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PES1202202949 MCA(A) THEOREM

1)f and g is one one and also gof is one one

Let f is one one

Suppose f(x1)=f(x2)
Hence x1=x2

Let g is one one

Suppose g(x1)=g(x2)
Hence x1=x2

----Check for gof()

Suppose gof(x1)=gof(x2)
g(f(x1))= g(f(x2))
then x1=x2
Hence gof Is one one

2)f and g are the onto and gof is also onto

Let g:B->C is onto
Suppose z belong to C there is exists pre image in B
Let the pre image will be y
Hence,y belongs to B such that g(y)=z

Let f:A->B is onto

Suppose y belong to C there is exists pre image in A
Let the pre image will be x
Hence,x belongs to A such that f(x)=y

Now gof,
So every z in C,there is an image in x in A
Thus,gof is onto

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