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Dear mom

Today, I’m writing this letter because we couldn’t find a common voice now we are really
stressed. I don’t hope that after you see this letter you must talk with me but I hope you can
understand that no matter what happens. we are still a family. I know over the past time
our family has been through a lot of trouble.

and I have 3 things I want to told you to recap my reason just hope you can calm down to
understand my choice. First. About the piano lesson. I know from the time we move to
America you believed we could be anything you wanted to be in America. Special that
is my future You believe me that I can be famous and I remember that you told me
"Of course, you can be a prodigy, too," my mother told me when I was nine. "You can
be best at anything . This is the best word for encouragement and you told me that I
have to go to learn piano lesson of Mr. Chong. I know you believe me that I can do
anything and it’s real because I have a performance to play in a talent show that was to
be held in the church hall. The second thing That I’m so sory about my actions after the
retical. I know and I can guess your feelings but you can know that I’m also sad because
before I performance I practice really hard and I think you can see and guess my feelling.
And I apologize that I said I’m not going to play anymore, why should I? I’m not a genius. I
know you really angry and disappointed. I can understand your feelling but you need to
understand my feelling because I’m not a genius this real. And that is the word I will regret in
my life I WISH I’D NEVER BORN! I WISH I WERE DEAD! I’m so so sory mom because
at that time I’m really stress and sad I hope you can understand my feelling. I know Nobody
want to this quarrel happened but the main reason that you. You put me to do everything you
want. I know you believe me. You think me can do everything or I’m prodigy or a genius. I
really proud of you because you believed me and you help me everytime when I need. But I
need to remind that “I am not a genius “ so please don’t force me to do everything. Piano still
my favourite instrument but I just want to play it for relax not become famous.
In conclusion I write this letter for you because we can’t talk together now. I know you really
angry and disappointed but I still stress about that. So I wasn’t hoping that you can do
anything for me. I’m just hoping that you don’t compel me to do everything you like. And
finally your birthday is coming up. I hope I can see you email before you birthday to help
our family will have a good party for your birthday
Love mom

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