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Determining the Geological Provenance of Obsidian Artifacts

from the Maya Region: A Test of the Efficacy of Visual Sourcing

Article  in  Latin American Antiquity · September 2000

DOI: 10.2307/972178

86 352

5 authors, including:

Geoffrey Braswell John Clark

University of California, San Diego Brigham Young University - Provo Main Campus


Kazuo Aoyama Heather Mckillop

Ibaraki University Louisiana State University


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Geoffrey E・ Braswell, John E・ Clark・ Kazuo Aoyama, Heather II McKillop, and Michael D・ Glascock

Dun・ng the las'four decades, mesoamerL・can archDeOLogL・sts regularly have employed van'ous chemical assay techniques to deter-
m,.ne Eke geoLogl・cal sources ofobsL.dL・an arl'facts・ In necenl years・ the neLiab,'lityofthese anLZlyticaL procedures has L'ncreased and
thei, costs have declined, encouragL・ng the assay of ever larger samples・ Nonetheless・ several constraints make L-1 unlikely that cotn-
positL・Onal data wL.ll be used routinely 'o attrLlbuEe enlL・ne collections to their geologL'caL sources・ This report describes a test of visual
sou,ring. a technique that for many sites in the Maya region L・s only slightly less accurate than composi'ional assay・ We also pno-
pose StrategLeS that combine visual and compositionaL sounclng Zn Ways that allow large collections to be accurately
sourced at low costs. Ft'naLly, We suggest ways to develop the EeChniquefor use throughout Lbtin America.

Dwante las dltimas de,cadas, arqueo,Logos mesoamericanos pop lo general ham empleado diversas te'cnL-cos quEmicas de ana'LL-sis
para determinar Lasbentes geoldgicas de artefactos de obsidiana・ En a招os recL'entes・ Se ha L-ncnementado la conPabiLidad de esta

close de I"OCedE・mt・entos anaLl,ticos en tanto que su costo ha disminuido・ de manera que se ha L'mpulsado el ana'lL'sEs de muestras
ma,s g,andes. No obstante, hay limilanles que Vuelven poco pn,bable que los datos composicL'onales se empLeen en forma ruti-
na,ia para la atrL・buct.dn de colecct・ones completas a lasbentes geoldgicas de origen・ En esle reporte se describe uno prueba del
me,todo vL・suaL de atribucio,n, que es una te,cnLIca lL・geramente memos precL・sa que los ana'Lsis composL'cionales en eL caso de muchos
sL・tios en la reg10n maya・ Ademds, prvponemos estrategias de muesEreo que COmbLnan el tnCtodo visual con los andlisis compost--
C.・onales, de manera que sea pos''bLe dePnL-r La Pente geoLo'gica de coLeccL-ones grandes a un bajo costoI Por dEtimo・ pnoponemos
medidas para desarroLlar eL uso de la te'ctu'ca en toda Lptinoame'rica・

ore than a decade ago, Tbrrence exchange (e.g., Aoyama 1994; Amauld 1990; Clark

M (1986: 10-37) ably summarizedthe most

important studies of long-distance and

inte汀eglOnal obsidian exchange in Mesoamerica

et al. 1989; Clarkand Salcedo 1989; Nelson 1980,
1985, 1989). But most research still emphasizes血e

gathering of source-attribution data ratherthanthe

(e.g" Hammond 1972, 1976; Fires-Ferreira 1975, analysis of exchange mechanisms (but see Braswell
1976; Sidrys 1976a, 1976b, 1977)・ The goalofmany 1996; Clarkand Salcedo 1989; Healan 1993; Zeitlin
researchers at that time was to reconstruct ancient 1982),and provenance data rarely have been used to
trade routes uslng geOloglCal provenance data formulateand test hypothesesthat focus on issues
otherthan trade patternS・
gleanedfromthe chemiCalassay of obsidian artifacts・
More recently, numerous au血ors have criticized or Al山Ough there were several early attempts to

refinedthese trade-route models (e.g., Dreiss 1988; make source attributions for Maya obsidianartifacts
Dreiss and Brown 1989, 1991 ; McKillop et al. 1988)・ using compositionaldata (e・g・, Washington 1921),
Others have proposed new, detailed hypotheses to chemical analysis became a viablearchaeometric
replace older, more generalconJeCtureS about ancient technique only 35 years ago (Heizeret al・ 1965; Jack

Geoffrey E. Brasweu I Department ofAnthropology・ State University Of New York at Buffalo・ Amherst・ NY 14261
John E. Ctark. Department of Anthropology, 950 SWKT・ Brigham Young University・ Provo・ UT 84602
Kazuo Aoyama l- Faculty of Humanities・ Ibaraki University, Bunkyo 2-1- 1, Mito, Ibaraki 3 10-8512・ Japan
Heather I. McKillop. Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University・ Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Michael D. Glascock lL Research Reactor Center, University Of Missouri, Columbia・ MO 6521 1

Latin AmeriCanAntiquity, 1 I(3), 2000, pp・ 269-282

copyright ㊨ 2(状) bythe Society for American Archaeology

270 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY 【Vol. ll, No. 3, 2000】

and Heizer 1968; Stross et al. 1968; Weaver and their value as items of prestlge Or Status makes them
Stross 1965). Since血en, numerous compositional likely candidates for interreg10nal or long-distance
methods have been employed to make source attri- exchange. Byanalyzing onlythose artifacts judged
butions, but X-ray fluorescence (XRF)and neutron to be expendable, We create a systematic bias agalnSt
activation analysis (NAA) have emerged as the most whole classes of commoditiesthat were important
common laboratory t∝hniques used to determine tothe politicaleconomy. Second, certain obsidian
the elementalcomposition,and hence, geologlC Ori- sources may have been used preferentially for pro-
gln, Of obsidianartifacts. ducing specific tooltypes. We cannot extrapolate
NAAand XRF have become highly acctmte tech- source data derived from ubiquitous pnsmatic blade
nlqueS, though some source attributions for fragments to less-Common projectile polntS Or
MesoameriCanartifacts detemined beforethe I 980s eccentrics・ Thus, if weare to understand lithic pro-
almost certainly are e汀OneOuS (Glascock et al. duction and exchange systems, we cannot routinely
1998:28-22). Recent improvements are due to仇e exclude certain classes ofarlifactsfrom sourceanaly-
ngorous use of standards, a clearer understanding of ses. This sampling bias has led tothe suggestionthat
bothintersource and intrasource chemiCalvariation, 血e Maya may not have made b血ces of EI Chayal

the determination of concentrations for more ele- obsidian (Moholy-Nagy 1999:304), when血e sim-

ments, andthe use of improved statisticaltechniques ple truthisthat we have not assayed many "gray"
to interpret compositionaldata (Asaro etal. 1978; bifaces. Third, important goals of economiCanaly-
Glascock et al. 1998; Hughes 1984; Stross et al. sis should be血e estimation of血e quantities of par-

