yell. They
lnjury. Do not roll any addîtional hunt events caused by are gone forever. Consider them dead, but do not apply If no survivors have died yet this campaign, ignore this
Feet. Cannlb allze death principle; there is no body. event and roll again on the hunt event table before moving
The man offers his thanks and joins the hunting on the hunt board.
party wlthout any explanation. He is a new survivor with Each survivor rolls 1dt O. The lowest scoring survivor
64 1 Stone Fountain the straggler's gear, 2 random disorders, and 2 Hunt XP. (or survivors, in case of ties) becomes a straggler.
Shuffle ali weapon specialization cards (including expan- Wh ile examining the stone faces underfoot, the strag-
Two cupped stone hands rise out of the ground. The hands sions, il any) and draw one. The survivor has 3 ranks of gler recognizes the face of a !allen friand. Bittersweet
hold clear, cold water thal trickles through the stone fin· proliciency in thal weapon type. They gain+ 1d1 0 survival, memories reduce them to tears. Reduce their insanity to o
gers ln a seemingly endless supply. Any survivor may con- +1d10 insanity. Give hlm a name and +1 survival for being and they gain + 1 understandlng.
s ume from the fountain . If they do, gain + 1 courage and named.
roll1d10. If the settlement has Memento Morf, the satue re-
If no one consumes, roll again on the hunt event table sembles a deceased survivor. Replace the straggler with 69 1 Time Lapse
before moving on the hunt board. the record sheet of a !allen survivor. Remove ali of their
severe injuries. Set their Hunt XP to 2 (they Age again, The glow of the survivors' lanterns blurs, formlng trails of
ldlO Any survivor • Consume as this is a new lifetime). They gain +1d10 survival, +1d10 light behind them.
1 4 The water is clear until it enters your lips, where it insanlty. Vou may give ihem 3 ranks of proficiency in a If the settlement has fought a Phoenix, the group
suddenly turns to blood. vou spit out the foulliquid random weapon type. recognizes the phenomenon. Ali survivors gain + 1 under-
and suffer monster level brain event damage. If standing.
you have the Hemophobia disorder, you also suffer The event revealer rolls 1d10 on the table betow. If
monster level event damage to the body as you vomit 66 1 Forbidden Word any survivor has an h ours ring, they may instead select a
violently in disgust. die result.
!> s Jt's water. Refreshing. There is a great rush of air. A booming, inhuman volee
declares a single word in an unknown language. For one

