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Original Content:
Although The Treaty of Versailles was formally regarded as the treaty that ended
WW1, the treaty of Versailles was actually a reflection of the events that occurred
during WWI because it required Germany, the main country responsible for fighting
for the Central powers to lose the territory they claimed during the war, forced
them to pay reparations to the Allies, and reduce their military size. Germany
claimed many territories during the war so the treaty made them give the
territories back up reflected their actions during the war. Germany basically had
to undo all of their conquerings. Next, the warfare caused by the Central Powers
had caused all of the Allies countries to be in financial shambles so the treaty
reflects it by having Germany pay them back. Although this part of the Treaty had
good intentions, it just made a different country's citizens struggle. Finally,
Germany’s military size was reduced; that action is a reflection of WWI because
many countries in the Central powers, like Germany, had disproportionate military
sizes and strengths to the Allied powers. Their decreasing military sizes and
weaponry reflected how the Allies had fewer troops and worse weapons than the
Central powers. Overall, the Treaty of Versailles was a reflection of the events
that occurred during WWI because it forced the Central powers to receive the
consequences of what they did to the Allies.

Rewritten Content:
although The Treaty of Versailles became officially seemed because the treaty that
ended WW1, the treaty of Versailles became honestly a reflection of the occasions
that took place throughout WWI because it required Germany, the primary country
liable for fighting for the vital powers to lose the territory they claimed
throughout the war, compelled them to pay reparations to the Allies, and decrease
their military size. Germany claimed many territories at some point of the war so
the treaty made them provide the territories back up reflected their actions at
some point of the war. Germany essentially needed to undo all of their conquerings.
subsequent, the war due to the critical Powers had prompted all of the Allies
nations to be in financial shambles so the treaty displays it by having Germany pay
them back. even though this part of the Treaty had suitable intentions, it simply
made a distinctive country's citizens struggle. eventually, Germany’s military size
was decreased; that action is a reflection of WWI due to the fact many nations
within the primary powers, like Germany, had disproportionate military sizes and
strengths to the Allied powers. Their reducing military sizes and weaponry pondered
how the Allies had fewer troops and worse guns than the crucial powers. overall,
the Treaty of Versailles became a reflection of the occasions that happened
throughout WWI because it compelled the valuable powers to obtain the consequences
of what they did to the Allies.

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