1983)・ In addition,the federalfunding of research ticulargoodsthat were imported or produced locally

reactorsand other facilities has allowed laboratory during different periods, andthe measurement of
scientists to offertheiranalyticalservices at reduced changes in procurement, production,and consump-
costs. Together, these factors have madethe chemi- tion pattems. Source data derived from small sam-
Calsourclng Of Maya obsidianartifacts common. ples preclude such analyses.
Nevertheless, it is unlikelythat NAA, XRF, Or h sum,the importance of obsidian provenance
other methods of compositional assay ever will be data is notthat we canbuild hypotheses about trade
used routinely to source large samples or entire col- routes from a handful or a breadbox-full of artifacts
lections of MesoameriCanobsidianartifacts. Most (e.g., Hamond 1972; Nelson 1985), but血at we can

govemments allow only a small fraction of any study-from a diachronic perspective-broader

archaeologicalcollection to leavethe country for issues of prehistoric economy. If weare limited to
analysIS, and these techniques requlre expensive provenance data derived from a small number of arti-
equlpment血at is not commonly available in Latin facts, it is di抗cult to reconstruct pattems of produc-

America. In addition, because of山e enomous over- tion, exchange, and consumption. Detailed economic
head required torun a research reactor or other faci1- analysis is not possible when source provenance data
lty, even a modest charge for each artifact prohibits are derived from a small sample, because only rarely
the sourclng Of morethana few hundred pieces. is there a clearway to extrapolatethese data tothe
Finally, NAAand high-precision XRF requirethat en血e obsidian assemblage. We should aim to soume

a portion of anartifact be cut, ground,and prepared large samples drawnfromall artifacttypes or, if pos-
according to cermin standards. In some cases, Sam- sible, to sourceall obsidianartifacts in a collection.
plesare irradiated and must be disposed of accord-
Ⅵ5ual Sourclng
lng tO Strict procedures.
For several reasons, the data provided by the What is desired,then, isanaccurate, rapid,and non-
chemical analysis of a small portion of a collection destruCtive source a血bution techniquethat can be

are inadequate for use inthe study of ancient econ- used inthefield laboratory. One approachthat clearly
omy. First, because chemicalsourclng is destructive, meets most of these criteria is visual sourclng. Inthis
it is never random. Unique artifacts, pleCeS found in method, obsidian artifactsare sorted into categories
specialcontexts, aJld other important specimensare de丘ned by opticalCriteria, including: ( 1 )the refracted

excluded routinelyfrom samples chosen for chem- color; (2)the renected color; (3)the degree of translu-
icalassay (Braswell et al. 1994: 178). Suchartifacts cence and opacity; (4)the degree to which refracted
o氏en are of great interest to archaeologlStS, because light is diffused; (5) the presence, size, color,

frequency, and nature of inclusions; (6)the texture nied withthe limited testing of these resultsthrough
and luster offlaked surfaces; and (7)the color, tex- compositional assay・

ture, andthickness of cortex (Aoyama 1994, 1996, Desplte Our Success and that of several
1999;Aoyamaetal・ 1999; Braswell etal・ 1994; Clark Guatemalanscholars whoalso usethe method (e.g.,
1988; Clark and Salcedo 1989: Hellerand Stark carpio Rezzio 1993; Sanchez Polo 1991), visual
1998; McKillop 1989, 1995). The opticalCriteria we Soumlng remains a controversial tech山que・ Some

use for identifying artifactsfromthethree principal Maya li仙c analysts have expressed血eir doubts in

obsidian soumes in血e Maya reglOn are presented print, and many more remain unconvinced of the
in Table 1. etncacy of the method・ Common criticismsarethat
Ampleand complete reference collectionsare certain sources are highly variable,and hence diffi-
criticalto visualsourcing・ We advocatethe use of cult to identify(Moholy-Nagyand Nelson 1990),that
bothpreviously assayed artifactsand geologiCalsam- samples chosen for bothvisualsourclngand chem-
icalassayare not random (see Braswell etal・ 1994),
ples when making source a肘ibutions・ It is impor-

tantthatthe artifact reference collection contain and, most importantly,that independent scholars
have not demonstratedthe llePrOducibilityoftheir
pleCeS Ofvarylng SIZeandthickness・ as well as exam-
results. This report demonstratesthat・ at least for
ples ofallthe artifact types likely to be found at
archaeologicalsites・ If a particular source is visually certain collections of Maya obsidian, visualsourc-
heterogeneous, artifacts presentingthefull range of lng is bothreproducibleand accurate・
optiCalVariation should be present inthe reference
A Test ofⅥSualSourclng
collection. Geologicalreference samples should be
drawn from various outcrops ln a source area in order In 1991and 1993, Braswell conductedtypologiCal
to represent as wide a range of variation as possible・ and attributeanalyses of l,501 obsidianartifacts
When close correspondencesare not found witharti- aom chitak Tzak, a highland Maya site located near
facts inthe reference collection,theanalyst may sumpango, department of S acatepiquez, Guatemala
make visualsource identi丘cations by using flakes (Figure 1 ). Surface survey and excavations of the site
knapped hl0m geOlogiCalSamples・ were directed by Eugemia J. Robinson (1994, 1997)
Adequate lighting also is important to visual as part of the continuing Proyecto Arqueo16gico del
sourcing. Braswell favorsthe use of a variety of light Area Kaqchikel・ Althoughthe visiblearchitecture at
sources, ranging from naturalsunlight tofluoresI the site dates tothe Late Postclassic period, when
cent. In contrast, Clark prefers to usethe same light chitak Tzak was a secondary settlement inthe Ixim-
source for consistency・ Bright light is most helpful che・ polity, substantialquantities of bothLate Post-
when studying dark or completely opaqueartifacts・ classicand Early Classic ceramicsand obsidianwere
but sunlightand very bright incandescent bulbs may collectedfromthe site.
`加ash out" differencesinthe re丘acted colors of more Each obsidianartifactfrom Chitak Tzak was atbib-