J<ingdom Death: Monster core Game 99

• Rules •

ldlO Event revealer ldlO Event revealer • 1nvestigate If they do, each survivor gains + 1 courage and the event
revealer rolls 1d10. If they don'! brave the smoke, they
1•3 The survivors· bodies suddenly age. Ali survivors with 1· z vou fi nd a weathered. purple stone with a swirling take the long way around; roll again on the hunt event table
less than 10 Hunt XP gain •3 Hunt XP. Do not gain the texture. Il is shockingly heavy. Mesmerized by the before moving on the hunt board.
benefilS o f Age. Vour bodies have physically ag~. no stone. you hide lt from the other survivoo s. Gdin liu~
practical experience has been learned. Secretive disorder and · 1 movement token from ldlO Event revealer
lugging the stone around.
3·9 The survivors' minds lill with alien memories. They are t •s The smoke overwhelms the survivors. As lhey run
no longer just themselves. They walk differently and 3 4 Useless junk litters the ground. through the gliuering smog. each survlvor su!fers 1
speak with strange accents. Give each survivor a new event damage to the head and chest locat ions. When
name and .., survival for being named. Each survivor s•9 vou li nd a stone heart that pulses with warmrh as you they linally breach the haze·s end. they sifentfy walk
gains .,.l Hunt XP and l random disorder. hold it in your hands. Gain •1 insanily. on. No one is comfortable sharlng the terrible things
If your seUlement has Survival of Fittest. and you've they glimpsed. Each survivor gains 1 random disorder.
10+ Vou find a mask with living lips. ifyou return to the
already used your once·per·lifetime reroff. you may
use it aga in. sett lement with the mask. it quickly learns your 6 + The survivors grasp each othel"s hands. forma li ne.
language and shares its secrets betore crumbling to and traverse the smoke. They breathe through rags
10 • The survivors are suddenly standing by their quarry! dust. At the start of t he next selllement phase. draw 3 and lake turns peeking out for or.lematlon. Some·
Start the showdown immediately. innovations from the Innovation deck and add one to where. deep within the smoke. they stumble across
your seltlement at no cost. a crater. They may ignore it and escape t he smoke
If any survivor has a Final Lantern, it begins to flash (ending th is event) or explore !he crater.
and vibrate wildly. The mask disintegrates and ail
survivors suffer 1 brain event damage. The survivors carefully descend lnto the crater, find-
70 1 Tomb of Excellence ing the ruins of a settlement surrounded by a ring of skulls.
The settlement is absolutely demollshed and almost every-
The survivors l inda serena, luxurious tomb, immaculate in thing has been ground to powder from sorne tremendous
its construction and condition. Elegant murais decorate the 72 1 Something to Pass the Time force. The skulls face away from the ruins and in each gap·
walls, depicting g lorious victorias over the very monster ing mouth, a golden amber spews smoke.
the survivors are hunting. The survlvors are batfled by ils If the settlement does not have Symposium, ignore this The sight ls haunting; each survivor sutfers 1d10
presence. The event revealer lnvestlgates and rolls 1d1 o. event and roll again on the hunt event table before moving brain event damage and gains 1 random disorder. The sur·
on the hunt board. Otherwise, the event revealer suggests vivors gingerly sift through the ruins. Nominale a survivor
ldlO Event revealer • lnvestigate
a word game to lighten the mood as the survivors trudge to investlgate and roll1d10 .
The survivors bemoan how weak they are compared to forward. The event revealer rolls 1d10. If the settlement
the wardors in the murais. Ali survivors !oses t survival. ldlO Nominated survivor • lnvestigate
has Song of the Brave, add +4 to your roll.
1<110 Event revealer Against ali reason. vou leel compelled to reach into a
2• s lt's nice to see something preny for once. eh?
skull and take an ember. vour flesh sizzles. bfinding
6 •9 The survivors can't remember ever feeling so cheerful 1- z The survlvors· boisterous volces attract their quarry. vou with pain yet you cannot slop yourself from
and inspired. Each survivor gains +1 courage. The monster ambushes them. reaching lor your own mouth. If you have a broken
jaw. you're thwarted. Vou drop !he golden ember from
10 + The doorway to the tomb ls framed with a wood thal 3•7 No one else is in the mood lor agame. The event your burning hand. Suffer the dismembered arm
has small hands for grain. lnslde. murais depict a hero revealer loses 1 courage. severe injury. Shaken. the survivors flee the smoke.
at the center of a labyrlnth thal is holding a gianl. hu· Otherwise. your jaw clamps shut around the ember.
s•9 The survivors play the simple but entertaining game.
man·f1ffed fruit above his head. Each survivor gains +1 the flesh ot your mou th melts shut. muffllng your cries
Each survivor gains •1 courage. of pain. Smoke pours from your eyes. nose, and ears.
understanding. If the seulement has Pictograph;. the
survivors Ilnd information about the ir quarry. At the 10 • The game is astonishingly fun and the survlvors· H the seulement has survival of rhe Fittest. the urge
start of the showdown. 1hey may place the monster's spirits soar with thoir booming laughter. Each survivor to live wins out and vou savagely break open your
trap at the bouom of the hit location deck. rolls 1dl0. On a 6+. lhey gain 1survlval or cure 1 own jaw. SuHer the broken jaw severe head injury.
disorder. The ember tumbles to the ground. its sputtering his~
rining in your ears as ali survlvors flee in horror.
Otherwise. your smoking. melling body marches
71 1 Found Relie roboticaHy into the ring of sku lls.laying ltself ln !he
731 Golden Ember place of the disturbed skufl. The putrld smell of yotn
Amidst the endless stone faces , the event revealer notices burning brain suffuses the smoke in the air. The ~lgh l
an unusual object on the ground. The event revealer in· The way forward is blocked by dense, gold· flecked smoke. is so disturbing thal ali other survivors flee. navN to
vestigates and rolls 1d1 O. If the survivors have a Final Lantern, lt guides them speak or what happened.
Il the settlement has Records , add +6 to the result. through the smoke without any trouble; end this event.
The survivors may push ahead and brave the smoke.

