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ELSEVIER Thin Solid Films 280 (1996) 86-89

Electrochemical deposition of MoS2 thin films by reduction of

E.A. Ponomarev ~ ", M. Neumann-Spallart ~, G. Hodes b, C. L~vy-el6ment "'*
a Laboratoire de Physique des Solides de Bellevue, CNRS, UPR 1332, 1 Place Aristide Briand, 92195 Meudon, France
b Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel
Received 6 June 1995; accepted 20 October 1995


Molybdenum sulphide was cathodically electrodeposited from aqueous solutions of sodium tetrathiomolybdate. The as-deposited films
were X-ray amorphous with a composition, measured by microprobe analysis, close to MoS2. Annealing these films in Ar resulted in highly-
textured films of MoS2 with the van der Waals planes parallel to the substrate. A small expansion in the c spacing of the annealed films was
explained by the presence of oxygen in the crystals. A direct bandgap of 1.78 eV was found for the annealed films.

Keywords: Electrochemistry;Semiconductors;Molybdenumdisulphide; Depositionprocess

1. Introduction molten salts has been shown to give large, well-defined crys-
tals of these compounds (see Ref. [ 5 ] and references cited
Molybdenum dichalcogenides appear to be very promising therein), but is clearly not a convenient method. Electrolysis
semiconductor materials for various applications such as of aqueous solutions of molybdates (tungstates) and SeO2
solar cells [1,2], rechargeable batteries [3] and solid lubri- resulted in poorly-defined mixtures of Mo(W) and Se com-
cants [4 ]. These applications arise from the optical, electro- pounds [ 6,7]. The most promising method is cathodic reduc-
chemical and mechanical properties of these compounds. tion of an aqueous solution of ammonium tetrathiomolybdate
They exhibit a layer-type structure in which monolayers of ((NH,02MoS4) [8] (anodic oxidation of the same solution
Mo are sandwiched between monolayers of sulphur or sele- results in amorphous MoS3 [9,10] ).
nium, which are held together by relatively weak van der In this communication we report preliminary results on the
Waals forces. These materials have bandgaps well-matched chemical composition, structural and optical properties of
to the solar spectrum. The gaps are derived from non-bonding films obtained by cathodic electrodeposition from thiomo-
molecular orbitals which leads to high corrosion resistance. lybdate solutions and on the change in these properties after
Despite all these promising characteristics, the wide use of annealing the films. In particular, we show that highly-tex-
molybdenum dichalcogenides in op~.oelectronic devices is tured films of MoSs with the basal planes parallel to the
held back by the difficulty in preparing thin films of these substrate can be obtained by this technique.
compounds with the desired properties. With the exception
of (electro)catalytic applications, most projected uses of
these compounds require films with the basal plane parallel 2. Experimental
to the substrate, while most deposition methods result in films
with the basal plane perpendicular, to a greater or lesser
extent, to the substrate. Electrochemical deposition (ED) has The deposition was performed on Mo foil and conducting
been widely used to deposit semiconductors. However only glass (F-doped SnO2, 10 [I/D). The substrates were cleaned
a few papers have appeared describing ED of transition metal in trichloroethylene, acetone and then rinsed with water. Just
chalcogenide compounds. Deposition from high-temperature before electrodeposition, the glass slides were dipped for a
few seconds into sulphochromic acid and rinsed with water.
" Correspondingauthor. This treatment increases the adhesion of the electrodeposited
On leave from: Institute of Energy Problems of Chendcal Physics layers to the substrate and allows deposition of thicker layers
(Branch), 142432Chernogolovka,Moscow region. Russia. before they start to peel off. Electrodeposition was carried
0040-6090/961515.00 © 1996 Elsevier Science S.A. All tights reserved
55Di 0040.6090 ( 95 ) 08204- 2
E.A. Ponomarev et al. /Thbz Solid Films 280 (1996) 86--89 87

out under potentiostatic conditions using a standard three- 1 . 5 .... , t ,


electrode set-up. We used a standard calomel electrode s

(SCE), against which all potentials are reported, and a plat- I .~ •

inum wire as a counter electrode. The solvent was Milli-Q t

water. Analytical grade chemicals were used as received. The r~

1.0 ,'
solutions were stirred during deposition. Electron probe I::i
microanalysis (EPMA) was performed using a CAMEBAX 0
.,.-i •
instrument. The crystallographic parameters of the deposited .~

films were studied with a Philips PW 1710 X-ray diffracto- 0.5 ¥'~°
meter using Cu Ka radiation. Optical absorption of the films lid
deposited on conductive glass was calculated from transmis-
sion spectra measured with a Cary 2400 spectrometer with
0.0 ''
correction for reflection losses. Thickness of the deposited 0 1