translucent pieces ・ Flourescent tubes highlight some uted to a geologiCalsource according to visualCrite-
differences of huethatare obscured by wan incan- ria. Braswell determined that obsidian from Sam
descent sources. A white background, either a cloth March Jilotepeque (n = 786, 5214percent) isthe most
or a piece Ofpaper, oflenaids in comparison of both corrmon materialrepresentedinthe conection, a result
refhctedand renected color. that is not surprising becausethe site is l∝ated only

The丘rst four authors of this report each have 20 km southofthat source aDea. Obsidianfrom EI
found visualsourclng tO yield generally consistent chayal(n = 677, 45・lpercent)also is common・and
and reliable results for obsidiancollectionsfrom a small number of ardfactsfromthe lxtepeque (n =
血oughout血e Maya reglOn・ 1 we each have checked 29, 1.9percent)and San Bartolome MilpasAltas (n
our resultsthroughchemiCalassay,and for most = 9, 0.6percent) sources were identified・2 A random
archaeologicalassemblages we have demonstrable sample of 36 artifacts was drawn from Suboperation
accuracy rates upwards of 95percent (e・g・, Aoyama 21and fourofits extensionsforchemiCalassay accord-
1991; Braswell etal・ 1994; Braswell etal・ 1999; ing to abbreviated NAA (Glascock etal・ 1994; Glas-
McKillop 1995). Together withGlascock, we advo- cock etal. 1998). TYle Sample consisted of seven
cate血e judicious use of a combined strategy of血e percussion makes, two chunks (a debitage taxon), and
visualsourclng Of complete collections・ accompa- 27 wholeandfragmentary prismadc blades・
Table 1. Visual attributes of thethree common Guatemalan obsidianS. h}

Refracted Renected Translucency/ Sharp/ Luster and

Source Color Color Opacity Di軌sed Inclusions Texture of Surface Cortex
EI ChayaJ Frequently Medium gray Medium Di軌sed light, Frequent but smal), Medium Generally
medi Lml to black. translucency appearance dark gray or black luster, soapI 血iれ and

graywith but banded similartofrosted handing and dusty stone texture,后ne relatively
mi1ky or waLXy tX)rtlOnS glass. iLnClusions are corrm unmaJTed surface. smooth.
appearance,thickest are Opaque・ h clearer examples. When
portion o氏en has pre紀nt, handing iswide and
roseate hue. Less and somewhat imgular.
commonly, clear,
dark gay, or black.

軸ue Usually brown, Black but opaque Most commonly Sharp re舟acted Usually none,though High luster Generally
similar h color pleCeS are medium medium trams-   ligh(, like handing (typicalIymilky unkss opaque quite血in
to dark sherry or gray・ Mal10gany lucency, but ban°ed arti茄cialglass. gray to black) is common. and
gray, which has
cola. Rare pieces spots are frequent portions are OPaque. Bands are nadrOW, Straight, mdium luster. regular,
are completely on opaque m∝lules, Completely opaque and parallel. In加q此ntly, Su血ce typically o氏enwith
Opaque・ but はre on pleCeS are found. cola-colored materialhas iLS Very Smooth perlitic
artifacts. s弧d一g血n-sized andglassy, surface.

inclusions, but dusty thoughpieces

inclusions are absent. withsandy
inclusions may be
mewhat piked.
SaJI Mark Usually dark Black. Low to medium,  Highly variable, UbiquitotB and of all Low luster,though Medium to
Jjlotepeque gray withsome irregular depending  though generally sizes触m dusty to sand- the surface can have thick, o氏en rough.

brown hue. Highly on densityof falling between grain-sized pardcles. an oiけshecn. Sur-

variable and imclusions・    EI Chayal and Ihlusions ate distributed face is pitted due to
dependent on Ixtepeque inthe throughout in clouds, very inclusions,and has
density of par(- degree of diffusion. uneven black bands, and an "orange skin"
iculate inclusions. o仙er血egular fomations. ap阿mCe. bast
Inclusions are much glassy of the three major
more dense血an in SOurCeS.

o山er two souⅣes. Some [Vor.≡,No.3.2000]

pleCeS have irzeguIar

mahoEanV Or black stx)ts.

Table 2. Element concentrations for obsidian artifacts for

Chitak Tzak, Guatemala.

Figure l・ Location of Chitak Tzak9 department of

sacatep丘quez, Guatemala, and the four obsidian sources

represented h ttle archaeological assemblage of the site (a

= San Mart]'n Jilotepeque; b = EI Chayal; C = Ixtepeque;
A = Sam Bartolomd Milpas A]tas)・

Befbre sending血e collection to Glascock at the

Missouri University Research Reactor, Braswell

contacted Clark, Aoyama,and McKillop,and asked
them each to source the sample according to their
own visual procedures・ None of the four partici-
pants had worked together in the laboratory, dis-
cussed their procedures, or compared results・ It
should be stated血at in 1993, although Clark and

McKillop knew each other, neither Aoyama nor

Braswell had met Clark, Aoyama and McKillop
did not know each other, and Braswell knew
Aoyama and McKillop only slightly・ Each partici-
pant was told what Braswellalreadyknew:the loca-
tion of the site and血at it was occupied in both the

