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St Vincent’s Hospital

(Melbourne) Limited
ABN 22 052 110 755

41 Victoria Parade Fitzroy VIC 3065

PO Box 2900 Fitzroy VIC 3065

Telephone 03 9231 2211

Facsimile 03 9231 3399

Patient Information
Important information before your surgery
 You will be required to perform a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) 24 hours prior to arriving for your
surgery or procedure.
 You must have photographic evidence of this NEGATIVE RAT on admission, otherwise your
surgery or procedure may be cancelled or postponed.
 If you are being admitted overnight to hospital you will be required to have a PCR on
 Once you have your confirmed date for surgery please follow the below guidelines:

 Wear a well-fitting face mask at times when out of your house

 Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. You
can use alcohol-based hand sanitiser if soap and water is not available and your hands
are not visibly dirty.

 Please continue to follow any DHHS COVID advice up until your admission and do not
attend for your procedure if you have been requested to isolate. Please call the waitlist
team contact number on your admission letter.

 Please call the waitlist team number should you receive a COVID positive diagnosis,
your condition changes or if a household member is diagnosed with COVID.

 Your procedure will be postponed if you have any of the below symptoms. Please seek
medical advice where needed and contact the waitlist team on the number located on your
admission letter.

o Fever or Chills
o Cough
o Shortness of Breath
o Other symptoms such as a runny nose
o A recent loss of the sense of smell

St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne
Caritas Christi Hospice
St George’s Health Service

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