2 3

layers was measured with a Tencor P-I long scan profiler charge, C/era 2
(Tencor Instruments). For scanning electron microscopy Fig. I. The dependence of the thickness of the layeron the charge passed
(SEM), a Jeol JSM-840 microscope was used. through the cellduring the deposition.

tetrathiomolybdate was formed by a reaction between mol-

3. Results and discussion ybdate and sulphide ions were identical.
Electrodeposition starts at - 0 . 9 V, reaches a maximum
Attempts to electrodeposit MoS2 in a way somewhat sim- efficiency of about 30% in the region of - 1.2 V to - 1.4 V
ilar to that used for MoSe2 [6] from solutions of molybdate and gradually decreases at more negative potentials due to
and thiosulphate under various conditions of pH and temper- hydrogen evolution. Deposition time was varied from 30 s to
atur:~ were unsuccessful. However, electrolytic reduction of 20 rain which resulted in layers of different thickness. During
molybda'te itself can be easily carded out in aqueous solu- electrodeposition, smooth brown layers were formed at the
tions. In alkaline solutions, the resulting film has been shown electrodes. When their thickness exceeded 1.5--2 p,m, the
to be amorphous with a composition of MoO2_,(OH)2, layers started to peel off from the substrate. After drying, a
[ 11 ]. We found that reduction of MoO42- at a potential of network of cracks appeared in films thicker thar~ 0.5 p.m.
- 1.3 V resulted in formation of a brown film which was X- The dependence of the film thickness on the charge passed
ray amorphous. Annealing this film at ~50 0(2 in Ar for 1 h during deposition at a constant potential of - 1.4 V giving a
gave crystalline MOO2. If we designate the as-deposited film current density of ca. 2 mA cm-2 at room temperature is
as MOO:,, the above reduction can be given as: shown in Fig. 1. The thickness increases linearly with charge
and a current efficiency of ca. 30% can be calculated assum-
MoO 2- + 2e- + 2H20 ~ MoO2 + 4OH- (l)
ing a two-electron transfer as in Eq. (2) and formation of
By analogy, we expect the electrolytic reduction of the MoS2 with bulk density. For thick films, the current efficiency
tetrathiomolybdate ion (MoS 2- ) to proceed as follows: drops to ca. 15% (not shown in Fig. I ).
In contrast to the results of Byker and Austin [8], who
MoS~- + 2e- + 2H20 ~ MoS2 + 2SH- + 2OH- (2) apparently found their films to give an XRD pattern charac-
as these ions have a similar structure to that of MoO~- with teristic of MoS2, our films were X-ray amorphous as depos-
the oxygen atoms replaced by sulphur. ited (also when deposited at 95 °C). Very little detail was
Tetrathiomolybdate ions can be formed by dissociation of given in the short abstract of Byker and Austin, but the dif-
ammonium tetrathiomolybdate which is commercially avail- ference could possibly be due to the different substrate (Pb)
able or can also be readily prepared by reaction between used by them. EPMA analysis of our films gave a S:Mo
molybdate and hydrogen sulphide (or sulphide ions at a suf- atomic ratio of between 1.9 and 2.1.
ficiently low pH) as follows: Annealing the films at 550 °C in Ar for 1 h resulted in a
major change in all the measured properties. The brown col-
MoO24- + 4H2S ** MoS~- + 4H20 (3) our of the as-deposited films changed to a reflecting metallic
In our experiments, we used mainly solutions of freshly- surface typical of MoS2. For films thicker than ca. 0.1 p.m,
prepared tetrathiomolybdate formed in a chemical reaction in cracks formed after annealing (Fig. 2(a)) which were not
a solution of 5 mM Na2MoO4 and excess Na2S in Milli-Q present in the as-deposited films. Higher magnification SEM
water. Hydrochloric acid was added to the stirred solution showed the annealed film to be comprised of closely packed
until a pH of 8.0 was reaC~ed. The solution turned to dark grains of a few hundred nanometres in size (Fig. 2(b) ). The
red as thiomolybdate was formed. as-deposited films were featureless with no visible grain
The chemical composition, X-ray diffraction (XRD) pat- structure. The S:Mo ratio decreased by 15-20% and the film
tern and optical spectra of the films deposited from ammo- thickness decreased by 30--50% after annealing. While some
nium tetrathiomolybdate and from solutions where the of the thickness decrease could probably be attributed to
88 E.A. Ponomarev et al. / Thin Solid Films 280 (1996) 86--89