Early Classic and Late Postclassic periods・ Clark,

Aoyama, and McKillop were not informed of
Braswell's results until they had丘nished their own

studies, nor did血ey discuss血e test with each o山er・ removed from Table 3 in order to focus attention on
Thus, the four rounds of visual sourclng Were COn- 血e overall homogeneity of our results・

ducted as a blind test. After all fわur analysts had

Statistical Analysis
made source attributions, the sample was sent to
Glascock who, in tum, was unaware of the results Two aspects of the data in Table 3are particularly
of visual sourclng. worthy of note・ First,the results of the fourinde-
Table 2 summarizes six-element abbreviated pendent attempts at visual sourclng are remarkably
NAA results forthe 36 pieces from Chitak Tzak・ Fig- consistent. Onanartifact-by-artifact basis, source
ure 2 is a plot of their manganeseand sodium con- identifications made bythree individuals (A, B,and
centrations: two elements that are particularly C)all agree. Identifications made by investigator D
diagnostic for distinguishingamongthe Guatemalan match those of the otherthree researchers for 34
obsidian sources. Table 3 comparesthe results of the cases, but disagree for two artifacts (samples
four independent visualsourclng experiments with GEB005 and GEBO23). Tb put it ano血er way, 97・2

Glascock's NAA results. Our names have been percent of all pairs of observations (i・e・, two
274 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY lVol. ll, No. 3, 2000]

400      440      480     520     560      600     640     680     720


Figure 2・ MaJIganeSe (Parts PermilIion) and sodium (percent) concentrations of 36 obsidianartifacts from Chitak TZak
(ellipses iJIdicate pS・percent con広dence limit for assignment to each source).

observers assigning a source tothe sameartifact) viated NAA result, we decided to reanalyzethe arti-
agree・ Furthermore,the slight discrepancy inthe four fact using 28-element NAA・ ThisfulllCOmPlement
attempts at visualsourclng lS Important Only if the analysis supportedthe result of abbreviated NAAand
source of each particular pleCe needs to be known. demonstratedthat not one of us was able to identify
That is, the surr-ary results for each attempt at visual correctlythe source ofthisartifact. Still,the indi-
sourclng are identical:all four researchers concluded vidualsuccess rates for visualSourclng Ofthe ran-
that 19 artifacts comefromthe SanMartl'n Jilote- dom sample from Chitak Tzak ranged from 92 to 97
peque source, 16from EI Chayal, and one from Ixte- percent,and averaged 96 percent.
peque・ What isthe probability of such a remarkable con-
TYle data in Table 3also demonstratethat visual sensus in血e results of visual soumlng generated by

sourclng is highly accurate. Six-element abbreviated four independent researchers? In addition, how con-
NAA confimsthat investigators A, B,and C iden- fident can we bethatthe great concordance between
tifiedthe correct geologicalsource for 35 of the 36 the visualsourclngand NAA results is not merely a
artifactsI Researcher D's visualasslgnmentS Were coincidence? To phrase it differently, at a glVen con-
correct for 33 artifacts. Oddly,all four attempts at fidence level, what isthe reproducibilityand accu-
visual sourcing agreed that one artifact (sample racy of visual souming fbr血is collection?

GEB007) Camefromthe EI Chayalsource. Abbre- One conseⅣative approach to the problem of

viated NAA suggestedthatthe piece came from Ixte- reproducibilityis to pretendthatthe summary results
peque. Given the unanimity of血e visual source were known tothe researchers. That is, to ask: if the
asslgnmentSandtheir disagreement withthe abbre- summary visualresults ( I 9 artifacts from SanMarh'n

¶lble 3. Results or visual sourclng and abbreviated neutron fer in only two? In essence,this reducesthe problem
activation analysis for obsidian artifacts from Chitak Tzak,
to modeling a probability as sampling without
Guatemala (COY = EI Chayal, IXT = Ixtepeque, SMJ = Sam
Martl,n Jilotepeque; incorrectvisual identifications are shown
in bold italics). If we consider D's experiment and assume sam-
pling without replacement,there are 339 ([36 !/34!2 !]
Visual Sourcing Results - [19!/17!2!] - [16!/14!2!]) possible ways todifferin
only two attributions・ Notall of these havethe same
慧認諾誤 cHY認諾 sMJ 認cHYsMJ 認諾cHY S
諾sMJ誤認cHY諾認器諾sMJcHY sMJ諾cHY認諾S 諾sMJ認cHYMJs認諾 cHYsMJ慧cHY認諾 cHYS probability ofoccurrence・ Calculatingthe totalprob-
諾sMJ誤認cHYMJs認諾 cHYsMJ認諾s cHY認諾S 諾sMJ慧温cHYsMJ 諾認cHYsMJ 認諾sMJmScHY認諾
abilityof achievingthis degree of agreement with
the otherthreeanalysts is possible, but tedious・ A
丘nalconservative simpli丘cation,therefore, is to con-

sider only the concordance ofB and C's results w仙

〟S,血at is, to Ignore investlgatOr D's asslgnmentS

eventhoughthey greatly supportthe reproducibility

of visual sourclng.
Giventhe above very conservative stlPulations・
the probability of B agreelng WithA on each iden-
tincation is 1 in 146,157,442,200, or6・84 x 10-]2・ If
we also consider C,血e probability drops to 1 in

21,361,997,910,446,300,000,000, or 4・68 A lO123・

These are extremely long odds: approximately loo
times worsethan hittingthe PowerBall Lotto (al1five
balls plus the bonus) twice in a row・ If we factor in
D's results, the total probability decreases to some-
thing on the order of 10-35・ clearly, with these
obseⅣers and血is data set, visual sourclng lS not

random and is highly reproducible・ Again,仙is is a

conservative estimate becausethe problem is mod-

eled as sampling w仙out replacement・ In reality,

the researchers did not know which sources would

be inthe sampleand what their relative frequencies
would be.
Ano血er way to consider reproducibility is to cal-

culate Cohen's k (Cohen 1960), used as a measure

of agreement between the ratlngS Of palrS Of
observers. TYLe Simplest measure of agreement・ of
course, 1S just血e number of identical obseⅣations

divided bythe total: inthis case 100 percent for any

Jilotepeque, 16 from EI Chayal,and one from Ixte- pair drawnfromanalysts A・ B, and C, or 94 percent
peque) were known ahead of time, what would be (34/36) for any pair of observers containing investi-
血e chances that山e reseamhers would assign血e gator D・ Butthis does not correct for chance agree-
same result to each piece? To simplifythe problem ment. For example, all four observers attributed 53
further in order to aid in calculations, let us assume percent ( I 9/36) of the collection to Sam Martl'n Jilote-
that one set ofresults (say A'S) forms a reference sam- peque・ Givenany independent pair of observers・ we
would expect血at approximately 28 percent of山e
ple・ TYlat is, glVen A's results on a pleCe-by-piece
basis,and giventhat the other researchersknew how pleCeS would be identified by bothas obsidian from
manytimes A assigned a particular source (and which 血at source. A simple co汀eCtion, then, is 53 percent

