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Made by: Emiliano Alvarez and Samuel Montes

Date: April 17 2023
Asignature: Science

1.According to the text, classify the Capybara with the hierarchical taxonomy
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris is a species of order rodentia, in the cavid family,
native to South America. It is the largest and heaviest living rodent in the
world. Its close relatives include guinea pigs and mocós, and it is more
distantly related to the agouti, chinchilla, and coypu. It inhabits wetlands and
dense forests and lives near bodies of water. It is a very social species and
can be found in groups of up to one hundred individuals, but it usually lives in
groups of ten to twenty individuals. The capybara belongs to the family
caviidae, and does not need to have preoccupations of extinctions, in the state
of conservation, they are in lowest preoccupations. Capybara belongs to the
genus of hydrochoerus and in his species of animals, Capybara's adaptation
to water led it to include fish in its diet, capybara developed its body to last a
long time underwater. Their webbed feet help them maneuver in water and
traverse soft, muddy ground. Their facial features are located towards the top
of their large heads, allowing them to see and breathe while swimming.
2. What are the adaptations of the Capybara?

All information Taken from:


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