-Rules -

ldiO Nomlnated survivor - lnvestigate their powerful dream envelopes the group: each survivor ldiO Event revealer -lnvestigat e
may select whatever die roll result they want Il any sur-
Vou sense the extreme danger from the golden vivors' rolls are the same, those survivors discover they z ~ He was holding an explosive! ttexplodes. but vou pull
t•tnbNS and linger just long enough to grab a small had the exact same dream. They gain +1 insanity. Il any away before disaster strikes. Gain -1 accuracy token.
tt Gain 1 Broken Lantern basic resource. duplicata roUs are 1Os, the event revealer may re-roll any s· 9 His hands are empty. If the seUlement has cannibal-
11 Vou notice that the settlemenl is strewn with lanterns. one roll result this hunt phase (any one die roll , not just lze, gain 1 random basic resource. If the settlement
,)Il extlnguished and smashed nearly beyond recogn 1· their roll) . has Graves. gain +1 understanding.
t10t1. The survivors resolve that thiSwill never happen
to them. If any survivor returns to the seUlement th is 10 • His hands conteln a jeweled bottle fi lied with a çhar·
treuse liquid. Gain l Frenzy Drink gear.
yoar. gain +2 endeavors. 77 1 Sinkhole
0. Amidst the ruins. you find only one unbroken object.
A TWilight Sword. lt rests. respect rully laid across a A gaping sinkhole suddenly opens under the survlvors, re-
mostly undamaged survivor's skeleton. If the seule- vealing a swirling black pool of ichor beneath them. Each
ment does not have a TWilight Sword. and no survivor survivor rolls 1d1 O. The lowest scoring survivor (or survl-
in the group has the Honorable disorder. vou may vors, in case of ties) becomes a straggler.
nominate a survivor to gain the Twilight Sword rare Each straggler roUs 1d10. If any other survtvor has
gear. If you do and the Hooded Knight story event is a whip, they throw a tine to the straggler. Each straggler
not on the timeline. add it to the timellne 2 years from adds +4 to their roll .
ldl O Straggler
vou are swallowecl by lhe sinkhole. Mome11ts later
74 1Antler-Gouged Il regurgitates you completely naked. Vour gear ls
hopelessly lost in the miasma. Archive ali gear ln your
A great battle tor dominance between two enormous an- gear grld.
lelopes has lef1 the stone-faced ground gouged wlth criss- The other survivors haul you up. but not before some·
crossing scars. Each survivor rolls 1d10. thlng is sucked below the surface. Archive 1 gear of
l dl O Each survivor your choice from your gear grid.

