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Gilbert V.


BSE Science 1A

Humans are part of the environment and the entire biodiversity, they are benefiting
each other by taking care of the biodiversity, and so, the biodiversity will produce an
enough natural resources and services. Human necessities including food, shelters, and
specifically health related products are given by the biodiversity. But, human population
is actively increasing, resulting for the degradation of the carrying capacity of the
biodiversity. Moreover, the sustainability plan for the growth of biodiversity should employ
and implement, in order to maintain and achieve the equilibrium between the needs of
people specifically in health and the growth of biodiversity.

In addition, as a person and student, I was able to see the common activities that
can harm biodiversity. First, excessive use of cell phone, so if it is low in battery, charging
is the solution, but the sources of electricity are using different energy coming from the
biodiversity, which is bad if it is too much. Second, humans are obsessed to buy their
wants, they are demanding every minutes and hours to the biodiversity. Lastly, most of
the people are relying their needs to the biodiversity, but, often they are abusing it. For
this reason, I want to maintain the healthy biodiversity by promoting the beauty of it if
cannot manipulated by humans, and educating the citizens by making advertisements
that makes them aware on the bad effects of degrading the biodiversity.

Additionally, biodiversity plays a vital role in the field of medicine. Biodiversity can
produce natural aids by the help of human studies and experimentations. But, humans
should consider the protection of biodiversity by understanding the factors that can affect
it in good and bad ways. Humans should manage their actions appropriately by setting
limits in order to sustain the proper flow of the biodiversity. Furthermore, the environment
is capable in any role that can benefit humans, environment is the great provider of all the
needs of humans such as food, shelters, raw materials, habitats, medicines, and artificial
energy. Thus, we need to take care the entire biodiversity as the biodiversity take care
our life.

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