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Giant Granny Square Afghan


Yarn of your choice – I use medium/aran weight for most of my blankets

Crochet Hook: I – 5.0 MM

Stitch Markers


I Fasten Off each row to change colors, tutorial here!

To keep your square straight, flip your work every other row
CH 3 always counts as 1 DC in the pattern

Crochet Stitches Needed:

ST – Stitch
CH – Chain
SK – Skip

Playlist Featuring How to Start a Circle techniques here!

Slip Stitch (SL ST):

Double Crochet Stitch (DC) –
Giant Granny Square Afghan

Pick your favorite way to start a circle, playlist above!

Row 1: Make circle, 2 DC into center of circle, CH 2, *3 DC into circle, CH 2, Repeat from * 2
more times, SL ST into first DC stitch made in this row

Row 2: CH 3, 2 DC into the same space as CH 3 just made, CH 1, *3 DC in corner space, CH

2, 3 DC into same space, CH 1, repeat from * around the square, SL ST into first CH 3 made
in this row.

Row 3: CH 3, 2 DC into top right corner space, *CH 1, 3DC into next open space, CH 1, 3
DC, CH 2, 3 DC into open corner space, Repeat from * around square, SL ST into first CH 3
made in this row.

This will be the same pattern throughout. In each open space on any side you will do 3 DC.
In-between any 3 DC on the sides you will CH 1. In each corner space you will make 3 DC,
CH 2, 3 DC into the same corner space.

Continue this pattern for each new row until you reach your desired length


I have this free pattern on my blog too, here!

I have a video tutorial on this blanket here!
I have a step by step photo tutorial on this blanket here!

Playlist featuring more free blanket patterns here!


Follow Crochet Me Lovely on all social media @crochetmelovely!

If you want to learn new stitches and techniques subscribe to my Youtube channel here!
Find more patterns on my blog here!

If you have any questions about this pattern email me at:
Thank you for downloading this pattern! Enjoy!

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