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In this past week the most beneficial guest speaker was the one on Thursday in my own opinion.

The Tuesday lecture was beneficial to learn about the importance of a personalized web page. The
personalized webpage allows potential employers to get a more personal image of a potential
employee. Instead of a purely professional resume, it allows employers to see the professional side and
show a little bit more of personal information. Whereas a resume shows a shorter more professional
view of the person. On Thursday, the guest speaker outlined a greater importance of organization in the
workplace. One of his points of reference was setting aside time to do important things and the
allocation of doing your actual job compared to doing useless things that others should do. More
specifically delegation of tasks to not overwhelm yourself.

In addition, to keep the story of the hot sauce/learning experiences going, the hot sauce has
been deemed to be amazing. The original experience with the hot sauce was tragic yet it taught me a
very valuable lesson. The hot sauce is very good in moderation. A light amount of sauce is extremely
good and does not have the adverse effects I had previously mentioned. This upcoming week I plan to
try creating a stuffed pork chop, cordon bleu style and a croque monsieur.

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