- 28 percent = 25 percent・ Cohen's k is a normaliza-

sourcesthey were), what isthe probabilitythat inves-
tlgatOrS Band C would make preciselythe same tion of this probability, Calculated by dividing it by
asslgnmentS aS A,and that researcher D would dif- the largest possible difference in the marginaltotalS
276 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY 【Vol. ll, No. 3, 2000】

of the cross tabulation. Tests of the null hypothesis be gleanedfromthis data setthat may be applicable
that k = 0 can be calculatedfromthe ratio ofk to its to other samples from other sites?
standard error. Inall cases, visualsourclng Successfully distin-
Any pair of the four ratersthat does not include guished SanMartl'n Jilotepeque obsidian from mate-
researcher D yields k = I. The asymptotic standard rialfromthe other two sources. We expect,then,that
error is 0, T is approximately 6.48 I,andthe result- this would tend to be true for samples from other sites.
lngP IS approximately 0. If D is paired withA, B, or Only twoartifactsfromthe Ixtepeque source were
C, k =.894,the asymptotic staJldard error is.069, T present inthe collection. One wasmisidentined as EI
is approximately 5.792,andthe resultingp << ・0005・ Chayal by all fわur visual analysts. Moreover, one

TYluS,the null hypothesisthatthe degree of agree- researchermisidentiRedanIxtepeque artifact as com-

ment between any two obseⅣers is a chance result ing from EI Chayal, andmiS-assigned an EI Chayal
canbe rejected withnearcertainty. pleCe tO Ixtepeque. TYLis suggeststhat differentiatlng
The simplest measure of accuracy of the visual between Ixtepequeand EI Chayalobsidianis more
Sourclng Ofthis sample isthe totalnumber of cor- difncultthandistinguishing Sam Martl'n Jilotepeque
rect identi丘cations out ofall attempts, or 96 percent from either EI Chayalor Ixtepeque.
( 138/144). But what, atthe 95-percent con点dence Unfortunately,the sample size for Ixtepeque (n =
level, is血e probability of any pleCe in血e collection 2) is too small to detemine whetherthe confusion
being identi丘ed correctly by visualsourcing? If we of Ixtepeque and EI Chayal is significant. Still, 98
assumethatthe four researchers inthis studyarethe percent (59/60) of the visualsource identiGcations
only l仙ic analysts who practice visual sourcing,血e for artifactsfromthe EI Chayalsource were correct.
standard deviation in our individualaccuracy rates TYLis is actually higherthan our overall success rate
is 2 percent. Thus, atthe 95-percent confidence level, forthe entire sample. Thus,although some Ixtepeque
our true accuracy rates forthis collectionare greater obsidianmay overlap withour visualCriteria for EI
than91 percent. If, onthe other hand,the four of us Chayal, it is less likelythat we wouldmisidentify EI
are considered to be drawn from a larger population Chayal obsidian as coming丘.om lxtepeque.

of amhaeologists who practice the me山od,血e 95- The apparent lack of symmetry in distinguishing

percent conndence level forthe accuracy of visual between lxtepeque and EI Chayal obsidian may be
Sourclng Ofthis collection is 90-I 00percent. Hence, related to experience with material from those
witha highdegree of certainty, visualSource iden- sources. Aoyamaand Braswell each have worked
tifications forthe Chitak Tzak assemblageare at extensively in westem Honduras, and betweenthem
least 90 percent accurate. have analyzed morethan1 1 0,(刀O Ixtepequearlifacts

from Copan, La Entrada, and other reglOnS inthe

Interpretationand Previous
southeast periphery. Studyingthese collectionsand
Tests of Visual Sourclng
geologiCalSamples from Volcan de lxtepeque,they
StatistiCalanalyses indicatethat for the Chitak Tzak have seenthefull range of visual variation present
sample, visualsourclng is highly reproducibleamong in materialn.omthat source. In contrast, Ixtepeque
differentanalysts withexperience inthe method. obsidian is less common in山e Belizean cayes and

Moreover,the successful attribution rate (as mea- in Chiapas, where McKillop and Clark have con-
sured against NAA results) is quite high. Although ducted much of山eir research. In addition, collec-

other investigators might decidethatanoverall accu- tionsfromthe Belizean cayes often contain obsidian
racy rate of approximately 96 percent (witha 2-G from multiple sources (six have been identiBed at
range of 91-loo percent) is insufBcient fortheir Wild Cane Caye lMcKillop etal. 1988]), soananal
work, we hd this success rate morethanadequate lyst wi血expenence in血at reglOn might expect more

for our own research. Moreover, the large samples diversity ln COllections kom otherareas. Moreover,
that can be studiedusingvisualsourcingallow us to Clark has studied many moreartifacts from Taju-
form more statistically sound interpretations of mulcoandthe highland Mexicansources thanthe
ancient Maya exchange. otherthree analysts, Aoyama isthe only one with
The tested sample from Chitak Tzak contained sign泊cant experience recognlZlng two Honduran

artifacts from only three sources and cannot be taken sources (Sam Luisand Esperanza),and Braswell has
as representative of all collections fromall sites in conducted extensive research in Sam Marll'n Jilote-
the Maya reglOn.What additional infomation can peque. It is reasonable to expectthat each of us would

be more accurate in identifying materialfromthe to be drawn fromthisthird example isthatanana-

sourcesthat weknow well. Thus, visualsourclng lyst should not be over-eager to identifyuncommon
results may reflect disparate areas of study and sources in essentially homogeneous coll∝tions・ Tb

