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Milk and milk products: Milk (all types including buttermilk, soy, rice, almond and cow’s),
milkshakes, pasteurized eggnog, smooth ice cream, frozen yogurt, custard, protein drinks,
yogurt without fruit and pudding.

Vegetables: All vegetable and tomato juice. Nil whole or cooked vegetables.

Fruits: All juice and nectar. Nil fruit pieces or stewed chunks

Breads & Grains: Cooked, refined cereals including cream of wheat, grits, cream of rice and
thinned oatmeal. NO rice, pasta or breakfast cereals other than those listed above.

Meat & Meat Substitutes: None.

Fats & Oils: Butter, margarine, cream and oils.

Sweets and Desserts: Sherbet, sugar, sugar substitutes, hard candy, popsicles/ icy poles,
gelatine and fruit pieces, honey and syrups.

Beverages: All tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, hydrolyte/ Gatorade

Soups: Broth, bouillon, smooth tomato soup, pureed soups and strained cream soups. NO
soups with visible food pieces in it.

Others: salt, pepper, sweetener

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