1000 i

0 . . . . A. . . . J~
0 20 30 40 50 60 70
d e g r e e . 28
Fig. 4. XRD pattern of a MoS2 fihn deposited on molybdenum foil. The film
was annealed for 9 h at 880 °C in Ar.

evidence of any edge peaks, usually observed in films of these

materials, is seen. The films are highly textured with the basal
(van der Waals) planes parallel to the substrate. This property
is of particular importance where such films are to be used
for either photovoltaic cells or for their tribological charac-
teristics. This high degree of texture is preserved for all films,
independent of their thickness. The crystal size can be esti-
mated from the peak widths to be about 25 . m (this assumes
crystal size broadening; another possibility is the presence of
Fig. 2. SEM picture of the electrochemically deposited MoS2 film on con-
ductive glass annealed for ! h at 550 *C in Ar: (a) low magnification; (b)
MoO,,S2 with a range of different values of x, see below).
high magnification. The c lattice constant, measured from the XRD data, is in
the range 12.36--12.70/~. This value is slightly higher than
the literature value of 12.298/~, [ 12]. The increase in the c
, _ SnO e value of sputtered films of MoS2 has been attributed to elec-
04 tronic effects caused by the presence of oxygen, either sub-
2500 0
stituted for sulphur [ 13] or in addition to sulphur [ 14]. For
oxygen-substituted films, MoS2_=O~,. (Fig. 4 in Ref. [ 13] )
translated into a range of x from 0.001-0.01 for our films.
For the MoOxS2 films described in Ref. [14], this would
1500 result in a range of compositions for our films from MoOo.:S2
to MOOo.6S 2.
1000 Neither of the above possibilities would, by themselves,
explain the decrease in S:Mo ratio we find after annealing.
500 Preliminary X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) anal-
~ _ °_ * co*2 " ~° | ~'* * i yses show a considerable amount of oxygen in the films which
does not decrease after sputter etching of the films. More
20 30 40 50 60 70 importantly, XPS reveals the presence of appreciable
degree, 20 amounts of Mo (in both as-deposited and annealed films) in
Fig. 3. XRD pattern ofa MoS2 film deposited on conduclve glass. The film a higher oxidation state equivalent to MoO3 (or MoS3; the
was annealed for I h at 550 *C in At. latter, however, is unstable at the temperatures used in anneal-
ing). This suggests that our films, in particular the annealed
increasing density and compactness of the films, the change ones, contain some MoO3_x (see also below), which would
in composition suggests some material loss by evaporation. explain the values of S:Mo less than two. The presence of
The most important change after annealing was the for- oxygen in the films can be understood by consideration of
mation of a well-developed XRD pattern (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). equilibrium (3). Some MoO42- can be expected to exist
The most intense peak corresponds to the (002) plane and together with MoS 2-, resulting in the formation of a Mo-O
all the other peaks to the (~04), (006) and (008) planes. No species (or a mixed Mo-O-S compound). Adsorption of
F,.A. Ponomarev et al. / Thin Solid Films 280 (1996) 86--89 89

lybdate solutions. The as-deposited films are X-ray amor-

OD," ~;a / phous. Annealing in argon results in highly textured,
" o 30 . a
polycrystalline MoS2 with the basal planes parallel to the

3 20 P-" substrate. The annealed film ~ h,ve an optical spectrum char-
/ 1° acteristic of MoS2, with a d~r~ct bandgap of 1.78 eV. The
spectrum of as-deposited films is very different with no clear
0 -----1-- :,_~
1.8 eV
absorption onset. Both the as-deposited and annealed films
contain appreciable amounts of oxygen. These films may be
useful for both solar cell and lubrication applications, where
the high degree of basal plane texture is very important.