1 2 Vou trip over the jagged ground and shred your flesh! s-9 Vou are dragged to safety. terrified but unharmed.
Suffer the tom muscle severe leg in jury.
10 + Alter a monumental effon. the other survivors pull
3- a vou carefully tread over the destroyed faces. you free. Someone is cJinging tightly to your feet (+1
population)! AS they reatreat to your settlement. each
9 • Vou fi nd a loosened stone. Gain a Founding Stone survivor surfers 1 brain event damage.
starting gear.
79 1 Dying Small Prospector
78 1 Dead Great Game Hunter If your settlement already has a Portcullis Key, the pros-
751 Oops! pecter is gone. Roll agaln on the hunt event table before
The survivors find a corpse dressed in brightly, colored moving on the hunt board.
Stumbling through the darkness, the event revealer crash clothing, clutching something to its chest. The event re- The survivors dlscover a body slumped agalnst a
es into the ground, crushing their lantern beneath them. vealer may lnvestigate. If they do, they gain + 1 courage large stone face. Moving closer, they find a small, dying
The living Hght inside the lantern becomes agltated by the and roll 1d1 O. Il any survivor has a whip. they lash the prospecter riddled with arrows. As they approach. he
survivor's clumsiness and burns a piece of gear. The event corpse from afar; add +4 to your roll. growls a warnlng, threatenlng them with a huge stone
revealer archives 1 gear of their choice from the ir ge ar grid. Otherwise, roll again on the hunt event table before shard. When he sees that they are not evil monsters. he
moving on the hunt board. cal ms down and gives them a key. With his dying breath
he says: This ls the key to the portcullis. Without il. you will
ldlO Event revealer ·lnvestigate
76 1 Dream the Way never get through.
He was hOlding an explosive! Moving it causes IL to Record the Portcullls Key in the settlement record
The survlvors have vivid, fevered vrstons of what lies detonate, blowlng off your hand. Suffer the dismem- sheet notes.
ahead. Ali at once, they are startled awake and frantically bered arm severe arm injury. If the settlement has Graves, the event revealer
compare the horrors they saw. builds a small monument of broken stone noses and gains
Each survivor roUs 1d1 O. 1f any survivor ls a savior, +1 understanding.

Kingdom Death: Monster core Ga me 101

- Rules -

80 1 Lovelorn Rock ldiO Strapler tdlo EVent revealer • investigate

<1 Vou fafl but manage to interpose something bctween 10 As the survivors draw near. they discover that this
The survivors pass a ring of stones wlth an unassuming
the grass and vour bare skin. Either archive 1 gear of ftesh monolith ls actually an enormous pile of sur-
boulder at the center. Each survivor rolls 1d10. The low- your choice from your gear grid to protect yourself. vivors· corpses. many with badly broken llmbs. The
est scoring survivor (randomize in case of ties) becomes or treat this resultas if vou rofled a 1. pile is covered rn chunks of strange. sweet·smelling
a straggler. visee• a.
The straggler heftS the boulder (ifs heavy!) and to • Vou stop your fall before it's too late. If the settlcmcnt has Graves. you ascend the heap a11d
promises to carry it everywhere. forever in love. They find 3 baroly llvingsurvivors.their bodiesdevoid of
must always ieave one space in their gear grid empty, as nourishment and their eyes too sensitive lor lantern
il con tains their beloved rock. Record this on your survivor light. tf vou return to the settlement. +3 pcpulation.
sheet. The rock can be lost or archived like other gear; if it These new survivors cannot depart for 2 lantern
is !ost. the survivor moums their beloved and reclaims the years as they need time to recover (note this on the
space ln their gear grid. tlmeline).
Otherwise. ali you manage to harvest from the pite of
emaciated corpses is 2 organ basic resources. Therr
81 Field of Arms skrn ls too soft and bones too brittle to be of any use.