degrees of familiarity withmaterialfrom different be fair, boththe La Entrada and Quelepa tests were
sources, as well as pnor expectations regarding conducted attimes when Aoyamaand Braswell were
source diverslty. relatively inexperienced at visualanalysis・ A further
How difncult is it to distinguish between EI Chayal note of caution isthat identincations become easier
and Ixtepeque obsidian? Since only twoartifacts in and more accurate with increased experience・
the Chitak Tzak collection comefromthe Ixtepeque Finally, Aoyama'S ( 1 99 1 ) experiment demonstrates
source, it is necessary to look at other tests of visual that it is often difncult to identifycorrectlythe ge0-
sourclng tO Obtain an estimated accuracy rate・ logicalsource of very small artifacts・
Aoyama (1991), Braswell etal・ (1994),and McKi1- A totalof 165artifacts chemically provenanced
lop ( I 995)all have published results of previous tests to the Ixtepeque (n = 106)and EI Chayal (n = 59)
of the emcacy of visual sourclng・ McKillop Sources were glVen Visual source asslgnmentS in the
current s山dy and in these血ee previous tests・ In
( 1 995 :Table 28) made source assignments for 44 arti-
facts from SanJuanAmbergris Caye, 36 0fwhich had all, 216 visual amibutions were made forthese arti-
been attributed to geologiCalsources by XRF (see facts (the 17 pieces from EI Chayaland Ixtepeque
Gudedanetal. 1 989).3 Thirty-five of these came from thatare in the Chitak Tzak sample each were ana-
either EI Chayal(n = 31) or Ixtepeque (n = 4)I Only lyzed fわur times). Only 12 inco汀eCt assignments

one error was made; an Ixtepeque pleCe WaSmistak- were made out of 216 attempts, that is,血e success

enly attributed tothe EI Chayalsource・ This was not rate f♭r distinguishing between EI Chayal and lxte-

a completely blind test・ The summary results for 36 peque was 94.4 percent・ Thus,althoughobsidian
of the 44artifacts were known to McKillop before from Ixtepeque and EI Chayalare not as visually
she began her visual analysis of山e collection・ distinctive as material from SanMartl'n Jilotepeque,
In a blind experiment, Aoyama (1991)and Glas- they canbe distinguished from each other with a
cock analyzed a random sample of 1 00 obsidianarti- high degree of success・

facts from the La Entrada region. The sample

A Combined Approach to Obsidian Sourclng
included 61 piecesfromthe Ixtepeque sourceand
and a Suggested Sampling Strategy
four from EI Chayal・ Aoyama correctly identinedal1
61 Ixtepequeartifacts, but two particularly small EI The visualidentification of obsidianfromthethree
Chayalartifacts were given incorrect attributions; important Guatemalansources is highly accurate・
One was assigned to Ixtepeque and one to SanMartl'n but not quite as reliable as NAA or XRF・ Nonethe-
Jilotepeque (Aoyama 1991 :Cuadro VI-57)・ In one less,thereare benefits to sourclng entire collections
sense,仙is error is血e opposite of仙ose committed that faroutweighthe slight increase in error associ-
by researchers A, B, and C inthe current study・ In ated wi血visual sourcing・ Amhaeologists wi血lim-

the Chitak Tzak sample, these threeanalysts suc- ited funds or those who cannot transport their

cessfully identifiedallthe EI Chayalobsidian but collections to a laboratory for compositionalanaly-

misidentined a single piece Of lxtepeque・ Inanother sis should investthetime and effort needed to learn
sense,the elTOr is similar; oneartifactfrom aminor visualsourclng.
source in each collection was mistakenly attributed For血ose who can conduct XRF or NAA on small

to a more common source. This impliesthat when samples drawnfromtheir collections, we advocate
conducting visualsourclng, analysts should not auto- a combined strategythat entails bothvisualand com-
matically asslgnanartifact withambiguous visual positional analyses・ We have fわund that the best

characteristics to血e dominant source. approach to obsidian sourclng一一叫ne血at血nimizes

Braswell encounteredthe opposite problem in his cost andartifact destruction yet maximizes accuracy
study of 48 Ixtepeque and EI Chayalartifactsfrom andthe sample size of sourced artifacts-isthe use
Quelepa, EI Salvador (Braswell et al・ 1994)・ In血at
of visualsourcing foranentire collection coupled
case,all nine artifactsfromtheminor source of EI with limited, nonrandom sampling for NAA or XRF・
Chayal were correctly attributed, but three pleCeS At many sites in the Maya reglOn, almost all
from the predominant source of Ixtepeque were obsidiancomesfrom one or two of the Guatemalan
misidenti丘ed as coming from EI Chayal・ The lesson sources (see note 1). One approach to source idem-
278 LATIN AMERICAN ANTlQUITY 【Vol. ll, No. 3, 20001

