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I’d love to live in a family house overlooking sea ideally in heat maybe somewhere

like Spain.

I’d like to have a living room full of football posters, so I could look at them with
love as I never had an opportunity, thanks to my parents.

The house would be large, spacious, and preferably two-storey with a garage.

It would have garden, which would make my life easier.

I can see myself lying on a lounger holding a drink overlooking the sea with the
kids running around and my wife lying on a lounger next to me.

It would be good to have security camera right on my doorstep, so that through the
security system I can see on the screen who is standing in front of the door and
wants to let in. I would also like to have a dog that, in addition to bringing joy to
the family, would also watch over us and our house.

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