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Basic Practice Unit 7 Test  

Name: ................................ Mark: ...........


Vocabulary 20 points Grammar 20 points

1 Elige la respuesta correcta. (7 puntos) 1 Completa las frases con estos verbos
1. Our skin / knee covers our body. modales. (5 puntos)
2. I put my head on his brain / chest and tried to need to  can  may not  don’t have to  could
listen to his heart. 1. My grandfather asked me to speak louder, so
3. Maggie can’t talk because her throat / he .................................. hear me better.
stomach hurts. 2. You .................................. order tickets in
4. I have to sit down because I feel swollen / dizzy. advance, but it’s probably a good idea.

5. I ate too much and now I’ve got an 3. You .................................. open this present
upset stomach / elbow. until your birthday tomorrow.

6. He’s having difficulty breathing, so the doctor 4. Our coach always tells our team that we
is checking his lungs / shoulders. .................................. win before a game.

7. They hurried to the chemist’s to buy the 5. I .................................. repair the computer
headache / ointment. because I’ve got a report to write.

2 Escribe las letras que faltan para completar 2 Escribe una frase sobre cada situación.
las palabras. (6 puntos) Utiliza los verbos modales entre paréntesis y
estas expresiones. (5 puntos)
1. Dylan can’t join the army because he’s got a
problem with his h ..... a ..... t. finish the exercises  bring his girlfriend
wash their hands before dinner  go to bed early
2. The doctor said that the boy’s meet them later
t ..... ..... p ..... ..... ..... t ..... ..... e was too high
and sent him to hospital. 1. The boys came home from the playground. (must)

3. I stayed in the sun too long at the beach and I ........................................................................

burnt my b ..... ..... k. 2. He is always tired. (should)
4. The shop assistant showed me different ways ........................................................................
to wear the scarf around my n ..... ..... k.
3. My brother will take us to the cinema. (might)
5. Liam began to c ..... u ..... h nervously before
he presented his project to the class.
4. Mark didn’t understand the maths homework.
6. Many people didn’t come to work last week
because they had f ..... ..... .
3 Completa las frases con estas palabras.
5. I am busy now. (can)
(7 puntos)
pill  cold  be sick  bite  itchy  swollen  sneeze
1. Don’t eat too much cake if you don’t want 3 Elige la respuesta correcta. (10 puntos)
to ................................. . One of the dangers of climbing mountains is acute
2. Andrea began to ................................ because mountain sickness, or AMS. AMS 1. may / must
the garage was full of dust. happen at altitudes over 2,500 metres, where your
3. You should clean that mosquito ................................ body 2. should / needs to adapt to air with less
with antiseptic! oxygen. One mountain climber said that anyone
could / has to suffer from AMS. Some people
4. My foot is ................................ and it hurts. 4.
can’t / didn’t need to climb Mount Everest
I’m afraid it’s broken. because they suffer from AMS. If you or another
5. In the spring, I feel ................................ climber feel dizzy, you 5. don’t have to / mustn’t
because of my allergies. continue climbing. You 6. need to / might get to
6. She always gets a ................................ at the a lower altitude immediately. There, you 7. must /
beginning of the winter. could rest and drink a lot of water. How 8. must /
can you prevent AMS? Firstly, you 9. should / may
7. The doctor gave me a ................................ for climb slowly. Secondly, you 10. have to / may rest
the pain. occasionally when you climb at high altitudes.

 NEW ENGLISH IN USE ESO 4 BASIC PRACTICE Photocopiable © Burlington Books 

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