t泊cation is to draw a small (10 to 30artifacts) ran- etal・ 1995) has used visualsourcing to study large
dom sample from each of the visual categories collectionsfrom lower CentralAmerica, particularly
thought to representthese sources. In addition,all from PaciGc Nicaragua・ Inthat reglOn, most Obsid-
pleCeSthat appearunuSualand may come from other ian comes fromthe Giiinope, Honduras, source, but
sources should be subject to compositionalanalysis. minor sources (including lxtepeque, EI Chayal, and
Braswell has used血is nonrandom sampling strat- Sam Martl'n Jilotepeque)alsoare found in some sam-
egy to study collections from Calakmul (Braswell et ples, especial1ythose dating tothe SapoえーOmetepe
al. 1999), Topoxti (Braswell 1999), Ek Balamand periods・ He has foundthat Gdinope obsidianis dis-
Yaxun丘(Braswell 1998), and a samplefromthe non- tinctive and easily identifiable, and accuracy rates for
Maya site ofQuelepa (Braswell et al. 1994). McKiL visualsourclngare equivalent tothose achieved with
lop etal・ (1988) selected a sample offive visually Maya collections.
unusualobsidianartifacts from Wild Cane Caye for Obsidian sources are less abundant in Central
chemiCalanalysis,and all were identified as coming Americathan in highland Mexico, which compli-
from sourcesthatare uncommon inthe assemblage・ catesthe use ofvisualSourclng inthat region. Dozens
This strategy maximizes the chance of identifying of poorly known sourcesare represented in collec-
allthe rare sources, o氏en Mexican,that easilyare tions from sites in the northwest periphery of
missed when drawing a small, random sample from Mesoamerica (Trombold et a1. 1993). Moreover,
a large collection (Braswell et al. 1994; McKillop materials from certain central Mexican sources
1987, 1989; McKillop and Jackson 1988). Such appearSomewhat similar. In particular,the Mexican
"black" obsidians present some difficulties, espe-
sources may not constitute a significant portion of
the total assemblage, but they are important fわr cially when distinguishing between material from
understanding long-di stance exchange systems ・4 The Ucareo, Michoacan,and Zaragoza, Puebla (Braswell
sample drawn fromthe predominant source cate- 1 997b). But widespread distribution ofUcareo obsid-
gories allows a quick check of山e accuracy of仇eir ian was limited largely tothe Epiclassicperiod, and
visualidenti丘cation. materialfromthat source is not common at most
In cases where many sourcesare present in sub- Mexican sites where Zaragoza obsidianis found in
stantialquantities, such as at Chichen Itz丘(Braswell
quantity (B raswel1 200). Fortunately, other common
1997b, 1998), it may be necessary to draw a random highland sources, particularly Pared6n and Pico de
sample for compositional analysis from each visual Orizaba,are as easy to identify as green obsidian
category・ In血is strategy, visual sourclng lS COnSid- from Pachuca, Hidalgo・ Moreover, the technique
ered successful if each visualcategory is shown to already has been shown to have great potentialin cer-
consist of one and only one source・ Occasionally, a tain regions (e.g., Heller and Stark 1998). Conse-
visual category may contain morethanone source. quently,although we cautionthat it may be dilncult
If山e sample has been drawn randomly, it should to make visual source attributions for some collec-
reflectthe population as a whole, so compositional tions from northwest Mesoamerica, we antlCIPate
results canbe extrapolated tothe entire suspect visual thatthe technique will be highly successful in much
category・ Thus,althoughthe source of each piece in of highland Mexico.
the source-heterogeneous visualcategory will not be Current understanding of Andean obsidian
known,the proportion of those sources within the sources is limited, but important advances have been
entire collection can be estimated. If piece-speci丘C made (e.g.,Asaro etal. 1994; Burger etal. 1994,
or context-specinc resultsare needed, a second round 1998a, 1998b, 1998C; Seelenfreund et al. 1996).
of chemical analysis may be conducted on山e entire Recent research in Penl provides an example of how
source-heterogeneous category. visual source analysis could be developed in areas
outside of Mesoamerica.
The Development of VisualSourclng
Thefirst step in developlng Visualsourcing for
Throughout Latin America new reg10nS is the identification of sourcesthat may
Obsidian specialists working in other reglOnS Ofthe appearinarchaeologicalcollections. This is accom-
Americas may ask if visual sourcing has general plishedthrough geologicalprospectlngand compo-
applicability,山at is, can it be employed elsewhere sitional assay. Unfortunately, noneconomic
withequivalent success? Braswell ( 1 997a; Braswell geological investlgations have received little pnor-

ity in Peru until quite recently (Burger et al・ demonstratedthat accuracy in four tests using NAA
1998b: 1 86). Nevertheless, three principalsources and XRF results.
exploited by ancient i血ab血nts of血e central Andes Visual sourclng results for obsidian fromthe
(Quispisisa, Department of Ayacucho),the Cuzco Maya regionalso are highly reproducibleamong
Basin (AIca, Department of Arequipa), andthe Tit- independent observers・ In 1 993, when we conducted

icaca Basin (Chivay, Department ofArequipa) have our test of the Chitak Tzak material,the four partiC-
been identified (Burger etal. 1998a, 1998b; Burger lPantSknew each other only poorly, if atal1. Yet our
and Glascock 2000). These sources in southem Peru results arealmost identical, witha palr-Wise agree-
account for 8 1percent of 8 I 2artifacts collectedfrom ment rate of 97・2 percent over all obseⅣadons・ A

14l archaeologiCalsites inthe region (Burger etal・ highly conseⅣadve probabilistic model (one血at

1998b:185). Still, the locations of sources corre- assumesthatthe summary results wereknown tothe
sponding to severaladditionalchemiCalgroups are four visualanalysts) demonstratesthatthe chance of
not yet known. such a degree of concordance being a random event
The second step isthe chemiCalassay of artifacts, is astronomically small. Moreover, CalculatiOns of
withthe goalofcreating useful reference collections・ Cohen's k, used to measurethe level of agreement
In Peru, at least I,314 artifacts have been assayed between palrS Of raters,also indicatethat our degree
(Burger 1980, 1981; BurgerandAsar0 1978, 1993; of consensus should not be considered a random

Burger etal. 1984, 1994, 1998b)・ nethird step,the event, withprobabilitylevels so lowthatthey are
establishment of comparative visualcollections and nearly incalculable.
the de丘nition of optiCalCriteria to be used to distin- Lithic specialists who work inthe Mayaarea
guish obsidian from distinct sources, has not yet been should learn to differentiateamongthethree pnnci-
attemptedintheAndean region・ Our expenence sug- palGuatemalansources, because visualsourclng
geststhat a sulRcient number of artifacts from Peru allowsthe geologicalprovenance of large collec-
and northem Bolivia have been assayed forthis to be tions-ratherthansmall, usually nonrandom sam-
accomplished・ Moreover, since only 10 chemical ples-to be detemined・ Although compositional
groups are represented inthese collections・ it should assay of small samples pemitsthe formation ofgen-
not be too onerous a task. Giventhe factthatthe vast eralhypotheses conceming trade routes (e・g・, Ham-
majority of assayed artifacts come from onlythree mond 1972, 1976; Nelson 1985), it precludes more
sources, it may be su氏cient to pr∝eed withCriteria detailedanalyses of ancient economy・ We suggest
forthese alone.When studying collections from that other LatinAmeriCanists interested in produc-
southem Peruand Bolivia, we suggestthefirst sam- tion, exchange, and consumption pattems would do

pling strategy described above・ A small number of well to employ our method if relatively few sources

pleCeS could be drawn for chemiCalanalysisfrom are represented intheir archaeologicalcollections・