The survivors carefully tread along the back of a massive,

sleeping monster. lnstead of fur, it has elongated arms, 84 1 Scribe's Book
severa! of them twitching to whatever dream the great
beast IS in the midst of. The survivors don't disturb the A huge, ornately bound book lays open belore the survl·
monster's deep sleep and cross withoutlssue. 83 1 Flesh Monolith vors. If the settlement has Pictographs, any survivor with
Il any survivor has a sickle, they glngerly remove 3+ courage may write their name in the book. Insane sur-
sorne tough skin from one of the arms and gain 1 Hide The survivors approach a 5-sided monolith made of flesh vivors with 3+ courage must write.
basic resource. thal stretches into the darkness overhead. Limbs and fac- Each survivor who writes their name in tl'e book rolls
es both human and bizarre protrude from ali sldes. The 1d10 and adds their understanding. Il no one writes, roll
82 1 Consuming Grass event revealer galns + 1 courage and fnvestlgates. again on the hunt avent table before movlng on the hunt
Vibrant green grass grows in patches ahead of the survi- ldiO EVent revealer • lnvestigate
ldlO Any survivor with 3+ courage
vors Closer inspection of the delicate leaves reveals they The monolitb's limbs spring to hfe. grabbrng hold
are as sharp as any blade. Each surv•vor rolls 1d10. The before vou can react. They join your body parts to - 4 As vou fînrsh wrltlng your na me. vou know thal you
lowest scoring survivor (or surv•vors, 1n case of ties) be- lts ow11 with maddening efficiency as vou are rlpped did something terribly wrong. vou vanish from hlstory.
cornes a straggler. As the survivors caretully pick their way apart in a shower of gore. Dead. The horrible sight Oead. Archive your gear.
past the verdant hazards, the straggler stumbles into the causes ali other survivors to suffer 3 brain event dam- s -s Nothing happens.
brush They roll1d10. age and they ali gain Post Traum atic Stress disorder.
Il any survivor has a whip, a hasty tether is made. If the seUlement has Survival of the Fittest. vou fight 9 10 As you write your na me. you feel restored. Heal ali
Add +4 to your roll. the rnonolithl The horrible edifice tears your arm o ff. i11jury levels and lost armor points. Gain +2 survlval.
but you bite one of its appendages in return. severing
ldlO Straggler ill The monolith retreats into the ground as vou roar in n 14 vou feel assured that as long as your name is in the
triumph. Suffer the dism embered arm severe lnjury book. nothlng bad can happen to you. Gain two of
Vou land in the grass patch. As you cllmb to your the following: •2 courage. +2 understanding. or •2
feet. vou realize it's too 1a1e. The pans of your body and gain • 1 permanent strength. Ali other survrvors
stond ln awe and g"i" •3 in~anlty and +1 courage. survivat.
that toudo"l.l llo" ground have sprouted with snarp
blades of grass. Any auempt to removc them only z Hands and tentacles grasp at vou. Spend 1 survlvalto IS• The book proves the undeniable mark you leave on
spreads them further over vour body. ourlng the wriggle away or treat this resultas rf vou rolled a 1. the world. Gain +1 survival. +1 understanding. +1 cour
showdown. you are never a threat (rgnore any effect age. +1 permanent speed. and +1 permanent strength
thal would make you a threat. even the Whrte ûon·s s Ali survrvors are driven back with horror. They ali
suffer quarry's monsler leve! brain event damage.
Sniff). At the end of the showdown. your body blos-
soms into a whorl of immaculate green grass. Oead.
85 1 Test of Courage
Lava llows from the eyes of a huge, stone for
lts gritted leeth hold a worn sword. Il there are any -tnvt
vors with 6+ courage, choose one to brave the lavn f hl'y
gain the Adventure Sword rare gear. If no ono cn11 lt t

• Rul~ ·

th r mc!ltlo, tho group moves on wtth a feehng cf inade- tdlO Any survivor 92 1 Failed Start
tltnr V
Il tho seulement alroady has an Adventure Sword AS vou get near the anvil, the statue grabs the sword
The survtvors find the tattered rematns of four humans.
nd Storytelllng the surviVors share stories of bravery, and plunges ot lnto your body. There os a sharp hoss as
the hot metal cools on your blood. oead. Clad on lomcloths and clutch1ng stone shards. they bear
h urv1vor gatns + 1 surv1val. If the settlement also has the disttnct marks of White Loon ctaws
11g1 , tho stories are exceptionally moving, each survivor vou make a quick grab l or the sword. but not quick Each survivor suflers 1 bratn event damage and
1 o o 11ns + 1 courage. enough. Suller the dismembered arm severe arm gains 1 Founding Stone start1ng gear Survivors with 3+
inJury. understand1ng also gain +1d10 msantty
Sb Putrid Tunnels 9 1 Vou may not be quick enoueh lo gr<~b the sword. but
at least you're not foolish cnough to die trying.
1hn nurv.vors smell it long before they see 11, a series of 93 1 Lest Survivor
e.1vo mouths thal emit noxious odors t4 • Your speed is legendary. Gaon the Muramasa rare
fach surv1vor rotis 1d10. On a 9+ they enter one of gear. End thos event. ln a hollow between two
th tunnels and d1scover a wretched group of diseased
survlvors living in filth. Ali survivors who enter the cave
: 1.,,
ldentical rocks, you find a
corpse with fabulous halr
c.1tch thelr foui rolling disease. They have leprosy; reduce ctutchmg a book to lts chest.
un damage suftered by 1 to a minimum of 1 Suffer -2 to 89 1 Cleaner Birds Il the settlement has