600 800
I i

I000 k, n m Acknowledgements
Fig. 5. Absorption spectra of a MoS 2 thin film: curve 1, as deposited, thick-
ness 1.3 p,m; curve 2, after annealing for 1 h at 550 °C in Ar, thickness 1 The authors are grateful to M. Rommeluere for the electron
p,m. microprobe analysis and to C. Vard for electron microscope
images of the films.
water from the electrolyte on ~he growing film is another This work was supported by a CEE contract JOU2-CT93-
possibility for the presence of oxygen.
0352. We acknowledge the Minist~re des Affaires Etrang~res
The optical absorption spectra of the as-deposited and
(France) and the Israeli Ministry of Science and Arts fo,
annealed films are shown in Fig. 5. As-deposited films show
support through an Arc en Ciel (Keshet) project.
a gradual increase of the optical density (OD) with increasing
photon energy, hr. After annealing the optical density of the
film increases sharply between 1.6 and 2.0 eV and remains
almost constant afterwards. A plot of (OD.hv) 2 vs. (hv)
gave a value of 1.78 eV for the direct bandgap (Fig. 5), in [!] H. Tributsch, Faraday Discuss., 70 (1980) 1.
agreement with literature data [ 15]. [2] H, Tributsch and J.C. Bennett, J. Electroanal. Chem., 81 (1977) 97.
While thin annealed films appear brown by transmitted [3] T.A. Recoraro and R.R. Chianelli, J. Catal., 67 ( 1981 ) 430.
light, they are visually transparent, i.e. there is little scattering, [4] R. Reichelt and G. Mair, J. Appl. Phys., 49 (1978) 1245.
[5] L.F. Schneemeyer and U. Cohen, J. Electrochem. Soc., 130 (1983)
which would degrade the transmission, even in the sub-band-
gap region where no absorption should occur. Since the [6] S. Chandra and S.N. Sahu, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 17 (1984) 2115.
absorption spectra show appreciable absorption in the sub- [7] S. Chandra, O.N.Srivastava and S.N. Sahu, Phys. Status Solidi (a), 88
gap region, there must be absorption in this region by some (1985) 497.
impurity. As noted above, films deposited from sulphur-free [8] H.J. Bykcr and A.E. Austin, 160th. Electrochem. Soc. Meeting,
abstract 5"16, J. Electmchem. Soc., 128 ( 1981 ) 381C.
molybdate solutions and annealed under the same conditions [9] R.N Bhattacharya, C.Y. Lee, F.H. Pollak and D.M. Schleich, J. Nml-
as the M o S 2 films form M o O 2 (possibly with some MOO3) Cryst. Solids, 91 (1987) 235.
which were found to absorb strongly in this low energy [ 10] G. Laperriere, B. Matsan and D. Belanger, Symh. Metals, 29 (1989)
region. This absorption provides further support for the pres- 201.
[ ! 1 ] K. Higashi, H. Fukushima and M. Kanda, Nippon Kogyo Kaishi, 92
ence of MoO3_x (where x < l ) in the films. This absorption
(1976) 561.
precludes measurement of the indirect gap of the M o S 2 ( a t [ 12] File No. 37-1492, Powder diffraction File, PDF-2 Database Sets,
ca. 1.3 eV [ 15] ) which would be distorted, if not altogether lnternat~3nal Centre for Diffcaction Data, 12 Campus Blvd., Newtown
swamped, by the MoO3_x absorption. Square, PA 19073-3273, USA, 1993.
[ 13l V. Buck, Thin SolidFibns, 19~ ( 1991 ) 157.
114] E, Schmidt, F. Weiil, G. Meunier and A.Levasseur, Thin Solid Fihns,
245 ( ! 994) 34.
4. Conclusions [ 151 E. Bucher, Photo~,oitmc Properties of Solid State Junctions of Layered
Semiconductors, in A. Aruchany ~ed.), Photoelectrochemistry and
Films containing Mo and S in an approximately 1:2 atomic Photovoltaics of Layered Semiconductors, Kluwer, Dordrecht, i 992,
ratio have been cathodically electrodeposited from thiomo- p. 36.

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