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Libertarianism manages to lean towards economic issues and liberal on

everyone's freedom/personal freedom, libertarianism is shown in the episode
because rick just wants to be safe and home with his family but instead he got
taken by this alien then he also got taken by the citadel of ricks which
definitely shows rick has no freedom because someone is always after him or
wants to kill him but continuing on rick sanchez is counted as libertarianism
because he disagrees with what any government has to say because rick
sanchez believes he’s a god and that the government is just a waste of time

It is important to remember that just because this show talks about how bad
the government is and how the government is basically a lie you can’t believe
everything you hear on tv or in general because you never know who's
secretly lying to you or doesn’t wanna tell you something that might play a
key role in your life, us as people should always look for evidence if something
is a lie or if something is fake because without evidence how can you prove
your point to people who depend on other people to tell them what to do and
tell them what to believe

Discussion questions
1. How would you describe Rick sanchez?

2. Do you think that libertarianism is what fits this episode?

If yes explain how and why

3. How do you know that this is not another political issue?

4. Do you think the government is lying to the people?

Why or why not?

5. Do you think it is important that all audiences stay informed/learn

about political philosophy?

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