. .'
severe inJury rolls Record thts impairment. Plctographs, the event
Tlny, ragged blrds with needlo-thln beaks fly overhead. revealer may read from the
871 Weeping Faces Each survlvor roUs 1d10. The lowest-scorlng survivor (roll book and roll 1d10. Otherwise.
offin case of ties) becomes a straggler the survivors move on, deeply
Water llows from the oyes of the surrounding stone facos , The blrds swarm tho straggler. One forces ils way into confused. The book tells the
1, ,
gathering in a small pool. Any survivor may consume from th e stragglor's mouth and down their throat. The survivor traglc tale ollwo survivors who
the pool and roll1d10. If they have 3+ understanding. add vomits up the well· fed bird, their insides scrambled and - 1 found a tove they could never
+2 to their roll scarred. Gain +1 permanentluck, · 1 permanent speed. have.
Insane surv1vors are Inconsolable, they lay on the Il any survivor has a wh1p, they crack 11 and feil the
ground sobbing heavily. If any surv1vor is insane, roll agaln ldlO Event Revealer
offensive creature. Gain 1 random basic resource.
on the hunt event table bofore movlng on the hunt board 1•~ Page 3 · Dual Nature. The lovers' sl'tllement was de·
tdlO Any survlvor ·Consume
90 1 Light on the Horizon stroyed. and they were stolen away. The event reveat·
er feels conllicted. Alter the showdown. they teave the
The water is salty and sour. vou can't help thinking The survivors hear a screeching howl, followed by a crash. seUlement forever in search of something.
about what you might be drinking. SuHer 1 brain They see an exptos1on of multicolored light on the horizon.
event damage. 4 •6 Page 6 · Thl' man spent years enduring horroble
The unnaturallight 1llummates the surv1vors' way. Il atleast torture lor the sake of his beloved. Each wound only
4 ·6 Refreshtng! one survivor IS sane, they follow the light Vou may reroll strengtnened the man's resolve. Gain +1 permanent
the next rosult on tho hunt event table. speed and the Anxiety and Traumatized disorders.
1•8 The water is cteaner than most. vou may heal up to 2 Il ali survivors are Insane, they turn away from the
injury levels at any one hit location. hght, walking tnto the darkness Move the survivors 2 spac- 7• Page 9 · The man escaped. yet never retumed. He
es back on the hunt board. knew that of he did, 11 would doom his beloved. He
9 • The water is inv1gorating. Gain +1 speed token. Regardless of what the surv1vors do, the light reach- decided lt was best for h1m to fade nto memory to
protee! the few smiles his existence had insplred.
es the settlement. Add the llghts in the Sky setttement
Gain +1 courage and the Tough and Last Man Stand·
event to the t1meline next year lng fighung arts.
88 1 The Sword and the Statue
T'hank you Johnson 'JT' Thurston lor bemg on awesome backer/
A one eyed statue, tw1ce as tall as any man. sits before a 91 1 The Beginning
great anvll w lth a hammer tn each of ils six hands. Trans
fixed. the surv1vors watch tho statue beat a red-hot sword The survivors stumble upon the scene of thetr settlement's 94 Sickening Mess
thal lloc acroGC tho anv1t lirot hunt. Whothor thoy'vo ooon lt thomGolvos or hoard of it
Each survtvor, startlng with the event revealer and through storles, they lmmedlately recognize lt. Seeing the The survlvors come upon a patch of badly-damaged
proceedlng clockwlse, may make one attempt to grab the spot of thelr settlement's first triumph is etectrifying ground. The stone faces are cracked and debris is strewn
sword from the anv1l. If they do, they gain + 1 courage. roll Each surv1vor gai ns + 1 surv1val. If the settlement has everywhere. Piles of toxic·smelling dung and half-digested
1d10. and add thetr Hunt XP to thoir roll. Saga, each survivor gatns + 1 courage Il the settlement viscera lilier the area The svrv1vors approach, but survi-
has Storytelllng, each survivor gains + 1 understanding. vors with squeamlsh disordor refuse togo any closer.

