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Bloque 1 Turn up, increase power, sound, arrive; be found after being lost; happen

Nivel 4 unexpectedly;
Claudia Céspedes C. Date: _____ / 4 / 2023
Could you turn the music up? I can’t hear it.
________Phrasal verbs with TURN__________ Turn down, to reject or not accept / to lower the volume or the temperature.
A phrasal verb is a verb like pick up, turn on or get on with. These verbs consists of
Could you turn the TV down? I’m trying to study.
a basic verb + another word or words. The two or three words that make up a
phrasal verb form a short "phrase" - which is why we call them "phrasal verbs". But Turn on, to start; to connect.
a phrasal verb is still a verb. Look is a verb. Look up is also a verb - a different verb.
They do not have the same meaning, and they behave differently grammatically. My mother have to turn on the lights to find her glasses.
Turn off, to stop using a supply of water, gas, or electricity by turning a tap, pressing
a button, or moving a switch
verb definition example
I need to work so I am going to turn off the computer.
Turn into, o stop using a supply of water, gas, or electricity by turning a tap, pressing
single-word verb look direct your You
a button, or moving a switch
eyes in a must look before
certain you leap. The caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly.

phrasal verb + look up search for You can look • Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from above:
verb adverb and find up the word in a
information dictionary. 1. Rain in the morning will ______________________ snow during the
in a
book 2. They wanted to ____________ the television __________ but they didn’t find
the remote.
verb + look after take care of Who is looking 3. Please, ________ this song _______ – I love it!
preposition after the baby?
4. My friend _______________________ the stereo because he wanted to

verb + look forward to anticipate I look forward sleep.

adverb + with to meeting you. 5. How could you ________________________ such a fantastic job?
preposition pleasure

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