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Multiple Choice (Applying)

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. Let one white tile represent +1 and one black tile represent 1. Write the integer modelled by this set of

a. +7 b. –1 c. +3 d. +1

2. Let one white tile represent +1 and one black tile represent -1.
You have 10 black tiles. What tiles do you need to model 0?
a. 9 black b. 10 white c. 9 white d. 10 black

3. Let one white tile represent +1 and one black tile represent 1.
What sum does this set of tiles model? Write the addition equation.

a. (+4) + (+3) = +3 c. (+3) + (+4) = +7

b. (-4) + (+3) = –1 d. (-3) + (+4) = +1

4. Let one white tile represent +1 and one black tile represent -1.
What sum is modelled by 6 white tiles and 2 black tiles?
a. +7 b. +8 c. –4 d. +4

5. Add.
(-8) + (+12)
a. -20 b. +20 c. +4 d. 4

6. The temperature is 15°C and drops 8°C.
Write an addition equation to calculate the final temperature. What is the final temperature?
a. (+15) + (+8) = +9; 9°C c. (+8) + (+15) = +23; 23°C
b. (+8) + (-15) = –7; –7°C d. (+15) + (-8) = +7; 7°C

1. B

2. B

3. B

4. D

5. C

6. D

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