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Social media marketing

Today, we are living in a time where everyone is focused on their work and career. It is getting rare for
people to interact and form a strong bond with each other which is affecting their interpersonal
relationships drastically. Hence, the importance of social media cannot be ignored. Social media helps
people connect or reconnect with ease and convenience. There are now hundreds of social media
platforms most famous ones being Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat etc. These platforms allows people to
share their ideas and thoughts, broaden their perspective of the world, gain worldy knowledge or
wisdom by connecting with million others.

Social media marketing refers to a process of gaining attention of consumers and buyers through social
media platforms. Various social media marketing strategies aim to create content on social media
platforms that attracts public attention. Social media marketing has brought the market so close to
individuals that it is growing rapidly every day.



Social media marketing through social platforms create a personal experience for the consumers so that
the consumer doesn’t feel like the product or the service is being falsely advertised to them only. On
social media everything is put openly and for everyone to see, this creates a knowledge of trust for the
consumer towards that product or service.

Social media also allows viewers to interact, give recommendations, review, & rate the product or
service. Many buyers swear by reviews and therefore through the comments of other buyers make a
decision to apply for the service or buy the product.


Through various social media marketing strategies it is possible to sell your services or products to the
consumers in a way that is comfortable for them. There are many available social media platforms that
can be used to promote or expand your business due to the heavy traffic on the site. Social media
marketing is largely accepted by the public and is highly convenient for people who are looking to
expand and promote their services.


[1]Michaell A. Stelzner (2010), Social Media Marketing Industry Report, “How Marketers are using social
media to grow their businesses”, Social Media Examiner, April 2010


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