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HERscent Diffuser is a product that helps to repel mosquitoes. In the year 2018,

Dengue fever a disease caused by mosquitoes alarmed the town of Pugo, La Union. The

product was created to help avoid mosquitoes from biting people. The investigatory

project was made from herbs and fruits which are alternative for the chemicals in

chemical based anti-mosquito products. It included boiling and mixing of the ingredients

white wine, lemon grass, lemon peels or citrus peels. The HERscent diffuser was tested

in Cares, Pugo, La Union where it was found out that the HERscent Diffuser was

effective in avoiding mosquitoes from homes. Its effectiveness was tested by counting

the mosquitoes that was left while the diffuser was on use and it was compared to

commercial repellants. On using the HERscent product, there were 3 unaffected

mosquitoes while the commercial product did not affect 2 mosquitoes.

At the end of the research, they have concluded that the HERscent product is

effective in avoiding mosquitoes. It is also much safer to use than the commercial



The researchers therefore conclude that the product HERscent is effective in avoiding

mosquitoes. The hypothesis is accepted because the HERscent product successfully

repel mosquitoes and it is healthier and safer to use that chemical based commercial



To improve the use of the HERscent diffuser, the following are recommended:

1. Research on how to further strengthen the fragrance of the HERscent diffuser.

2. Research on how to prolong the time the scent of the diffuser will last.

3. Research on the effects of the HERscent diffuser on house flies.

4. Research on creating a candle out of the HERscent diffusers.

5. Research on what material to use that can stronger diffuses the HERscent



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