Ktngdom oe.1th: Monster Core Game 103

• Rules·

Insane survivors consume what they find and make ldlO Event revealer ldlO Event revealer - lnvestigate
themselves sick; they gain - 1 strength token. sane survi-
vors stop to investi gate the mess. Each gains+ 1 courage, 7·8 The stranger raises its arms and moves to meet your 1-3 one of your own is slumped at the end of the trait,
approach. From beneath the folds of its cloak, you bleeding terribly. Choose a random survivor. they gain
rolls 1d10, and adds their understanding.
can just make out a hint of violet. scaly hfde. A claw 3 bleed ing tokens. Ali survivors suffer 3 brain event
1d10 Each sane survivor - lnvestigate extends from a sleeve and gently strokes your cheek. damage.
leaving a layer of visCO!JS liquid behind. Wiping off
t· 2 vou become lightheaded sitting through the piles of the sludge. vou fi nd the bizarre experience strangelv 4 •6 The trail leads to a huge box. Trapped inside is a
dung: uncont rollable gagging ensues. Gain · 1 strength touching. vou gain +1 survival. .+1 understanding. young. red-haired survivor. Gain +1 population. The
token. carvings adorning the box are haunting. Ali su rvivors
9 + The stranger orders you to organize a test of strength suffer 3 brain event damage.
3 ·8 Heaving. eyes fil led with tears, your sickening hunt among the survivors. Each survivor must roll 1d10 (roll
pays off. Gain 1 random basic resource and suffer 1 off in case of ties). The highest scori ng surv'lvor wins 7+ The trailleads to your quarry! The monster is wound-
even t damage to a random hit location. the melee. The stranger marks their face with its glis- ed from a previous battle. Start the showdown im·
tening claw, granting them the Iron Will ability: Vou mediately. At the start of the showdown. the monster
9 ,. Vour intuition pays off! Gain 1 random basic resource. suffers 1 wou nd.
cannot be knocked down. Reduce ali knockback you
suffer te knockback 1. Record this ability. Ali survivors
Jose 4 survival from the exhausting fight.
95 1Grim and Frostbitten
There is a dead stillness in the air. The atmosphere be -
cornes thick with worry and the survivors carry on nervous- 97 1 Living Stone
ly. A bitter, evil oold sets in and there is no shelter.
The survivors huddle together for warmth, shivering The ground suddenly shifts and rises sharply into the air!
loudly. Unless a survivor has armor gear at each hit loca- The survivors fi nd themselves clutching the back of a giant
tion, they lose. quarry monster level survival. creature that lay sleeping beneath their feet.
The survivors hold ·on for dear lite, absolutely terrified.
Nominale a survivor to climb toward the top of the giant
96 1 Cloaked Stranger and see what lies ahead. They roll1d10.
ld10 Elected survivor
99 1 Portcullis
A cloaked form steps out from a patch of darkness ahead
of the survivors. lts ill-fitting garment shifts atop its form vour motion irritates the giant, sending the survivors The survivors approach a massive portcullis standing in
and its trudging leaves dark, black puddles in the mouths flying·off! Ali survivors suffer 1d5 event damage to a the darkness. Il is not attached to anything and does not
of the rain-stick stone on the ground. random hi·t location. Archive ali fragile gear. bar their way.
The event revealer approaches the stranger and rolls They may choose to walk around it. Il they do, roll
2 •7 vou reach t he top and have a perfect vantage point to
1d10. see the world, if only there were enough light to see again on the hunt event table before moving on the hunt
it. Set your insanity to O. The giant carries you exactly board.
ldlO Event reveàler
where you're going! Start the showdown immediately. If the settlement has the Portcullis Key, they may
1-2 The stranger·s approach fills your ears with painful erase it from the settlement record sheet and use it. Each
static. There is a flash of light and a loud crack. Vou 8 • Vou discover a bizarre creature with an inverted face survivor gains + 1 courage. The portcullis creaks open and
fall to the ground. holding your bloody chest in pain. Cliligently carving upon the giann bacl<. lt discards the survivors step through. A dank gloom awaits the survi-
Suffer the ruptured spleen severe body injur•f. Ali damaged stone faces as it werks. Each survivor catch- vors inside.
non-deal survivors su ffer 2 brain event damage. es a fragment, gaining 1 Founding Stone starting gear.
Eventually, the giant settles down into the ground ldlO Eventrevealer
'3 • 4 The stranger ripples in and out of focus as you again. vou dismount and distover your quarry! Am-
approach. When you reach them. they are gone, their bush the monster! The portcu llis suddenly slams shut behind them and
form impossible to remember. Gain 1 bleed ing token the lights of their lanterns begin to dim. The last thing
and forget 1 fighting art of your choice. the survivors see is the grimace of fear on each other's
faces as the dark closes in. The survivors are dead.
5·6 As you near the stranger. you realize that they' re 98 1 Bloody Eyes
floating in the air! Vou barely make out a dry rasping At their feet 1ies an ornate crucible with a void in the
coming from the form that seems to resemble... shape of a mighty weapon. Gain the Perfect crucible
The survivors find a trail of blood. lt pools in the eye sock- st range resource. If they have a Blacksmith in their
laughter? After the stranger departs. you return to the
group. face bone-white, refusing to speak of what vou ets of the stone-faced ground. The blood is still warm. settlernent. they may now craft a Perfect Slayer.
saw. Suffer 3 brain event damage. The event revealer may i nvestîgate and roll1d10 , or
ignore the trail and end this event.

