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CODE & SCHEDULE: (2290) WTH 1:30-6:00pm


Final Exam Part 2 GETHICS

1. Define both and differentiate Act Utilitarianism from Rule Utilitarianism.

Act utilitarianism is the concept where the consequences of each action we

do are tallied to know whether an action is morally right or wrong. It is a
concept where the morality of an activity is defined by its utility to the majority
of people, and that this act is morally correct since it produces greater benefit.
Rule utilitarianism, on the other hand, states that a rule is morally good if the
consequences of following it are more positive than unfavorable to everyone.
The act utilitarian evaluates simply the consequences  or repercussions of a
single act, whereas the rule utilitarian considers the consequences of obeying a
set of rules.

2. Put yourself in a situation where a policeman comes to your house looking for
your brother who is a suspect of a crime. Will you tell him your brother’s
whereabouts? If you were Immanuel Kant, what would be the moral thing to

If I were in that situation, I would tell the policeman where I think my brother is
and just try my best to help him if he’s innocent. And if I were given a chance to
decide as if I am Immanuel Kant, I would still tell the policeman my brother’s
whereabouts because it is the most rational and moral thing to do. I will
formulate a maxim for this situation with a purpose that can help my brother
and try my best to follow the maxim I’ve made for myself.

3. What makes Virtue Ethics different from Utilitarianism and Deontology? Why is
it considered as a more practical approach to morality?

Three normative approaches to ethics are utilitarianism, deontology, and

virtue ethics. A virtue is an excellent trait of character. With this being said, virtue
theory focuses on character qualities rather than rules or consequences,
whereas deontology considers an action to be ethical only if it follows a moral
rule or principle, and utilitarianism considers the consequences based on
happiness for the largest number of people. The approach of Virtue ethics to
morality states that we acquire virtue through practice to develop an
honorable and moral character.
4. If you encounter a person infected with COVID-19, what would your reaction
be? Will you react like a utilitarianist, deontologist, or a virtue theorist? Explain.

I were in a situation where I’m exposed to a person infect with Covid-19, I

would be flabbergasted with the fact that he/she was not aware that he/she
was carrying the virus. I will act like a virtue theorist because the confrontation
and advices that I’ll probably give practices bravery and honesty.And I believe
that this is the best action that a virtuous person would do in this kind of

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