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Balsa Wood

Model Build

Architecture II (2022-23)
Team Member Names: Natalie Silos, Milana Srbinovski,
Victoria Rutkowski, Ella Martin, & Riley Jewett
Group Proposal
This one bedroom, two story townhouse is the the perfect starter home for any young adult or couple.
Some other amenities include 1½ bathrooms, washer/dryer, all within 730 sq ft. Comprised primarily of
Balsa wood, this model’s price is around $178.00. The breakdown of the construction process is separate the
lumber, build the walls, trusses, and raise the first story. Next is to install the second story, the stairway, and
to raise the trusses. Finally, we will install the ledgers, rafters, fascia, and barge boards. The timeline for this
projected is centered around seven class periods, with the overall objective of gaining experience with
architecture balsa wood models and creating an elaborate model efficiently. Our goal with this project is to
expand our knowledge of framing and compete in the MITES competition. Members of our team are Riley
Jewett, Natalie Silos, Victoria Rutkowski, Ella Martin, and Milana Srbinovski.
Date: 12.01.2022

Today we officially began constructing our models. We are first working on the walls,
specifically 3, 6, and 13, and have started cutting and gluing the pieces together.
Date: 12.05.2022

Today we continued to work on walls 3, 6, and 13, finishing wall 6 and moving on
to wall 7. Natalie is very happy to be working on the Balsa wood model:)
Date: 12.07.2022

We finished wall 7 and have also finished walls 11 and 14. Walls 3,6, and 13 are
almost complete.

Today we finished walls 3 and 12. We have begun constructing wall 10 and are
almost done with wall 8.
Date: 12.13.2022

Insert a picture(s) in the grey box of your progress for the day, or what you worked on for the day. (Delete
these directions)

We completed walls 3,5,11,12,13, and 14. We are working on walls 10 and 1.

Date: 12.15.2022

Insert a picture(s) in the grey box of your progress for the day, or what you worked on for the day. (Delete
these directions)

We completed wall 4,15, and 1. We’ve started to work on wall 18. Majority of the
walls are completed.
Date: 01.03.2023

In all, our group has completed walls 1,3,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,13,14, and 16; this is out
of 18 walls total. We have six more walls to go and are working on walls 2,15, &
Date: 01.05.2023

We’ve completed Walls 2 and 15. We are now starting to work on the trusses.
Date: 01.09.2022

Today we are working on walls 17 & 18. We are also starting to make more of the
Date: 01.13.2023

Insert a picture(s) in the grey box of your progress for the day, or what you worked on for the day. (Delete
these directions)

We finished wall 18 and continued working on the trusses.

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