visualcategoriesthought to representthe common and if those sourcesare sufficiently distinctinappear-
sources,andall pieces that do not appear to come from ance to allow visual sourclng. Since only three

these sources could be assayed by NAA or XRF・ sources make upthe vast majorityofcollectionsfrom
peruand northem Bolivia,and because even fewer
ConclusionLS sources were used in ancient Ecuador (Asaro etal.
Despite published doubts aboutthe etRcacy of visual 1994; Burger etal. 1994), we suggestthatAndean
sourcing (e.g., Moholy-Nagy and Nelson 1990), Sou仙Amedca may be a suitable place to employ

experienced visualanalysts can distinguish consis- the pmCedure・ Moreover,the efficacy ofvisualsourc-
tentlyamongthethree major Obsidiansources rep- ingalready has been demonstrated in lower Central
resented in collections from the Maya reglOn. America (Braswell 1997a; Braswell etal. 1995),and
Obsidianfrom SanMarh'n Jilotepeque isthe most in certain regions of Mexico (e・g・, Heller and Stark
distinctive, but wealso have identified Ixtepeque and 1 998). None血eless, we caution血at it may be some-

EI Chayal obsidian correctly in 94・4 percent what more difncult to developthe techmique in cen-
(204/2 1 6) of our attempts. Visualidenti丘cations of
tralMexico, where two important sources ape Similar
thesethree Maya sources,andalso of the most-com- in appearance, and inthe northwestemfrontier of
mon Mexicansource (Pachuca, Hidalgo) represented Mesoamerica, where many sources were used in
at Maya sites, ∬e highly accurate, and we have ancient times.
280 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY 【VoI. ll, No. 3, 2000】

We cautionthatthe success of visualsourclng lS sic Maya PoliticalBoundaries and the Boundaries ofObsid-
ian Exchange Networks. AncL-ent Mesoamerica 1 0: 2371249・
related to experience; scholars should not expect to Amauld, M. C.
achieve very low error-rates after only one day exper- I 990 EI comercio clasico de obsidiana:rutas entretierrasaltas

imentlng Wi血血e technique. Moreover, 1i血ic ana- y tierras bajas en el area maya・ LLZEz'n American AnEz'qul-ty
1 :347-367.
lysts, particularIythose new tothe method, should Asar0, F., H. V. Michel, R. Sidrys, aJld F. H. Stross
use a comparative reference collection・ This should 1978 High-Precision ChemicalCharacterization of Maya

contain bothartifactsand geological specimensthat Obsidian Sources in Guatemala. Amerl'can Antiquity

exhibitthefull range of visualattributes associated Asaro, F., E. Salazar, H. V. Michel, R. L. Burger, and FI H・ Stross
w仙each source likely to be fわund in an archae0- 1994 EcuadorianObsidian Sources Used for A爪ifact Pro-

10giCalassemblage. We suggestthatthe best strate- duction and Methods for ProvenienceAssignments. LLZh'n
American AnEL-quL-ty5 : 2571277・
gies fわr detenmnlng geological provenance involve Braswell, G. E.
a combined approach of complete visual sourclng 1996 A Maya Obsidl'an SouneI 71he Geoanhaeology, SeEtle-
coupled withlimited compositionalanalysis・ The ment History, and AncL'enE Economy of Sam Martz'n JiLote-
peque, GuatemaLa・ Ph・D・ dissertation, Department of
latter should be used to source pleCeS Of uncertain Anthropology, nllane University・ University Micro別ms,

geological provenance, as well as to demonstrate山e Ann Arbor.

I 997a El intercambio comercialentre los pueblos prehispan-
source-homogeneityof visualcategories established
icos de Mesoamirica y la Gran Nicoya・ Revl'sla de la UTu'-
bythe analyst. Althoughthese are not purely ran- versiu deE ValLe de Guatemala 6: 1 7129.
dom sampling strategleS, We have foundthatthey I 997b El intercambio prehisp血ico en YucatれM血ico・ In X

slmPOSio de invesElgaCiones ariqueOldgicas en Guatemala,

allowthe largest quantity of artifacts to be accurately
1996. vo1 2., edited by J.P. Laporte and H・ Escobedo, pp・
sourced at a low cost, and fbr血e error rates associ-
545-556. Museo Nacionalde ALqueOlogI'a y Etnologl'a,
ated wi血visual sourclng tO be calculated・ Guatemala.
1998 Trade, Procurement,and Population: Obsidianandthe
Maya of the Northem Lowlands. Paper presented atthe 97th
Acknowledgments. NeutrorL aCtivation analysis of the Chitak Tzak
AnnualMeetings oftheAmericanAnthropologiCalAssoci-
sample was supported by grantsfromthe NationalScience Foun- ation. Philadelphia.
dation (DBS-9 10201 6, awarded to Michael D. Glascock) and也e 1999 Losartefactos de obsidiana de Topoxti, EI Peten,
Wenner-Gren Foundation (awaJpded to Eugenia J. Robinson). The Guatemala. Beitnb'ge てur Allgemeinen and VeTgleichenden

authorsthank Brydon J・ B・ Grant and Jacek Dmochowski of AnhdloLogie. Mainz, in pressl

SUNY-Buf払lo fortheir adviceand help withstatisticalanalysis・ 20(氾 Postclassic MesoameriCanObsidian Exchange Spheres・

Our colleagues Jennifer B・ Braswelland Rafael Cobos were kind In The Postclassic Mesoamerican Worhi, edited by M. E.
enough to edit血e Spanish abstract・
Smith and F. Berdan. Universityof Utalt Press, Salt Lake
City, ln preSS・
Braswell, G. E., E.W. Andrews V, and M. D. Glascock
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2. The quarry zone of Sam Barlolome Milpas Altas is located
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Seelen打eund, A., C. Rees., R. Bird, G. Bailey, R. B丘rcena, and

V. DurAn. production・ Prehispanic residents of山e reglOn used Sam

I 996 Trace-ElementAnalysis ofObsidianSources andArdfacts Bartolomi obsidian only rarely for making ad hoe make tools.
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versity Microfilms, Ann Arbor. Received November 29, 1999; accepted March 4, 2000,・
I 977 Mass-Distance Measures forthe Maya Obsidian Trade. revised April I0, 2000.

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