- Rules -

100 1 The Finale

An onormous. metallic sound rings out from a distance.
Ali survivors are electrllied with dread; they suffer 2 brain
uvcnt damage.
The survivors may follow lhe sound. Otherwise, they
pMtc and retreat in the opposite direction; end lhis event
and move the survivors 2 spaces back on the hunt board.
Each survivor gains + 1 courage and glngerty ap-
proo.ches the sound's origin. As they !ravel, they pass the
r.hattered corpses of strange beasts.
If any survivor has 3+ understanding, they follow the
trall of corpses. Otherwlse, harvest 3 random basic re-
sources from the corpses and end this event
Arriving at a massive anvil, the survivors see a giant,
one·eyed knight, its charcoal-colored armor reflecting their
lnntern light. The event revealer rotis 1d1 O.
ldiO Event revealer
The knight stares at the survivors. Ali survivors with
less than 3 courage are struck dead. Ali other survi-
vors flee in horror.
2- s The knight approaches the survivors. ln an instant,
it chops off a random survivor's ear: they gain l
bleeding token. Then. it strikes the anvil. blindlng
the o;urvivors with a churning wall of sound. When
they open theîr eyes. the knight is gone and the steel
Sword and Steel Shield rare gear rest in its place The
group di vides the gear between them.
9• The knight smashes the object in its hands upon the
an vil. Wh en the molten orange object cools. it sets
into a massive lion·faced hammer. The knight places it
in the hands ol the survivor with the highest courage
(roll off ln case of tles). They gain the Thunder Maul
rare gear. A current of electricity runs through their
body. joining weapon and survivor forever.

Kingdom Death: Monster Core Game JOS

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