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PAPER 02- Free response

Time: 2 hours 15 minutes

Read the following instructions carefully.

1. This paper comprises 4 sections.
2. Answer all questions in each section

Name: ________________________________ Form: _____________

Section 1- Response to situations


Write in SPANISH the information required for EACH of the situations given below. DO
NOT use more than one sentence for each situation. A complete sentence may not be
necessary. DO NOT translate the situations given.

1. Your neighbor wants to know if you can babysit tonight. Write the text message you send
to him/her asking two questions about the job?


2. During your holiday abroad you encountered some problems during your stay at your
hotel. Write a note to the manager, informing him/her of TWO of the problems.



3. You have won a trip to a Spanish-speaking country of your choice. Send an e-mail to a
friend indicating your choice and two reasons for your selection.



4. Your friend has invited you to lunch at a particular restaurant. Write the WhatsApp
message you send to your friend, expressing your preference giving a reason.


5. The students at your school are unhappy about a number of problems at the school. The
Students’ Council requests that each student indicate in writing, his/her complaint. What
do you write?


6. On an application form for a summer job you were asked two reasons why you should be
hired. What do you write?


7. You and a friend are planning a trip to a holiday destination. Ask the travel agent about
direct flights to the particular destination.


8. A classmate has invited you to the movies. However, your parents need to meet the
person before you are allowed to go out with him/her. How do you introduce your
classmate to your parents?




9. You are spending Christmas holidays in Puerto Rico. You send an e-mail to your best
friend expressing your opinion about Christmas in Puerto Rico. What do you write?


10. You reported to the police that your valuable pet dog has been stolen. Write two
descriptive features of the dog that you submit to the police.


(30 marks)

Section 2- Letter

Using the following outline as a guide, write in SPANISH a letter of 100-130 words. Use the
tense or tenses appropriate to the topic.

Your family has moved to a new house in a different neighbourhood. Write a letter to your
Mexican friend telling him/her about the new house. Be sure to include:

(i) Your impression of the house and a description

(ii) How a neighbor greeted you/welcomed you
(iii) The facilities for young people in the community
(iv) A description of your room and how you plan to decorate it.

(Do NOT write your real name or address but include the date in Spanish and include the
appropriate beginning and ending)







































(30 marks)

Section 3- Contextual Dialogue

Using between 60-80 words, use the blank spaces provided to complete the dialogue
between you and the receptionist, by giving your response in SPANISH.


You and your friends have decided on visiting Panama for vacation. You are in charge of
booking the hotel. You found a hotel on the internet and call to make a reservation. Complete the
dialogue between you and the receptionist. Be sure to include:

(i) Greetings
(ii) How many persons
(iii) When you would like the room and for how long
(iv) What type of room you want and what amenities you need with the room
(v) Ask for the cost and state how you intend to pay

Recepcionista: Buenas tardes, Hotel del Mar ¿En qué puedo servirle?

Yo: __________________________________________________________________________


Recepcionista: ¡Claro! Digáme ¿Para cuántas personas?

Yo: ________________________________________________________________________


Recepcionista: Bueno. ¿Qué tipo de habitación necesita usted?

Yo: _________________________________________________________________


Recepcionista: ¿Desea la habitación sola o quiere la habitación todo incluido?

Yo: __________________________________________________________________


Recepcionista: Está bien. No hay problema. Todo es possible. Tenemos muchas faciliades aquí.

¿Para cuándo desea la habitación?

Yo: __________________________________________________________________


Recepcionista: Y, ¿Por cuánto tiempo quiere hospedarse con nosotros?

Yo: __________________________________________________________________


Recepcionista: ¡Excelente! Dime, ¿A nombre de quien?

Yo: ___________________________________________________________________


Recepcionista: Bueno. Por todo, el precio es dos mil dólares.


Yo: _________________________________________________________________


Recepcionista: ¡Por supuesto! Aceptamos todos metódos de pagos.

Yo: _________________________________________________________________


Recepcionista: No hay de problema. Mañana, voy a mandar un correo electrónico para

confirmar la reservación. Nos vemos pronto.

Yo: ________________________________________________________________


(20 marks)

Section 4- Reading Comprehension

Read the following selection carefully. Do NOT translate the selection, but answer the
questions in ENGLISH.


A Real Love Story

Luisa y Carlitos se conocían desde muy jóvenes. Su relación comenzó cuando Carlitos le pidió a

Luisa que le acompañara al baile de graduación de su escuela. Era el último año de sus estudios y

pronto los dos irían a estudiar medicina, ella en los Estados Unidos y él en Cuba.

A causar de estar en países diferentes, la relación empezó a deteriorarse y decidieron que no

podían continuar una relación a larga distancia.

Al terminar sus estudios Luisa regresó a su país y empezó a trabajar en el hospital general. A

Carlitos todavía le faltaba un año. Continuarán una relación por correspondencia pero como


Al terminar, Carlitos también regresó a su país y fue a trabajar en el mismo hospital que Luisa.

Empezaron a salir juntos otra vez y era como si nunca hubieran estado separados.

A los tres meses, Carlitos sorprendió a Luisa un día con un anillo de compromiso, diciendole que

quería pasar el resto de su vida con ella. Luisa estaba soprendida por este acto inesperado, pero

aceptó porque nunca había dejado de querer a su primer novio.

Answer in ENGLISH, the following questions based on the selection you have just read.

Use a complete sentence for each response.

1. When did the relationship between these two begin? (2 marks)



2. Explain their plans after leaving high school. (2 marks)



3. What happened as a result of being apart? (2 marks)



4. What decision did they make? (2 marks)




5. What did Luisa do when she finished her studies? (2 marks)



6. What kind of relationship did they continue? (2 marks)



7. What happened when Carlitos returned home? (2 marks)



8. What did Carlitos give her after three months? (2 marks)



9. What did he say to her? (1 mark)



10. Explain the significance of the title. (3 marks)



Total 20 marks




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