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Date: 01.11.


Insert a picture(s) in the grey box of your progress for the day, or what you worked on for the day. (Delete
these directions)

Today we finished putting up the walls of the house as well as finalizing the frame.
We also started working on the spiral staircase
Date: 01.24.2023

Insert a picture(s) in the grey box of your progress for the day, or what you worked on for the day. (Delete
these directions)

Today we worked on the staircase as well as the elevations in CAD

Date: 01.30.2023

Insert a picture(s) in the grey box of your progress for the day, or what you worked on for the day. (Delete
these directions)

Today we worked on building and finishing the spiral staircase in the house
Date: 02.02.2023

Insert a picture(s) in the grey box of your progress for the day, or what you worked on for the day. (Delete
these directions)

Today, we added and finished the staircase as well as made very good progress
on our elevations and floor plan
Date: 02.06.2023

Insert a picture(s) in the grey box of your progress for the day, or what you worked on for the day. (Delete
these directions)

Today we added the floor of the house as well as put up some siding to show how
the house will look when done
Date: 02.09.2023

Today, we worked with the laser cutter to cut out small versions of ourselves to put
inside of the model for a scale of people
Date: 02.15.2023

We finished our model and added the cut out of our group members.

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