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Balsa Wood

Model Build

Architecture II (2023-24)
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade
Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 12-19-23

We have begun the process of building. We have started off with the first wall
measuring the document to align with the actual project
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza


Today we finished walls 1 and 5 and we are starting on wall one. We had some
struggles with the nails but overall we stayed on tasked and contained to work.
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 1-8-24

Today Nick was able to start on the A frames, while Joey and Jade continued on
the 3&6. We made good progress, and are working together.
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 1-10-24

Today Nick finished 1 out of the 7 A frames, while Joey and Jade , worked on the
walls completing Wall 3, 5 and wall 6
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 01-22-24

Today Nick has finished 4-7 A Frames, Joey began to work on the stairs and wall
9. Then Jade continued on the last large wall, wall 4.
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 1-25-24

Today Jade and Nick worked on walks 1,9 and 10. Nick finished all the A Frames
and started working on the A Frames with a window and studs.
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 1-29-24

Today Nick finished A Frame A, and began on A Frame A (2). Then Jade finished
the biggest wall Wall 7, and now is going to begin on the foundation plan.
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 1-31-24

Today Joey and Nick worked on the stairwell. They completed 6 out of 12 treads.
Today Jade started the foundation and began the process of building the
connectors for the A Frames
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 2.2.24

Today Nick worked on putting together the foundation and Joey finished cutting
out all of his stairs. He also started to work on the railing, but because it was a
shortened hour, we didn't have too much time
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 2-6-24

Today Nick continued on the foundation plans. Jade worked on the final walls,
walls 9,10, and Joey started attaching the treads to the staircase. 😃
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 2-8-24

.Today Nick and Joey took pictures in front of the green screen. Nick is almost
done with completing the foundation plan and Joey completed attaching the stairs
and started with the railings.
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 2-14-24

Today Jade started working on the floor plan, and started laying down the pieces
of plywood. Today was a shorter day so next class the floor will be done
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 2-15-24

Today Nick completed the floor braces and put on flooring. Jade and Joey started
to put the house together. Joey also had to fix his staircase because someone
broke it but Joey persevered and fixed his staircase better than before. Joey put
on the railing as well finishing the staircase. 💪💪
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 02-21-24

Today Joey started working on the floor plans on AutoCAD, and finishing the first
outline. While Nick and Jade started placing the trusses into place connecting
them to the walls. They finished trusses 1-5 today.
Team Member Names: Nick Fredrick, Jade Salvatore, Giuseppe Sapienza

Date: 02-27-24

Today Joey continued on creating the AutoCAD plans, along with finishing the first
floor. Jade and Nick were able to place the stairs inside the model along with
starting to build the roof!
Date: 02-29-24

Today Jade and Nick had to redo the roof to the other side but finished the
majority of the new roof. Joey continued to work on the CAD getting close to the
Date 3-7-24

For the last day Nick finally finished our siding on our house. Joey has continued
to work on the CAD almost completing most of it today, just adding small touches.

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